Montreal Escorts

Why is good manners to prepare the donation...

  • Thread starter Lily from Montreal
  • Start date

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I wonder how some mistakes like that could really be made... i always count 2 or 3 times to be sure i have the right ammount. For overpaying, i guess its tip plain and simple and the best way you can say thanks is just keeping giving an excellent service :p

I mean, i would like your opinion on tips. You see at first people used to tell me i should tip escorts, i did for a while, then i started using agencies that had "extras" so i came to the conclusion that if the girl is 180$ all included, she well deserve a tip if the service is nice. but when you pay for the extra, to me its her "tip" if i can say... Agree on that?

As for other life event, im thinking tipping is now so damn mandatory that its not even tip. I took 2 beers at my hotel, they costed like 7$ each(for molsen export) i was like "holy shit" , i took a couple beer at that bar on ste-cathrine near the mcdo, and the beer was 3.75, i was surprise it was that cheap for MTL, in that case i don't mind giving a 5 and leaving the rest as tip. But at 7$... i still tip the guy 2$, thats a freaking lot for 2 beers, and the worst, the service was even poor. I come there, just ask for 2 beers and if i could pay with my credit card, he say yes, pull them out of the fridge but then goes on serving other people(??) , i was between 2 dates and i didn't have a lot of time, and worst my beers where out of the fridge and im picky on my alchool being SUPER COLD when i drink it. I tough about not letting any tip... or a mere 50 cents as a "hey the service was bad' but then... i didn't want to look like a cheap ass... should i had do different?

Lily from Montreal

Not at all HM, tip is given to tell the person you appreciate the service, if it is poor then no tip,that apply to your beer service...
If it is a hobby situation the tip is never expected and and I would give one only if the service is beyond your expectations, at the average rate service is better be tip only if you meet a girl and it is like ''Wow!''...if both of you forgot the clock it is a good indication it is a ''wow'' moment...

Old beginner: incall is awkard because you obviously cannot place the envelope discreetly in advance and it my case half of the time I forget about it and it is my friends who have to remind me when I am about to leave... loll,
I would just place it discreetly near her bag while you undress,of course I rarely do incall per se, maybe another lady can answer more precisely?


New Member
Jun 3, 2013
I forgot to pay at a girl's incall one time. First time meeting her. At the end when we were getting dressed she still hadn't said anything, and all of a sudden it hit me and I felt so stupid. I was surprised she was so patient about it, I would have said something by then!

For some girls if they have to ask for money then it spoils the mood a bit for them. Or same thing if she doesn't mention it , it will be on her mind the whole time. For the best time with her, just pay upfront.


New Member
Jun 3, 2013
Also met a girl for a first date for multiple hours, I put the donation on her bed table plus $50 tip! (used all $100 bills). She didn't touch it the entire time.

Weird thing is, I saw her a second time and at the beginning of the session I told her that I left the $ in the bathroom. She ran there and counted it. Why would she be so concerned after not only I paid the first time but I gave her a huge tip in advance?! And she didn't check in our first meeting. It didn't bother me too much but it was definitely strange.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...

My own preference: Just take the time to arrive, and after, just simply put your envelope on a table, maybe before the shower could be a good moment,
because when you are coming back, "party" is just good to begin then.

That's a very easy and quick operation to do when it is already all prepared, and I think that's maybe just helping to create a "GFE" mood to take care of that part smoothly.


Humm, maybe it is just me, but to receive a tip is a compliment, but what it is much more a bigger compliment, is to see someone regularly.
Something in between, is someone who is taking his time to find something special to give to you as a little gift to show you his appreciation.

The perfect match is someone who is seeing regularly + giving a little something special. When this is happening, I am feeling very spoiled and appreciated.
Tips will be appreciated also, but in my mind, I will prefer that my gentleman keep the money to help him to see me the next time.
What I live and that's also very nice, is someone who is preparing the room, and having little snacks, something nice to drink. It is giving a ambience of Holiday's to the encounter. That's very festive.

