This topic has been discussed in many variants in Sci-Fi. I like the most this great Italian Sci-Fi novel:
Lino Aldani: 'Good Night, Sophie'. The original title, 'Buonanotte Sofia'. Quarta Dimensione (Milan: Baldini & Castoldi, 1964).
"Buonanotte, Sofia" is set in a future world where the onirofilm – a multi-sensorial medium, that works by direct stimulation of the brain (akin to Brave New World's hypnopaedia and feelies) – has basically led people to reject reality: men and women are forced out into dreary, grey everyday life for a few, indispensable hours of work, but, as soon as they can, they go home and plug into their onirofilms reader to live the exciting, illusory life the entertainment industry has constructed for them