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Would you turn a SP into a SB?


French Ebony
Mar 11, 2019
Bonne question Kyla...dans mon cas j'ai souvent plus développé une relation de friendship avec des sp juste pour le plaisir d'être ensemble......cinéma, brunch, ballade en voiture et même des voyages....cette relation pouvait être très éphémère ou durer quelques mois voire quelques anné ne payais pas pour leur temps passé avec moi MAIS si nos rencontres incluaient le sexe alors je payais SEULEMENT pour ce j'y tenais pour ne pas laisser croire que j'abusais d' c'était accepté......mais souvent il n'y avait pas de sexe....juste le fun de passer un bon moment ensemble......

Je crois que simplement le fait de se faire emmener en voyage ou payer des activités pourraient suffir à certaines personnes. Si elle adore voyager par exemple.

My 5 year relationship was a roller coaster ride that at times felt real. We argued at times over nothing important and at other times we felt real close . At times I felt what I could only describe as love. She told me one night that she would marry me if I was 30 years younger and if I got into financial trouble then she would support me....then a few weeks later she would complain that I didn`t pay her enough.
I knew her better than her own family and loved to hear her funny and intriguing stories about her life, her travels and adventures.....even talking about her boyfriends and their 12" cocks. I never got Its been over 8 years since I last saw her and I still think about her often.

It might be her behaviour, she probably meant it but at the same time she knew that this was the arrangment.

Wouldn’t the sex worker be happier with the interaction she obtains from having fifty different customers instead of one, and her interactions with her sex worker friends?

She is happier, and so are the other 49 customers.

If she ain’t your wife, you shouldn’t think of treating her like one.

None of these people think of putting the nice cow in their little backyards. They leave the cow on the big farm where it is happy and they go visit it at the farm.

Each man is different so of course when you see 50 men you somehow end up with the perfect boyfriend


You make interesting points Patron.
Her is one that is the opposite.

I treated my wife like she was the only one that mattered, which was true and she knew it.

I wonder just how many of these SP would be happier being with someone that was totally in love with them, having a guaranteed life style that is way above the average persons, opposed to fucking 49 other customers, wondering where rent was going to come from next week and play acting on Twitter that they love what they are doing and life is fun and all is good.
How much of that do you think is a fantasy.

Of course Now I am talking about something that goes way beyond being an SB

That's the main difference I think. When you see a lot of men every month, how many were truly into you? How many came to you just for a quick f*ck? At least when you have a SD you know that he likes your personality and not just your body.


Active Member
Apr 27, 2016
I've been wondering this for a while now, a few clients have suggested that I become their sb but I am not sure if they were serious.

I believe it's not impossible if you and that person already have a great connection.

So I'm asking you forum, would you turn a SP into a SB? If so, why?

Honestly, I think a perfect SB was a SP …! Because the young girls SB don't necessary have SEX experience like a SP. What I like in SB experience is the complicity and companionship that I can't afford it with a SP.


Sep 14, 2015
I feel like people in the thread are envisioning different types of relatonships when using the term SB here, ranging from almost SP to platonic friends who go on dates and everywhere in between. For me, when you say converting from SP to SB it isn't about exclusivity or even semi-exclusivity, that would be converting from SP to girlfriend/wife, which I'm not looking for :p. To me, it's just changing the ratio of bedroom to non-bedroom activities.

I've had several SPs express an interest in planning activities outside the bedroom, whether it be travel or dinner dates or spa days, usually as a result of a conversation where I mention seeing a SB. The issue I have with taking a SP on as a SB is that they assume I'd give the same rate for these other activities, and if I'm bringing them somewhere nice for dinner that could be a few hours. If they offer to discuss the amount then I would be happy to talk, but otherwise I would rather not bring that up and risk offending a SP that I'm seeing regularly, so instead I just turn them down. It's nothing personal, and I don't even consider other activities to be easier (any time spent with me is a good time, in my view ;)) but rather there are a lot more people who are willing to go on a dinner date without being paid nearly that much or even at all. I understand they're working for money, so I would certainly offer more than I'd offer some girl from SA, but it would be a flat rate with no time limit.

So to the point of the thread, if you as a SP are interested in being a SB, the terms of the relationship is something you have to bring up

For the other way around where the client initiates, be careful of giving out 'free samples':

After the first SOG she just plopped on her stomach and anticipated another back rub and said she was tired from a long week. I wanted a back rub. I'm not paying her to rub her back.

I know in that specific case it wasn't a SB thing but you get the idea!

I feel like most SB would be young and wouldn't really know what to expect from that type of relationship.

Yes and no, certainly there are girls who don't know what to expect, and there aren't a lot of resources available either online or organizations set up to help SBs specifically, but people are also looking for different things. They do get to choose whether or not they want to come out with me :p


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Is it what a girl expect? no, I just look for a termed relationship for now. Maybe that's why they lack enthuism after awhile?

I agree. Something with an expiration date. That you can both opt out of. Totally unlike marriage


French Ebony
Mar 11, 2019
Honestly, I think a perfect SB was a SP …! Because the young girls SB don't necessary have SEX experience like a SP. What I like in SB experience is the complicity and companionship that I can't afford it with a SP.

Indeed, they might not have the same experience with men in general

I feel like people in the thread are envisioning different types of relatonships when using the term SB here, ranging from almost SP to platonic friends who go on dates and everywhere in between. For me, when you say converting from SP to SB it isn't about exclusivity or even semi-exclusivity, that would be converting from SP to girlfriend/wife, which I'm not looking for :p. To me, it's just changing the ratio of bedroom to non-bedroom activities.