About the counting: My own rule: The first time, I am counting in front and very quickly, and I am explaining that I am counting only the first time, because it is the first time, and if we will be meeting in the future, no need to count anymore.
Why in front? Because I am honest, and if ever there is an error, I will say (more or less) often, when it is more is when someone is giving a tip upfront because of the time I am taking while the emails exchanges. I even received a couple of time, jewels for that. For some, they were not accustomed to receive this style of attention.

So, HM, maybe you can try to buy a little thing and give it instead to give a tip and see how the girls will react? You might be surprise... :smile:
Even a gift card at Sephora or in a sex shop or in a spa or in anything that you know that your "encounteress" is liking.
That's really really rare that girls won't appreciate it.
Last edited:


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
I always do incalls and I usually give the envelope directly to the lady at the beginning. For a first meeting, I think the best is to give the envelope and then go to the bathroom, so she can count discreetly if she wants.

A couple of years ago I saw an Indy and the next day I sent her a follow-up e-mail to say I would like to see her again eventually and she told me I did not put the right amount of money in the envelope. That was embarrassing, but at least I saw her again soon and paid the difference with interests. So I encourage all the escorts to count the money during the meeting. Personally I feel better when the money is given and counted directly at the beginning so we know there is no problem. Another story: recently I went to see someone I see regularly and when I got back home I realized I forgot to give her the envelope and she forgot to ask me. Fortunately I'm one of her regulars so that was not difficult to fix.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I think we all forgot money in our life eventually, lol, i got to admit im double carefull when i meet an escort, leaving my money at home would be a tragedy to me lol, but the other day i was at the grocery, arrive at the cash, and boom... no wallet... shit, thanksfully im a small order guy, always go every 2-3 days cause i like my food fresh so i asked the clerk if i just could let it there, i would be back in 5 mins, i live just next door, there was no problem since im a regular and its a village, but its always embarassing.

Maria : So far i have seen more or less just agency girls, and i had only 2 regulars(4 meeting each) so usually its a new girl and i think those kind of gift are not well suited in that case. Not to mention a 20$ tip is easily put with the money, but a gift card or whatever would probably be more expensive. Not being from MTL is also a problem, i always just hang around the bus station, never go very far so well... I will say i tough of buying a rose once for one of the girl, but i then tough she would think its ridiculous and probably throw it away as she enter the car.... not to mention it would be a bit a pain to put it in my luggage :p

As for drinks where i use to book hotel there was no fridge in the room, so it was a bit complicated, but if i book again where i did last time, then yeah i could get something, but i never know what to... i don't like wine much, and a whole bottle for a 1 hour meeting seem a lot, don't want to drunk up the girl :p Girls usually don't like too much beer either, i dunno, im just so newby in that domain on how to handle it with girls.

I will admit too that i like my current system of what is more or less "wham bam thank you mam" as you guys call it here, especially when its new girls. When its regulars tough then yeah i could maybe go the extra miles. The problem is the money, as i have just enough to continue seeing the ladies regulary. I would love to one day book a 6-8 hour date, take the girl to the restaurant, then back at the hotel, have some sex, go clubbing with her and stuff like that, and would i have the money i would, but i can't afford it right now, just as i can't afford duos(would like to try it one day too) i find it more money worth to book the 2 girls on same night but individual hours... double time it lol


Oct 11, 2012
the best I can get
I like to deal with indies and agencies with good reputation. So his mine. I like to put the money upfront on a table so the lady can see it. Everybody's mind is at peace and we can forget about the money because I am not here for money and I expect her to forget about it too...

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
HM, just to give you an idea

Gift could be anything, by example, I received CD's, DVD's, books, photographies, jam (yes, I receive a pot of strawberry jam home made , I just adore strawberries... and pineapple ) chocolate, pearls, sticks for my hair maid specially for me, bottle of wine, clothes, parfume, jewels... I would say everything could work (cheap or more expensive) , and yes, agency's girl could appreciate little attentions also, the less you know her, maybe just go with something general. And for the gift card, I think you can command them by internet possibly.
But, that's not something I am telling you mandatory to do... I just told you, maybe make a try, and see how the girl will react, and how will go your encounter after. You might be surprise... :smile: Like you said, that's an extra milleage to do, but girls with good hearts will certainly be more enthusiasts. It's a give-give situation.

