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Why is the east so pro Liberal?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
So, no good points about the Liberals.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2013
My view is that the Liberals tend to govern pragmatically at the center, favoring economic development while being socially conscious. By contrast, the Conservatives tend to apply a radical, right-wing ideology while the NDP will tend toward a radical, left-wing ideology. That is how I perceive it.


Nov 21, 2010
My view is that the Liberals tend to govern pragmatically at the center, favoring economic development while being socially conscious. By contrast, the Conservatives tend to apply a radical, right-wing ideology while the NDP will tend toward a radical, left-wing ideology. That is how I perceive it.

It's all about perception. If you are a union member , a student, or a welfare recepient then the Liberals are in the center and you would believe that the Conseratives are so called right wing. If you are a small business owner then you would view the Liberals as left of center.

The Liberals under Paul Martin introduced hunderds of user fees and some surtaxes while he placed foreign flags on his ships to avoid paying any Canadian taxes..The Paul Martin fees have make flying in Canada so darn costly. Millions of Canadians drive to the US to fly because of these socialized taxes. Just keep in mind that the real power is with the civil servants , their unions, and the Supreme Court of Canada. Canada is so large that there will never be a party to please everyone.
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