Montreal Escorts

Would you / Could you?


Oct 21, 2016
Yeah one of my SPs told me about this type of unpleasantness. The guy threw a terrible fit at the place of business because he arrived early and saw "his" girl had just been with another client. How could she do that to him lol. He then started stalking her untill eventually the agency had to call the cops.
BTW I think you are right about the Steelers. Bell, Ben and Brown are as good as it gets but the real difference is how they have retooled their D. Barring injuries they are going to the big dance imo.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Play the fucking game or get out. There are actual dating services and MERB and its sponsors are not dating services.

So much agree with this. Problem is most client are not here on MERB. Also, there are some weirdo and wackos out there. While discussing with SP I am always so surprise by what they tell clients ask or do to them... Just hope I am not one of them Lol!



Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Most women who work as escorts or are on Seeking Arrangement don't want "boyfriends." They want FWBs, friends with benefits. Whole other animal. The most common statement I see on SA is "nothing serious." Translation for those who don't get it: "I don't want a boyfriend. I want a FWB. I want to keep my options open and see what happens. If you can't play by those rules don't contact me."

STN, grab a glove and get into the game or stay in the stands and watch. It's up to you. I prefer playing to watching. My playing skills improved dramatically when I lost my Roman Catholic-influenced judgmental ideas and opened up my mind to the possibilities. An open mind enhances playing ability.

As was mentioned in the Arrangement thread this is 2017, not 1945. Live in the 21st Century or go back in time. Your choice but you may want to buy a time travel machine from Jules Verne's Estate if 2017 is too frightening.

Yup. That's it.

Put it simply if you want a high quality girl who is both traditional and monogamous for something long term going to places built on Pay to Play is the absolute wrong approach.

As mentioned before can't turn a whore into a housewife. Plus why would you want to lock down some "hot" girl anyways sooner or later you are going to join her long list of dudes who got tired of fuckng her. Be happy you got some snatch and came out without an STD. Banging lots of hot girls lacking any moral compass has its benefits. This gets it out of your system so when you do run into that quality girl you are mentally and emotionally ready. Well hopefully. LOL. This hobby speeds things up and saves tons of time.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2013
I'm in my mid twenties and am what you'd call a Yuppie

In my existence I have met thousands of people my age and I can assure you that most of them are not into open relationships. I couldn't care less if couples have open relationships or not... as long as both parties are happy with the lifestyle they chose to love. I however would like to go back to the fact that most people (yes even in 2017) are not into having an open relationship. Most people would like to be monogamous. Of course cheating happens which defeats the purpose but that is another topic as one is doing something behind the other person's back.

Maybe the new generation is a little more open when it comes to open relationships but not the way that most people on this board think. I do think that there is some bias due to the nature of this forum/board. I can assure you that if you ask a 100 random people from different ethnicities if they would be down for a open relationship or if they would be open to marry and escort, I'd bet you that at least 90% would answer ''NO!'' instantly. It's not just for religious purposes it's also simply because most people are not comfortable with the idea that the mother/father (assuming the man is the escort) of their children has had their tongue shoved in another person's mouth day in and day out and then coming home and kissing them on the lips. How is it not understandable that this can be totally repulsive to most people? I certainly do not agree that ''escorting is a job like any other job''. I mean by definition, sure it's a ''job'' and there is a very high income associated with it... But let's not hide the fact that the nature of the job is very different than most jobs... Again, I totally respect those who would marry an escort but I do not understand how certain people here simply cannot understand how someone would NOT want to marry someone who fucks other men/women almost daily and comes home to their husband/wife. I personally could never do it. You can love someone and still end up not being in a relationship with them because you fundamentally disagree with certain behaviors, choices, ideologies, visions. Unfortunately love is not always enough for most people. And that does not make them selfish... They just want a partner that feels the same way they do on crucial things.

Most people also do not fall in love with escorts. Of course, we hear many stories of clients developing feelings with escorts but how often is that realistically? I might be wrong but I would assume it's less than 1%? Perhaps some of the ladies can give a more accurate %?

I don't think it has to do with being possessive. For me it has nothing to do with that. Again, I'm just not comfortable with the idea that my SO fucks, sucks and gets intimate with other men... The image would be way too disturbing for me and I wouldn't be able to live with it. As I am sure that most women (non escorts) would not be comfortable with their man sleeping with other women if he was a male escort.

I have also noticed westerners, Caucasians, white people... whatever term you like are much much more open to open relationships or marrying a SP. I can assure you that even young people like me, but who are Middle Eastern, Asian, African, etc are culturally less open to these types of arrangements. SoL Tee Nutz, you might be older, but you do not need to go back in time, and yes it is 2017 because most people... including my generation (all ethnicities combined) feel the same way as you and sam21 and Kilwa. You're not crazy... Take it from a young urban city guy ;)

I couldn't marry an escort because I know for a fact that I couldn't fall in love with one. As someone pointed out earlier, it's a business transaction so I am able to have limitations beforehand. And If for some reason I end up developing feelings for her I would ask her if she wants to continue a relationship while being an escort at the same time. If her answer is ''yes'' I'll simply ask her to call me if ever her situation changes. I will be happier not marrying an escort than marrying one and going against my core values and having a constant image of what she is doing with other men.

Again, when both parties are okay with that, my hat goes off to you! For those that have no issues with dating/marrying an active escort, I respect your open mind-ness. But at the same time, if you're that open minded, try and understand why most people would not want to engage in a relationship with an escort, especially with all of the valid reasons given in this thread. I read many posts that almost suggest that those who do not want to marry an active escort are aliens or are too old or should self-reflect. These are all personal choices and everyone has a valid reason for why they wish/do not wish to do it.