Flowers could be very nice to receive, but they are much more less discrete when you return back home and draw the attention of the workers of the hotel when you are walking out , and for an agency girl, maybe is even less easy.

Anyway, this thread is about the donation.


Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Bah Gift is a natural variation of donations, i think it fit the subject well enough to side a bit the conversation...

Well got to say those ideas kinda bluff me, i never tough about bringing a CD or a DVD to an escort, i mean especially without knowing her tastes. Much of the rest you mention exept maybe the chocolates usually are in the very expensive categories... unless you buy some cheap stuff but i doubt they would apreciate a cheap wine, a cheap jewelry or a cheap perfum... Those looks cheap in the first place and are usually bad looking/smelling. Maybe there some good cheap wine but i don't really drink that, can't really know. I can't afford to put 100$ in a gift... at that price i would just go and book 1.5 hour or 2 hours instead... lol

Im sure as an indy, and especially as a more mature women, those are certainly stuff you may apreciate, but the 20 y.o agency girl that more or less does that for easy and quick money probably don't care that much and would rather receive it as tip then stuff she may not like. I think its a whole different world between your type of escort and there type. Just like as a client i am very different than a guy like Doc or Igna or the other older guys. Just when people call me "Mister" in real life it make me weird.. im like "just call me by my first name, or my gamertag, wich one you prefer, cause yeah my buddies all call me by my online name even in real life, and no it aint Halloween Mike, wish i could get rid of that name without loosing my post and

Anyway , like i already said im always very myself when i call escorts, and with some it clicks well, and with some not so much, depends on the personalities, chemistry and a bunch of stuff. Sometimes it can take up to 2 meeting too, i rememer my first meeting with Kate back then years ago(chloe's playground era), the chemistry was not the best(yet still ok) but i always regreted having only took a blowjob, and she was(and still is) smokin hot, so when she got back in business with GG i booked her again, and damn it was awesome. She was not new anymore, i wasn't as shy too since she already saw me naked lol and with every meeting i saw her, it seem to have get better and better.

Also it may sound cheap, but i prefer keeping my money to book more girls or to pay bills than afford expensive gift, i ain't looking fo a girlfriend, im paying to have sex, and i know these girls would never even give me a second look in real life. I work part time, don't make much money and im pretty much cutting on other stuff to see escorts in the first place, so well :p


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

My own preference: Just take the time to arrive, and after, just simply put your envelope on a table, maybe before the shower could be a good moment,

I've been seeing escorts since 2001. Because of laws in the U.S. I was very nervous at first about how to present the donation. One thing I was sure to do because of concern about U.S. laws was to avoid offering or refer to any money before sex unless the lady asked for it. Since then there have been less than 5 times, maybe 3, a lady has asked about the money at the start of an encounter and only one that I can remember ever put it in her purse at the start.

Since then it's been very rare that there is any mention of the fee until after the lady showered and dressed and ready to go. In some cases they have gone to the door and I had to remind them about the fee. My point is that the giving of the fee has been almost a total non-issue even though some of the ladies have been a bit stiff, reluctant to engage in intimacy for a long time, and otherwise obviously there with a poorer attitude about performing the about the money than most, and yet still not showing any obvious concern about being paid until the very end.

Not being a handsome guy, not with a great athletic build, and probably not as magnificently engaging as I would hope I was :D, I was wondering why some other clients seem to have had a different experience with the fee? What happens to make the lady feel like she needs to make this an issue earlier? Are there clues that make her more nervous or is this just about the difference in some ladies? Having been around so long and having experienced so rarely with very different ladies it seems to me that the issue is more about the clients ladies deal with than the ladies themselves.

I leave the donation in partial view so I can point to it or get it quickly if asked, but rarely in an easily noticeable spot.

Bah Gift is a natural variation of donations, i think it fit the subject well enough to side a bit the conversation...

