Montreal Escorts

Will all the escort websites in Canada disappear on December 1st?


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
In the US, it is not illegal to advertise escort services...

It will be soon, with the ''Stop Advertising Victims of Exploitation Act'' (SAVE). This bill will make it a felony to advertise, same as C-36. It still has to go through Senate in the US, so I'm not sure how certain and how soon it will be adopted.
''It supposedly criminalizes the advertising of trafficking. But because of the way that activists define “trafficking,” it actually criminalizes the advertising of all erotic services, such as escorts''


New Member
Feb 27, 2013
I am so confused about this issue :confused: I thought what happens behind closed doors in private between two consulting adults is no one's business. Like architects, mental therapists, financial consultants, etc., selling one's time, regardless of the price, is and will always be legal because no democratic government can prevent anyone from practicing their occupation. As for SP's, we are paying them for spending time with us. So, I'm safe to engage the services of SP's as X-mas present for myself and what happens inside my private hotel room stays inside. What happens in Montreal, stays in Montreal! Right:confused:


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere

Aren't the most vulnerable still going to be those connected to the agencies, owners, phone handlers, escorts, drivers, party organizers and associates? In order to get to the johns they are going to have to focus on the links that bring them in besides the board.


Hi Merlot
Montreal is a big city with bigger crimes to investigate then sex related crimes ,,I was subject of a arrest in 2011 in Terrebond /Mascouche I had for girls on board and their was a Police car tailing me for about 10 minutes verifying my plates I knew he would intercepte it was obvious ,i told the ladies to stay calm and just to confirm we got lost ,it does answer all the question I was put other arrest by the two terrebonne police constable they hand cuff me ans said to that where more intelligent there then elsewhere ,I answered good for you ,the kept on asking what I did in terrebonne with 4 young girls ,I got lost each girl was interrogated independenly then brought in 5 other police cars ready to transport us at police station if any of the girl would broke the rank and admitted she was a escort but it did not happen all the girls maintained the same story we where lost ,so they had to let us go ,As a vengeance they towed the car and issued me 13 different traffic violations ,witch my lawyer reduced to one .
WE where cought in terrebonne me and the 4 girls so I callesd my friend booker from an other agency I will send me is driver witch I never met He pics us up a the time Hortons we get on her way on highway 440 direction Montreal there a few Terrebonne Police cars tailing us again evendently they will re arrest us .They go to the driver ask for is paper and ask to get out of the truck ,they ask me who is that guy I answer I don't no ,well you spoke half a hour with him we saw the conversation ,well you saw wrong I have never spoke to that guy in my entire life wello who is he ,he said the friend of the guy I spoke to for 30 minutes the driver confirn that he did kne w we had a common friend thats all ,where are going well don't no you have arrested us before we had time to discuss it ,Smaller jurisdiction do have time to loose with prostitution big cities they have nany major crimes having priority over prostitution


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