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Why is this hobby viewed as being so shameful by most of society? (Bit of a rant)


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
Anyone who looks down on this lifestyle or tries to eliminate it can go fuck themselves and the horse they rode in on and eat shit and die.
There’s pussy out there waiting to be eaten, and I’m the man for the job.

Now THAT'S quotable!

Dave in Phoenix

Active Member
Mar 21, 2003
Phoenix AZ USA
First is due to the Bible. .

Based on the guilt of false teachings that have no biblical basis.

Marriage was about ownership, not sex. A man could have as many wives and concubines as he wished and he owned his women and children. Adultery was only wrong if the woman was owned by a husband. Nothing wrong with single common prostitution only the goddess worshiping temple prostitutes - idolatry was the sin, not sex.

The only exception to one man and one woman was for the elders of Timothy or Titus. We do not know the reason or what was going on in these two Church's.

If a boy doesn't relieve himself he will often have wet dreams as natures way of expelling semen. I was a very conservative in my youth and wet dreams and initial intercourse I put off for many years was painful due to blocked prostate from abusing my body by not masturbation or sex at a young age as in biblical times.

There was never anything wrong with pre-sex marriage as long as the bride price has been paid to the girls' owner (father). Often after price was paid had to wait till age 12/13 to marry but sex was no issue as long as the price had been paid.

On gay men - it would be just as unnatural for them to have sex with a woman, that would be just as unnatural than a heterosexual to have sex with a man. They have just the same natural desires as we do with women. The unnatural act was when armies defeated the enemy in battle heterosexuals would have sex with the male enemies to degrade them that was the unnatural act.

I deal in depth will all these issues at but haven't done any updates for years. Hosted a Christians swingers group for many years and speaker "Swinging Christians not a Biblical Conflict" at Lifestyles conventions. As long as done with the consent of partner nothing biblically wrong since not stealing one of the wives of a husband if gives permission.

We were featured on the front page with a humorous article "what are you doing on Sunday Morning' and long article. We had about 100 single men contact us but we were strictly a couples group. How to help single men was how I got interested in sexwork and the rest is history. Have been active on Fred Z's (RIP) original board before it was the "erbs". First explored Montreal, than Victoria and for the last 15+ years Toronto where I have about 2500 posts on terb. Avoiding of course the legal issues in the US.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
can you explain what that is exactely?

A Termas are clubs in Rio De Janeiro. I believe that Terma means health club or spa. I only see these in Rio. You pay a fee and put on a robe and slippers in a locker room (much like an FKK). You have a wrist ID and you use this to buy drinks and women etc. which you will pay for at the end of the night. The boate or nightclub part of the Terma is full of Garota De Programas (girls with a program or what we know as SPs) wearing bikinis. You dance and talk with them and buy them drinks etc. and when you are ready you ask one to go up to a cabine with you for usually 40 minutes of bliss. During my Terma days the exchange rate was poor...something like 1.8R to 1 USD and I used to go through about 250 USD/per night including one woman.

Clinicas are also known as Privies or masagems (the nuance differences between the three escapes me) are all over Brasil. They usually operate in the day time. You enter in a reception room and the gerente (manager) will say Meninas. Apresentacao! They will come out of the back room one at a time and say "Prazer" short for a pleasure to meet you. After each girl comes out to kiss you on the cheek and introduce themselves, you select one. for a period of time. I was paying the equivalent of 60USD per hour at Brooklin in Sao Paulo and 80$ for a two hand massage with the exchange rate about 3.8R to 1 USD. You could even get a massage there too which is a kind of a bonus LOL.
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