Well got to say those ideas kinda bluff me,...unless you buy some cheap stuff but i doubt they would apreciate a cheap wine, a cheap jewelry or a cheap perfum... Those looks cheap in the first place and are usually bad looking/smelling. Maybe there some good cheap wine but i don't really drink that, can't really know. I can't afford to put 100$ in a gift... at that price i would just go and book 1.5 hour or 2 hours instead... lol

I'm not sure why you or anyone would go through the trouble of saying any of the above unless you're feeling defensive about how you decided to handle giving anything extra. Giving a donation or a gift is a free choice. It doesn't matter what it is if the client freely wishes to spend his own money. You not wishing to spend your money on extra time with the lady is the same free choice. So why make a point of anyone doing otherwise???

Your use of the word "cheap" several times also comes off as a defensive characterization. How would you know if any of it was cheap, or if the lady felt that way about any gift from others. A music CD, for example, might cost less than a minimal $20 dollar tip, but it could very well be something anyone might value emotionally well above it's monetary value, as might other gifts that are not expensive but very rare and very hard to find, and so have a high value beyond the price.

Also it may sound cheap, but i prefer keeping my money to book more girls or to pay bills than afford expensive gift, i ain't looking fo a girlfriend, im paying to have sex, and i know these girls would never even give me a second look in real life. I work part time, don't make much money and im pretty much cutting on other stuff to see escorts in the first place, so well :p

Okay, you don't have much money and you can't afford to give gifts or tips. There's nothing wrong with that. But again why go over all the stuff about "cheap" gifts and/or donations when it's really irrelevant to your ability to do the same and so lacks credibility. There's no need or right to criticize what others are doing when you don't have the choice to do the same or choose not to. When you are choosing for one reason or another not to give a gift or tip, having a little laugh about what others do..."Bah"...only makes it seem like you are trying to justify being cheaper. There's nothing wrong with just paying the donation fee, but why then knock anyone for giving anything more.



Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Merlot, i don't care nor justify what others may give or not... you got the post wrong. I am saying what I(in my, myself and i) think about it. If you feel like giving a personal written poem to your favorite escort, then proceed... She may find it super cute, or not, i dunno, but its between you and her. Me, i am only giving my own opinion... I listen to metal, i live metal music and therefore i doubt an escort i would see would like the same type of music as i do, and again, how could i know if she got that specific CD i want to offer her... Thats what i was talking about in my post... Its not some christmas family gift exchange, where you can give the invoice with the gift in case the person prefer to chane it....

And i am "going the trouble of saying" because this is me, i never hide anythin from anyone, and i got this motto of "take it or leave it" (like the Arch Enemy Song No Gods No Masters), i am NOT feeling ashame of anything i do, anything i say(unless im heavily under the influence of alchool, in wich case yeah i can become pretty stupid like most people) becaue this is me and what i do.... I don't pretend, i don't bullshit... This way you never look back in life and regret :D

And i never made a laugh of what anybody can do.... where did you get that... Maybe i said i feel its weird, but i never laught at it. Hell, if you been seeing this particular escort and its the 6th time you see her, and she mention she love that band and always wanted that particular CD but never got the chance to get it.. then sure go ahead and buy it for her... why would i find it funny? I just said ME giving a CD to an agency girl would be weird.... bizarre... thats all...
Not being a handsome guy, not with a great athletic build, and probably not as magnificently engaging as I would hope I was , I was wondering why some other clients seem to have had a different experience with the fee? What happens to make the lady feel like she needs to make this an issue earlier? Are there clues that make her more nervous or is this just about the difference in some ladies?

And to answer that question... yes probably... the way you dress the way you speak... the way you act... Like i said, i prefer to be me when i see an escort, i don't have to bullshit her cause i am paying for a sevice and we both agree on that. I don't need to impress her to get her in my bed, wich is the point of paying.... I got some acting skills, i tried them on ocasion for fun and it worked, but it was always for fun and all. I could go and see escorts in a full suit, pretend im an attorney or something, and invent myself a life.. BUT hey... i got video games for that... as that famous picture say, im not a gamer because i have no life, im a gamer because i choose to have many... I can be the dragon born, an heroique soldier, a grand champion fighter, a jedi lol, no matter what i want, and this satisfy me. In real life, i am just me... and thats good old me wearing very casual cloathing, currently leaving in mom's basement, loving to party on and wake up at 2 pm... LOL Im good with that, i assume myself.

