Montreal Escorts

Privacy and your identification



Maybe some of you guys have noticed that some SPs insist that you should give them your full name when making an appointment and present an ID when meeting them (Thank god they don't ask for your address and SIN!). I do not understand the rational behind this. Thy claime it is for their safety, but I think all of us are a little bit relutant to give our complete ID to SPs.
Please share your view and experiences on this subject.


Re: Anik

Originally posted by EagerBeaver

I must admit I do not know why she requires a driver's license. In Montreal there is not the same concern about LE so you would have to ask her why she does this.

Good luck.


I am not concerned about wearing approperiately when seeing an escort. This shows you respect her, but asking for driver's license! Well that is strange. Once I sent an email and asked for the rational behind this, and instead of explaining the resons, she wrote that she could not bend them for me. It seems she forgets SHE has put that rule..


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Jun 26, 2003
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Call me paranoid but i don't have or want a cell phone. I don't have an agenda, i don't have a phone list, i erase my history and my cache everytime i surf. I use anonymous proxy when i surf and i never put any private info when i register with Hotmail or other. The only info i am willing to share are the ones you can see in my profile here. I will tell the SP my first name but this is as far as i will go.

I have nothing to hide from the SP but i don't know her and i do not want her to call me afterwards. The reason i am ready to pay for service is i don't want any complication afterwards and leaving my name and phonenumber is an invitation to complications.


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May 1, 2003
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... and in Vegas, you should never do an outcall, it is VERY VERY VERY illegal and VERY expensive... call one of the houses just outside the county lines and they will send a limo for you, and you can go an enjoy FS totally legally without issues.

Some places are just not good to play in.


Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Originally posted by ManAboutTown
... and in Vegas, you should never do an outcall, it is VERY VERY VERY illegal and VERY expensive... call one of the houses just outside the county lines and they will send a limo for you, and you can go an enjoy FS totally legally without issues.

Some places are just not good to play in.



Isn't it more expensive to go to a place the the Chicken Ranch or Sherries than have an outcall to your hotel? I believe they start their services at $600 and up and that's for 1 hour. If you know of any other decent places that are reasonable please let me know.


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May 1, 2003
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Funny is that I know the owners of Sherries personally (two sisters, really good people!). Consider the price (let's say $600) and let's compare that to Vegas in town:

Most of the Vegas things are "Girls to your room for entertainment" - typically from $150 to $200 just to get the girl to your room. Here is the kicker: The girls don't make anything on that (or hardly anything, maybe $20). They get to your room, and they will do NOTHING without major injections of extra cash, typically $350-$500 and more... if you ain't paying, they take your money for the door fee and leave.

So your in town experience will run you anywhere from $500 - $1000... you don't get to pick the girl (don't believe the pictures, don't believe the ads... 90% of the phone numbers for "personal" escorts go to one of three companies, who send out whoever is handy).

In the end, the costs are similar, but one is high risk blind dates, and the other is a much more open, legal, and relaxing deal.



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Jun 7, 2003
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Rather than be opposed or not, I guess I would like to know what seeing drivers license accomplishes. Both police and criminals are known to have drivers licenses. I also understand needing to know the name so you contact the room, but once you are there, I'm not sure that it is still relevant. I certainly wouldn't think of asking the sp for hers, and would expect that she would be very uncomfortable about it, as would I.


Gentleman Horndog
Jun 10, 2003
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Originally posted by chowhound
Rather than be opposed or not, I guess I would like to know what seeing drivers license accomplishes. Both police and criminals are known to have drivers licenses.

I've been asked to show my licence when seeing SP's in hotel rooms in the USA. When they see a licence with a valid photo ID that's from out-of-state, they know I'm not local LE. Since prostitution is covered by state laws, only local LE can enforce them.

