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WINNERS in the MP, SP, and SW trades.

Captain Kirk

Dec 1, 2003
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This thread is inspired by B1rnpa75, who put out a thread in the strip club section calling all of us hobbyist "losers". I was quick to lash out at her, calling her, and other dancers "losers"
Thinking it over, I was too quick to judge. Not all dancers (and MPs , SPs, and SWs are as angry as B1rnpa75. I do believe that a smart woman can use SWing, MPing and SPing to her advantage.
How many university students are SPing part time to pay for their education? If a woman wants to better herself and purchase or buy into a business, what way is there that is faster than SPing? I have met several woman that did MPing and SPing to get an education. I invite SPs and MPs to contribute to this thread and tell us their stories. IF there are any members out there that has heard stories from their SPs they are welcome as well.
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Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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Originally posted by Captain Kirk
Not all dancers (and MPs , SPs, and SWs are as angry as B1rnpa75. If a woman wants to better herself and purchase or buy into a business, what way is there that is faster than SPing? IF there are any members out there that has heard stories from their SPs they are welcome as well.

This goes back 4 or 5 years ago, but I remember Melane from Sweet Dreams, she was escorting so she could save up enough to buy a house. Sure enough, once she had enough saved, she left the biz and to my knowledge never came back. Good for her and I wished her luck.


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Mar 11, 2003
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Originally posted by Train
If you don't get addicted to the money

Ah, that's they key though. I imagine the transition from highly paid SP to workaday drudge must be brutal, especially for girls who start escorting as students and then have to enter their chosen fields at the lowest level after graduation. Perhaps the best compromise is to maintain a "conventional" career while continuing to supplement one's income with escorting. Several well-known mature escorts (Lara Conbacio, Erica The Fox, Miss Tyler) seem to have chosen this route.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
The money is one things alot of girls don't want to give up. Another thing I have heard, from SP's who have left the business,that is also difficult, is the lack of positive reinforcement that you find with most jobs. After hearing how wonderful you are on a regular basis, it is hard to go to work where getting told you did a good job or a pat on the back is rare.

Also I am not sure how I will feel going back to a full time work schedule...when I was in sales a 40 hour week was a short week!

As many of you know this is my 2nd year in the sex industry, having started on the internet, and for me it was a carefully considered choice. One that I took much time in evaluating my options, and discussing with my boyfriend before starting.

I have a college diploma in social studies, and some university education. Escorting has allowed me to go back to school to work on finishing my B.A. (This is my 1st semester back)

Right now I can still go back to my sales career if I want to but I am not interested. I prefer to suck someones cock than to kiss someones ass!

For me the advantages are that I work for myself, never have to work with anyone I don't like. (If I don't feel comfortable or simply don't like a client, I will refund their money and leave. Though so far this hasn't been necessary since bad chemistry can usually be sensed on the phone.) I work only when I feel like working, how many of you have ever went to work feeling like crap with a cold or flu and really would have prefered to stay home and rested? I just take the day off and re-schedule my appointments. I choose my own hours and never have to do anything I don't want to do. So far my worst experience with a client was non-payment for services rendered.

Sex work is the highest paying, least demanding job available to me, based on the skills, education, and experience that I have.

Yes, I work for the money, and I will not believe anyone here on this board who tells me that they do their job/career for reasons other than the money! Everybody works for the money! Reguardless of the job. That said, I do enjoy my work, just as I am sure many of you enjoy your career choice also.

I am proud of who I am and what I do. Sex work is NOT easy work, simple, yes, but not easy.

Don't feel bad for me, my life is not sad. In all honesty, I have never been happier.

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Aug 16, 2003
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I have heard so many goals and dreams from strippers and SPs. So few of these were achieved, the girls just kept working and wasted (the right word) away.

Yes, its possible for them to earn a fortune if they handle themselves wisely. However, how many 20 year olds are wise? How many save? I blew sooooo much money in my 20s and I'm conservative by nature.

I personally know of only 2 ex-SPs doing "well". One is semi retired to keep her savings from dwindling too quickly. Smart as a whip, and it helps she likes women more than men. The other saved enough to open a small business. She is not concerned about her drop in revenue because, frankly, she was a GFE who hated her job. She can't see herself being able to love a man who would accept her past. I suspect 2 or 3 others did OK. Remember, this is all out of a large crowd.

I believe EGB is also right about the social aspects. A sex worker will always run into someone who knows what they did if they remain in the city where they worked. They have to be lucky their whole lives as one 'outing' will greatly change their relationships.