I felt that this thread was going a bit off topic. Let us not forget that the question was If we would consider dating/marrying an active escort.

LBA out


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
I agree with a lot of the stuff you said LBA, but can I just say thank you for saying “couldn’t care less” instead of the often missaid “could care less.” ;)


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I agree with a lot of the stuff you said LBA, but can I just say thank you for saying “couldn’t care less” instead of the often missaid “could care less.” ;)

In french quebeccer the translation is "Je m'en calisse!" ;)


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
For me it would be simple since i don't and have never believed in the institution of marriage. Way too many marriages eventually end up in failure and to this day it's difficult for me to comprehend why people still chose to get married.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2013
LOL Jalimon. I think you woke up too early this morning :p

''I couldn't care less'' is actually a proper term which would translate into ''Ça m'est complètement égal'' or ''Je m'en fiche complètement''

''Je m'en calisse'' is extremely vulgar and aggressive. It's actually closer to ''I don't give a fuck''.

I don't mean to be anal about it, I just don't want to mislead my non French speakers homies who potentially are planning to use the term '' I couldn't care less'' in French in and not get reprimanded for it :)

Going to work now... Calisse!

LBA out!


New Member
Aug 17, 2012
Finalement, marier une escorte, c'est un mariage ouvert. Certaines personnes sont capables de vivre cela, d'autres non.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Your post is very judgmental and implies that sex work is morally wrong. It is exactly this kind of judgmental thinking that led to C36, and criminalization efforts that cause an increase in violence against sex workers.

There is no place on this board for posts that imply that sex work is somehow wrong morally and other means of income should be a preferred objective morally. You are on the wrong board sir. If you want a link to Jerry Falwell's board I am sure someone can find it for you.

In my judgment you have a right to your opinions but you shouldn't be posting on MERB. MERB promotes sex workers and it doesn't endorse the point of view that sex work is morally wrong.


Oct 21, 2016
I actually like making it with an SP that is married. I find it kinda turbo charges my experience. Sorta like fucking two people for the price of one (tho I'm strictly heterosexual). Maybe I'm just a perv.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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No ego involved in telling you that your post is judgmental and reflects the EXACT type of judgments that led to C36.

In the past posters were suspended and warned for making such posts that were anti-sex worker. You should thank me for warning you and stop posting in a way harmful to those in the business. And if being called a "White knight" is the best you can do bring it on baby. I am standing up for all the women on this board against people like you. Bring it on.

And as far as the comment you quoted, that was in regards to SA, so don't be mixing apples and orange and taking my quotes out of context. Girls on SA are not sex workers. They are involved in a game which is not a game of sex for money per se. You don't know how to play that game, you are just an armchair QB. Escorts have a fixed price, SA girls do not. Period and end of story which shows how ignorant your reply and attitude really are.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Bring on the insults for calling you what you are? Dude you shouldn't be on this board and I am far from the only one who thinks so. Sorry the truth hurts but usually it does. You can't hurt me, I call it as I see it, and most people here know that. Instead of lashing out take a look at your own posts.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Sam21 posted: "What a prince of a guy. Wouldn't it be more thoughtful of him if he would get a second job so she wouldn't have to go suck dick every night to enjoy the finer things in life and she could get a civillian job too. There are many couples out there that pool their resources and get by very well without either of them having to sell their bodies."

Sam21- This is an escort review board. Escorts advertise here. You put up a post that implied sex work is morally wrong and other income should be a preferred objective. That's an insult to all of the ladies on this board. It's judgmental and the exact same kind of judgments that led to C36 becoming law. People like you with like opinions caused that law to be. That is the truth and the only truth that matters. Your insults of me do not change any of this. The ladies who post here are careful not to go after any posters who post nonsense like you because it could backfire and hurt their business. Therefore I stand up to bullies like you when they can't. You post this kind of shit I will call you on it 365/24/7. Don't care about your insults as you don't know shit about me or half the things you are posting. I am a persona here just like everyone else, nothing more or less.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Look at what you posted. It's quoted in my prior post. You are doing your best to perpetuate the patronizing thinking that led to C36 in the first place.

And you are quite right. I am intolerant of those who support the thinking that leads to criminalizing of prostitution.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I must confess that there was a time in my life when I could have posted what you did that I criticized so harshly. I actually was raised as a Catholic son, and taught in Catholic schools and was raised to believe that white people dated white people and that was that.

Then there came a time when I violently (in my own mind) rejected all of these notions I had been raised to believe like so many other sheep in the flock. I am repulsed by my own beliefs as a younger man and I feel like vomiting when I think about how I thought and behaved as a result of my upbringing.

What caused me to purge those judgmental ideas is not something I can easily describe, but it did happen over time, and my experiences with Montreal escorts was a part of that rejection. And I am not talking about the sexual experiences so much as personal experiences I had with many outside the business. Which included offering legal advice when I was asked for it.

As viscerally as I may have reacted to your post, you can be assured I am twice as repulsed by the fact that at one time I would have been posting the same things. I simply have moved past being judgmental about the things in which I once was.
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
Patron: If they marry and she keeps working in the sex industry, he has to get over the fact that she has sex with other guys. I wouldn't think that is too hard. It is not like they were both virgins when they met.

Sorry but that is make believe land, if she goes elsewhere and you accept that then there is no love I believe 99% of guys agree with me there. Of course those that don't will keep on posting non stop, they still represent the very voluble 1%


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
This thread needs some diversion I think... Helirage any good recipe you could share with us? If not I go with my chicken marsala, mium mium!

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