Similar practices are not necessary in Canada, since neither the client nor the SP is committing a criminal act during an outcall. As Anik pointed out, the SP's only require a last name so that the hotel switchboard will put calls through to the client's room.
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New Member
Jul 22, 2003
Hello all

I am glad that us sp can answer on this board, as for bad reviews are welcome because I got a bad review but it is gone now but it makes no diff to me there is a reason all things happen and if I do get a bad review I would like the person to post the truth that way I can make changes to what the persons dislikes were so that it will not happen again.
Rollypolly had said some stuff about me I e-mailed him and he never got back to me. I tried to explain what the situation was at hand. I guess he didnèt care to find out.
Well nothing I can do about that.


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Jun 7, 2003
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Well, I can assure everyone that anik is indeed very special and different. I wish all of the ladies were a little more like her!

I can understand why seeing a drivers license in the USA could be of some value, by indicating that the person is not from the local jurisdiction, but does that mean that the sp will only see someone if they are from out of town? I also am sure that if LE wants to obtain identification showing an out of town address, that they can certainly come up with false id to aid in their investigation.


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May 1, 2003
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Chowhound: While a driver's license might be good in the US (and honestly, if the police want, they can have an out of state driver's license made without a big deal), it is a useless and unneeded invasion of privacy in Montreal.

Anik, with regards to your "pre-meeting rules", I think you will find that you limit greatly your potential clientelle in Montreal as a result of these rules, as you are asking for things far beyond what is normal and accepted. It is your right to do so, it is your business how you operate, but I don't think you should be surprised when people ask why you are so focused on these issues.

Honestly, who I am isn't any of your business, I wouldn't give you much more information about myself then you would give me about yourself. How often have you shown the information on your dirver's license to a potential client?

Ahhh... I know the answer now. :)



Originally posted by ManAboutTown
How often have you shown the information on your dirver's license to a potential client?

Ahhh... I know the answer now. :)


Actually, almost all of my clients know my real name... I prefer it that way and I do allow those who meet me to view my ID if they request.


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Jul 23, 2003
Anik & License

Hmmm....and how would Anik handle the case of my cousin from New York who doesn't drive???? (Who in their right mind would drive in NYC???)

What ID would she ask of him, or is his USD$$$$ not welcome???

Also...has Anik ever SEEN a North Dakota license or one from Outer Mongolia??? Any bozo can make an ID that probably looks better than the real ones, just by using any number of readily available computer programs that are out there.


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Jan 9, 2006
I am bringing up this thread again

because as most of you know - not long ago I was treated in a not so good manner by a client. I believe, had I screened the guy as I normally do, I would not have met with him. It was stupid on my part - but I learned my lesson, in 5 years, I NEVER had a date go bad before - NEVER.

I understand your rights to privacy and your right to not come meet with me because of my screening. However, you must understand my right to see clients in a way that makes me feel safe... if you will not, or cannot go through my screening, then don't. It isn't because I don't WANT to meet new clients, it is because I have a family to reassure that I am safe and keeping myself safe at all times.

How does my screening keep me safe?
Well, a phone number is so I can call you and talk for a minute or 2. I ask some strange questions, that don't require any family or additional personal questions, just chit chat really. References are so that I can verify that someone else has met you and didn't find you objectionable in terms of your behaviour, and the full name is a trust thing.

Am I guaranteed safe this way - no, but generally, those who intend to do harm will not go through my screening at all... this is just my observation, and I may be wrong, but I don't think so.

Thanks for listening



New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Kepler said:
But if you meet the client in a reputable hotel, wouldn't you be safe there? (hotel security would not interfere in a fee dispute, but would surely act if there is any physical violence.)

Every reputable hotel that I know of requires a full name to get through to the room anyhow... and for that, I know I am not the only lady who requires a check-up call before I head over to a hotel (we all know there are plenty of people who like to play games with hotel rooms)... actually, the name thing is not the hard part in Montreal, especially for those at the reputable hotels. Funny enough, most guys don't like to give references... or a phone number to reach them at.

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