We can envision Camelot all we want, but I think we are only making apologies for ourselves. Sexwork is an ultimately rotten job for the great majority of the people in it.
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New Member
Nov 9, 2003
miko> Sagitarious

joeblow> thank you.



Cunning Linguist
Sep 29, 2003
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Il ne s'agit pas d'avoir ou non accès à la vie privée des escortes. Il n'y a pas de membre dans ce fil qui a demandé cela. Bien sûr que vous n'avez pas de compte à rendre sur votre vie privée...là je crois que tu défonces une porte ouverte. Nous mettons simplement en commun des histoires que des escortes nous ont racontées DE LEUR PLEIN GRÉ, et (dans mon cas) sans même que je le leur demande.

Par ailleurs, j'espère que tu auras remarqué que les gens ici sont généralement sympathiques aux escortes, et quand l'une de vous se retire de l'industrie parce qu'elle a accumulé assez d'argent pour réaliser son projet (comme acheter une maison, ou payer des études universitaires), on est content pour vous.



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Aug 2, 2003
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For the Gallically-challenged:

Translation of the last three posts by Maylee & Joeblow:


I think that you do not have to ask yourselves why we do this for a living. We have no one to answer to, it's our life. I don't ask questions of my clients, I never ask them why they come to see me ... Would you like it if we asked you such personal questions?

There is a way to do this job with common sense and to work smartly, and I am not unhappy for doing as much. We are not all poor girls with miserable lives. It's too easy to generalize and to judge.

Tell yourselves one thing: Just because you pay to spend time with us, it doesn't give you access to our personal lives.

Ask yourselves a question before going to see one of us: What difference does it make if I know about her personal life? As long as I am satisfied with her services, anything else ....

Thank you,




It is not a matter of whether or not we have access to the personal lives of escorts. There isn't a member in this thread who has asked as much. Certainly you have no one to answer to for your personal life ... on this point, you're pushing at a door that's already open. We are merely sharing our stories which escorts themselves have WILLINGLY told us, and (in my case) without me even asking them.

Otherwise, I hope you would have noticed that the people here are generally sympathetic to escorts, and when one of you retires from the business because she has enough money to attain her goals (such as buying a house, or paying for university), we are happy for you.




Thank you Joeblow for your message -- I just want to say that I was talking for myself.

I have clients who come here and ask me a bunch of questions and I'm sure I'm not the only one. That's all I wanted to say; sorry if you understood it otherwise, but I simply wanted to say that there are those who don't mind their own business.

Clients who come here and tell me their problems, I keep to myself. Discretion is a part of my work and I would like it if it was the same with respect to myself, that's all. Even if these escorts willingly told you their stories, there are those who try to find out more from us, and this, in my opinion, is not acceptable.

I just hope that we understand each other better.



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Mar 11, 2003
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Re: Re: You have to serve someone!

Originally posted by ElfGoneBad
That leads me to believe that SP/nurse connection is a Montreal phenomenon. Why? I have no clue.

(you can tell I have a big thing for nurses :D )

Lara Conbacio of Toronto is also a nurse.


New Member
Apr 2, 2003
Hello Gentlemen,
I can only speak of myself..and of the reasons that I provide GFE and/or PSE experiences..A)..I absolutely love to share the gift I have been blessed with..and B) it helps to support my childrens' education..

You are correct Clemenza..that I do what I do on a very casual I also have a very full time career in another field. I never see more than one..perhaps two, gents a week I also do feel that when I am with a gent..that I should give him 100% of less. Otherwise, the whole experience is for not.

I am actually quite thankful to the hobbyists and/or private gentlemen who continue to request my service and allow me to explore and reach the ultimate level of senuality and sexuality and to provide the genuine GFE/PSE for those in seek of them! (Although it does feel very natural to me now!)

Perhaps I will one day meet YOU and get acquainted!
MIss Tyler
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Dec 15, 2003
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Miss Tyler,

Unfortunatly, never had the pleasure to meet you, but from what we read on MERB, should (b) become (a) in the first paragraph of your most recent post.
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Watch Commander

New Member
Feb 24, 2004
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Could it be...............

The reason you will find a lot of nurses in the SP proffesion is the Florence Nightingale syndrome where they get a sense of importance in life when they take care of people ( whether it be nursing them back to health or taking care of their sexual needs) The other proffesion that has a lot of women in the SP trade is hair dressers.
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