I've had several SPs express an interest in planning activities outside the bedroom, whether it be travel or dinner dates or spa days, usually as a result of a conversation where I mention seeing a SB. The issue I have with taking a SP on as a SB is that they assume I'd give the same rate for these other activities, and if I'm bringing them somewhere nice for dinner that could be a few hours. If they offer to discuss the amount then I would be happy to talk, but otherwise I would rather not bring that up and risk offending a SP that I'm seeing regularly, so instead I just turn them down. It's nothing personal, and I don't even consider other activities to be easier (any time spent with me is a good time, in my view ;)) but rather there are a lot more people who are willing to go on a dinner date without being paid nearly that much or even at all. I understand they're working for money, so I would certainly offer more than I'd offer some girl from SA, but it would be a flat rate with no time limit.

So to the point of the thread, if you as a SP are interested in being a SB, the terms of the relationship is something you have to bring up

For the other way around where the client initiates, be careful of giving out 'free samples':

I know in that specific case it wasn't a SB thing but you get the idea!

Yes and no, certainly there are girls who don't know what to expect, and there aren't a lot of resources available either online or organizations set up to help SBs specifically, but people are also looking for different things. They do get to choose whether or not they want to come out with me :p

I've been vacation with clients that I've seen a couple of times before. They did not pay for my time but paid for everything including shopping so it was fair.

Is it what a girl expect? no, I just look for a termed relationship for now. Maybe that's why they lack enthuism after awhile?

Not at all but if there's no more chemistry it sounds just like a boring marriage

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Do any of you try to meet a regular female outside of the hobby? It is not that hard and is way less expensive. Be a little interesting, polite and a sense of humor, it does work, worked for me until after 50. You may not get something out of your league or age bracket but they can be a lot of fun. Just my opinion but escorts are for sex, if they go for dinner or a movie whatever it is for future business, they are sales people.
Granted on occasion some may click, the girl may want out and chose you, good for you then.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Sol tee - I agree with you. I would just like to add that some of my clients/customers I have taken to playoff football games, baseball games, golf, dinners, hunting, and fishing trips. I actually like their company and they liked mine. There were times when they were no longer customers that we called each other to say hello or talk on social media. My point is that even though it was a business relationship we still enjoyed working together and socializing together. Why is this not possible with the girls too?

Are the girls trying soak you for what she can? Probably, but how is this different from our ex-wives? How many divorced hobbyists have spent more money on hookers then they did their ex-wives?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
why can't you be friends with the person that gives you the blow job?


French Ebony
Mar 11, 2019
I accepted the offers because I like to travel. If someone is offering a nice vacation and that I like them enough to spend 4-5 days with them, then I'll go


Sep 14, 2015
I've been vacation with clients that I've seen a couple of times before. They did not pay for my time but paid for everything including shopping so it was fair.

Interesting, that's good to know. Did they propose it? how did they bring it up

Do any of you try to meet a regular female outside of the hobby? It is not that hard and is way less expensive.

I'm late 20s and I do both, the "regular" women I meet are more or less the same age as the SPs (and SBs) I see, but sometimes I'm in the mood for something with less effort and 100% success rate. Also civilians (and SBs) are hit or miss with how good they are in bed. I also have expensive taste in food so if I take them out somewhere really fancy and pay for it, it might be too romantic and they can get the wrong idea, and from there it can get complicated and I'd rather not deal with that, or have to break any hearts. So since I can afford it, why not? Other than money, I don't treat them any differently, I try to be friendly and have a meaningful connection with everyone regardless of whether I'm paying for their time or not.


French Ebony
Mar 11, 2019
Anyway if they can have these vacations at their fee rates more power to them, there is definitely 3 ladies that I know that for sure I would have a great time with, one in particular I may just do it anyway she is that magical to be with.

Technically at a day job you would get paid vacations, so they are expecting the same with the night job. They're going to miss 4-5 days of work, that could be a lot of money for some of us.

Interesting, that's good to know. Did they propose it? how did they bring it up

They told me they were going to X destination and asked me if I would want to come. I answered with "I don't know" and they then told me they would pay for everything so I accepted. I'm not a good exemple, I love traveling so I'm not very difficult to convince
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French Ebony
Mar 11, 2019
Technically at a day job you pay taxes, unemployment insurance health insurance etc....
So let’s not start making out that it is identical to any other day job


I totally get it, I was just letting you and the others know that this is the reason why SP usually ask to be compensated.
Don't worry I know a few SP open to that type of arrangement, you will find one ;)


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Parlant plupart du temps je proposais des weekends donc pas des voyages dans le Sud ni exotiques.....genre New-York, Toronto et même Ottawa ville que j'aime bcp y ayant déjà habité comme j'adore conduire on faisait ces trajets en voiture et je trouvais cela le fun ....beaucoup d'intimité et on apprenait ainsi à mieux se connaître en se parlant de nos expériences de vie...... une seule fois j'ai proposé Miami et deux fois Vegas pour des occasions spéciales----leur anniversaire ou le mien----et elles ont accepté avec plaisir...jamais plus de 5 toujours des moments inoubliables.....mais cela date déjà de quelques années......


French Ebony
Mar 11, 2019
Parlant plupart du temps je proposais des weekends donc pas des voyages dans le Sud ni exotiques.....genre New-York, Toronto et même Ottawa ville que j'aime bcp y ayant déjà habité comme j'adore conduire [...]

correct, Dubai n'est pas la seule destination intéressante pour une SP/SB. J'ai l'impression que trop de filles s'attendent à se faire emmener là-bas.
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