Lily from Montreal

I actually did receive a poem from a friend once , first time I saw him...hum...awkward...

I only have one friend that I exchange gift with but is because he is more of a lover now...

I appreciate when someone goes to the trouble of bringing wine to a meeting and I am partial to chocolate but as far as gift goes it is not something I really miss or expect...and like Maria said flowers can be problematic especially if like me you juggle meeting and real life work...I still have to receive flowers from a boss loll

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I tough about writing a poem once... but once i finished it i tough it was very "cheesy" and let go the idea... i guess im a poor writer.... LOL. On that other nigth at a party me and one of the guy tried a rap battle, yeah i know metal guy, but i tough it would be fun, he had is "already written" stuff ready and i just tried to made stuff as i was going, lets just say it was hillarious but i felt miserably... lol

BTW whats good of a wine to bring? there is one wine i actually love, of all the one i ever tasted(really not a wine lover) its call Henri de Bricourt, its a "rosé" , i still have the bottle cause it was my graduation pre-party alchool lol... well i should say adult school graduation, when i was 25 or so. My date choosed it back then, wich was at the time one of my best (girl) friends but sadly th story end badly... :(


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
...other gifts that are not expensive but very rare and very hard to find, and so have a high value beyond the price.

I donated some homemade cookies to my ''regular'' :hungry: (she did not count them) but it was the first time I provided that special ''extra GFE'' service.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...

Oh! you know me, I don't ask ever for the donation at the beginning or even, at the end... but if someone is about to leave and did not give anything, I might have to say a little word about it, and that's not appreciated. I think this is something general that people are living, both ladies & gentlemen)
I was just saying honestly what is my preference for my peace of mind during an encounter for a first timer, and even, for someone known (but when it is someone known, of course, I am much less questioning myself during the encounter if everything will went all ok at the end)

But, you know Merlot, how a lady could feel is coming by the total experience she had with a gentleman, including the emails/phones previous exchanges. If someone is less generous in his emails and not giving straight right a very good impression in his writing, but just a good impression to share an encounter with ( and if the gentleman did not give any recommendations from other ladies) a lady will appreciate just more the confirmation that the gentleman is definitively "fine" by seeing the donation at the beginning.


Oh! I am now envious!!! Cookies! That's nice! And even, she did not count them! ... What a nice lady!... hahaha

You make me think of the generous gentlemen who want to make an encounter a total celebration & put effort of bringing foods they are preparing for the occasion or buying.
It is so really easy to give a little different touch. Little things could bring joy, and make the experience more complete at different levels.


I understand that you are a "service client" and for you, you are seeing "service provider". You don't care really about the girls you are seeing and probably, they don't care of you either. You just want to do "the basic exchange" You are right, we are definitively not doing the same kind of encounters...
But, what I was telling you, is a suggestion to increase the "quality" of your encounters, because when you take the time by giving some "extras" from your part, you might have some "extras" by the girl you will meet. I hope you will understand what I was trying to tell you. (and I am not talking about "specific acts"...)
What I said is valuable even if you are meeting agency's girls, I am just trying to let you know a "secret" that's not so hidden in fact.... :lol:

About wines, you can have suggestion at any SAQ, there is a lots of nice discoveries under/around 20$. There is so much kind of drinks also not that pricey.


That's a good thread. ;)
About chocolate, it is not totally what I prefer, but Godiva's are sooo... ouf! The little one with the berries on, what a treat!!! (and it cost around 5$, I think?) (but a day, someone did bring some he made & invent himself and that was very particular and a fine degustation, I'm so curious to try new things). I am more a cheese & wine (or porto), vegetables & fruits person. Anything in pieces who could be eaten easily. I even once prepared a special picnic for someone I am seeing for years now. What goes around comes around :smile:

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009

I understand that you are a "service client" and for you, you are seeing "service provider". You don't care really about the girls you are seeing and probably, they don't care of you either. You just want to do "the basic exchange"

Hum yes and no, that is the funny part. I mean, when i book a girl with an agency, i don't know what to expect, she may be young, "freevolt" , she may be there for a bunch of different reasons including schools, funding a personal project, paying her expensive lifestyle, for them sometimes its a period of there life and they don't plan on sticking around, for others its a good paying job and they will stay in it because they like luxury.

