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Would you pay for sex with an Artificial Woman?


Feb 16, 2011
So, hypothetically, let's say we have the ultimate robot, cleaning cooking and the ultimate lover, how is the female race going to react?
Will this change the usual male female dynamics? How would they react if we "don't" need them anymore?

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
This thread reminds me of a related question: would you pay for a chance to ride a mechanical bull? I actually saw this when I was in a bar in Key West. It was a coin operated mechanical bull and you could ride the sucker. I was trying to figure out how many drinks it would take me to get on that sucker and ride it. However many it was, I did not have enough.

There was one at a mexican festival I went to (because I personally knew the mariachis, and because I wanted to eat all the damn tacos in the world LOL). I didn't ride it but I watched it. I should go back next time and try it. It looks like FUN - especially after a drink or two, LOL !


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Making a robot that is intimately indistinguishable from a live human during sex is nowhere near in the future. The closer a fake is to the real thing, the more we are aware of the tiny details that are off.

Even when they achieve it it would be a turn off for me. I would also be afraid of malfunctions. You would be naked and entangled with a machine that's as strong as you. One little glitch and she could bite your ear instead of giving a gentle nibble. Even something as simple as a cell phone is more likely to explode than a real women.

Will this change the usual male female dynamics? How would they react if we "don't" need them anymore?
At that point, the robots won't need humans anymore.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
This thread reminds me of a related question: would you pay for a chance to ride a mechanical bull? .

You should try it, actually quite fun. The ones I have been on are free, not sure if I would pay unless it was only a buck or two. Are we still allowed to say a buck? Politically incorrect?


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
The virtual reality would be cheaper and better. So many guys are into variety, they would quickly get bored with the same thing.
Since virtual reality is software based a user would not be stuck with his one and only love doll.
Big busty amazon, fine, petite spinner, just scroll down the menu.
It will be possible to have a blonde one minute, a brunette the next, and a perfect redhead for the finale.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
When I get to the point where I have sex with a robot, whether for free or get paid to do so, I will take a very powerful handgun and shoot myself in the mouth -- instantaneous death is assured! ;).


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Some other scenario that is I think more likely… Would you take a drug that in combination with say virtual reality and neurostimulation will induce a wet dream featuring a woman of your choice? This approach is way superior to mechanical robots and may even beat natural sex…

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Before i got my first blowjob (at 24 y.o) i dreamed of getting one. I am a person that dream a lot, or should i say remember his dreams quite often. I often do erotic dreams... maybe because i think of sex a lot lol. Fun thing is when i got a real blowjob, it was a lot like i remembered in my dreams. I dreamed of so many things over the years. When i was young i would have nightmares often, it took me a while to be able to control my dreams, knowing when i was in one for instance, waking up at will ... or deliberately knowing i am in one and enjoying it as much as i can by doing just about everything i want, since there is no consequences... There was a few instances where i lost control tough and i remember specificaly one time where i knew i was stuck in a nightmare, and kept "waking up" in another one, i was yelling "WAKE UP" but just couldn't until after like 8 times... that was one was extremely scary.

Anyway im saying all of this because the fact is if there is a way to control your mind that way, even knowing its not real and yet staying there, im sure it would be possible to create an illusion virtual reality plugged to a machine in the futur. If we could pay to enjoy those sessions, kinda like in Total Recall, i would certainly do. On the other hand the tough of fucking a robot in the real world does not seem much appealing... lol.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
28, my friend bought one of these dolls like ten years ago for 4000$, do you know how many real women he could have for that much money. I will stay with the real women for now and ever, i don't mind all the headaches, it just wouldn't be the same without them. Hip Hip Hooray for the real thing, headaches and all.

Thor Jr


At the end of the day, if you were God, would you want real people to love you, or machines?
Only by being free is it real.
And only by accepting them as they can you love them. Flaws and all.
Speaking as a man, certainly women (and men in a different way) drive me nuts some times. But the robot will not replace a woman.

Would it be nice, on an occasion to get a HJ or BJ from a great machine? I suppose so....kind of happens now. But it's not the same thing.
Reality is my fantasy.


New Member
Dec 14, 2015
Sexual robots will crush the SP/escort business, but we're far from there. This is gonna in 50+ years

Aflac Duck

May 24, 2011
..................Let me answer that question this way. If you changed the question to, Would you like to eat a plastic chicken? I would say the only likely way I would probably eat one is if I was starved, crazed and had no immediate prospects that I would eat a real one then I may engage in the fantasy of eating a plastic chicken to temporarily satisfy my needs. Even under those conditions it would be a very remote possibility.
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
Lol, patron, i remember watching an old commercial on French tv , TF1 , I believe for the communist party. George marchais was the secretary at that time.
There was this thirty something year old very fat lady with upteen kids shouting and playing around the apartment. She was complaining of how it was impossible to feed her children and that she was starving on her current wages. The kids were of course all overweight.
It was hilarious, her kids were making so much noise you could hardly hear what she was saying.
George marchais was a huge hypocrite, probably made a lot of money on the backs of the proletariat.

Now this sex doll business , it’s likely, a dream set in the far future. Nahhh I just like woman a lot more. At least we will age together and I will still have the dream job of taking the garbage out twice a week, lol.


Nov 30, 2017
Technology hasnt perfected this yet but once it is i will jump on it for sure.I wil probably be 95 by that time and hoping i can still get as hard as a rock but no worries she wouldnt know the difference


Active Member
Apr 16, 2017
My curiosity is piqued. Once the technology improves, with the dolls perhaps being able to move on their own or via remote control, I would give it a try. I could eventually see a horror movie, along the lines of "Chucky" being made off of this idea.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Unless we reach to the level of episode two of the cancelled show Almost Human, I’ll stick to a real human girl. The present state right now is too creepy.
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