All these factors make a first meeting very full of "????" so i don't know what to expect. She could be very fun and we could have a nice meeting, or she can be the kind of girl that will prefer to do her job and limit it to that. If we can go the extra mile and have a good chemistry, hey i am ALL FOR THAT, but i am pointing out to you that for that to happen i shouldn't have to make any extra mile other that bring my good personality and funny me, like by buying gifts or ordering foods or such. I am not trying to impress the girl on a date here, and like i mention i like especially that with escorts i can be me and not fear of being judge. With some girls it work fine and we have good times, with some its more "job base" and not as much fun, i am well aware also that some girls can be "good actress" but if they manage to make me feel we had a good time and she had fun being there, she score just as well. In any case if the first meeting is pretty fun and i enjoyed the girl, i will probably tip unless extra's are charge at big price. I rarely give 180/200$ unless service was subpar. I will always add that little 20$ more as a tip. Of course if im paying for extras and already paying above the 200, its a little harder to do, but i may do it anyway.

I know how you Maria are seeing things on that as well, but i am really sure on this that most young girls in agency would rather take any extra cash then a personal gift, especially on a first meeting. If we meet 4-5 times, and i start to know her, and see something that could be great to her, i may buy it why not? But i am just having a hard time for your logic of giving gifts on first meeting.

You see, i do care about them, but just not the same way as YOU could think about. I like these girls, they give me great pleasure, and when there really good with me sometimes i starting to feel even for them, but this is when i slap myself on the face and realize "woaaa buddy, they are escort, in real life they would never have sex with you" and i understand how it work, i must not fall in love with these girls because that would be foolish of me. And hell would i be propose by them to be friends and meet outside there work, i would certainly say yes and would have no problem acting like a friend. But a friend relation is mutual, i am great friend with my cousin, and sometimes i arrive there with beers, sometimes thats him calling me telling to pass drink a beer, sometimes he pay me meals too, and sometimes its me, he help me when i need some, and im happy to help him if he need it too. Thats friendship, its a give and take relation. So you see i am not expecting to always pay when i do something with a friend.

I don't know you much Maria, of course, but the feeling you give me is that as an escort you want to meet gentlemans that would consider meeting you like on a real life date, get threated like a lover, but at the end still charge the bucks for the sex. This is a little bit strange to me. Of course your business seem to go well and im sure there is a good clientel that are like that. But the illusion is harder to pull out with me, in the end an hour is short, its just the right time for some friendly chit chat and presentation and then have a good time. I am not there for a romantic date. But trust me on this, if i would have more money, like in "big job kind of money" i would book myself some 4 hours and such with the girls i really like and have good chemistry and i would take them on a dinner date, go clubbing and all of this stuff. I just can't afford it right now.

Anyway all you sugestions are apreciated and considered, and i may use some eventually for sure, but thinking about it we do have some different point of view on meetings, but at the same time there is also conflict in my mind about it. You see for now with MOST girls the provider style as you put it is doing fine, but then again when it goes beyond that its very nice too, only i got to make sure it does not go too beyond that, cause i would hurt myself if i fall in love with one of them, thats the big danger.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...

Actually, I just want to precise something: No, I don't want necessarily to meet like a "real date". That was not the point why I wrote about that.
(in fact, not at all. I am single and I want it to remain it that way)

We talked about tip vs gifts (little and bigger) and their effect on a woman-escort.

The idea that people could care about to prepare something to put a good mood and make an encounter more special is valid, but it is a personal decision.
If it is making you happy, good, if it is not appealing to you, good too. To each their own preferences.

Nothing more than that.

Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts