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Ever felt your life was meaningless?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I don't know what job you guys do, lawyers, doctors, police officer maybe? I dunno, maybe some of you are banker, cook or maybe armed force humanitarian... we can never know...

So this message may pass 12 feet over your head, with reason or not, its not the purpose of it. I was just thinking something tonight... Its true i had a few drinks... so maybe i am not totally and all there, but sometimes i feel for the past years my life has been meaningless, like i was just existing... nothing more. I was going with the flow... and once i would be gone, i would be Dust in the wind like everybody else before me...

Does i want to be remembered as the great one Wayne Gretzky for his sorts carreer and fame, NO, not at all, or a great person that changed the world like Martin Luther King or Nelson Mandella? No i am not aiming that hight. I am just thinking maybe if i could do a slight difference and help people, no matter in what domain, no matter the situation, save lives like a paramedic, help people as a psychologic, or help the kids that have problems in school. No matter what...

I want to make a difference, i want to do something for this world, and i am just feeling part of my life has been wasted...

I was just walking tonight at 3 am, going back to my hotel, i saw a girl cross the streets, she was really wasted, and she goes across the street as the cars where driving by, at first i was to enter my hotel, but then i turned around and i got back to the street, i was watching over her to make sure she was safe on the other side... I didn't knew this person, i don't know if she had to cross over at any other place... but i had to at least make sure she was safe before i would enter my hotel. I hope she was able to reach her home and all safe... but of course i couldn't follow her(it would had creep her out anyway) to make sure of it...

But i was not able to just don't care... and i can't understand people that stay there and film sometimes not doing anything when people are being hurt.... Its just not me... I want to make a difference in this world, i want to help peoples.

This may not be the best place to share this feeling, but i feel home on this board, i have been here for a while, and you people know me well, and i don't see where else i could share it. I feel if this business need something sometimes... its a human touch....


Oct 21, 2011
Top of the mountain
I envy you it's been a while I dint stop get drunk a bit and ask myself that question ! To exist to be , can we be more every day every year the answer is no ! it depends on timeliness... I'm pragmatic person ,do you have a course on first responder ?

There's three thing you want to accomplish in your life
First the big thing on your tombstone : Went and came alive from south face of Annapurna! 1 out of 4 don't come back!
Secound the long term project like house and kids and car ... something that you can have when getting verry old..
Third and this the most important to me is to put smile in people face and help other people .... to a point sometimes they think i'm creepy or harassing

I build stuff that will last for 10-15 years that people will use every day ! i get to use my creativity to solve basic daily problems ,have friend that is a financial advisor and she brags about how much money she make people save and my tattoo artist friend what she does is for life also We all put more or less a chunk of something in other people life ,lets make meaningfull!" I'm sure they also ask the same question as you and they find there answer in every day life action . Those action that you do or don't do at the end shape what you are .... I have my first responder course but if someone collapse in front of me do I have the balls to do cpr ... hope to never have that opportunity !
This answer just a little bit !
hope to get drunk and have that lonely walk again to find more answer
in vino verritas

lately i've been doing yoga , and in class I'm the one who doens't fit in the picture , bit overweight ....
But I love it , its fucking fucking hard and surrounded by super cute girls in very suggestive pose :eyebrows:

The girl the other side of the street you could have shouted to her , ask if everything was okay but you did what I do also nothing ... I think thats the question i'm going to ask myself after a few lonely brewskis why I'm so handcuff!:confused:


New Member
Jul 1, 2011
Maybe all you needed to do was watch over that girl and make sure she was safe. Ripples in a pond.

Lily from Montreal

HM,you are too cute!I just want to hug you,here's a virtual hug: XXXXXXX


Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
HM, if you feel like this then it sounds like you really need to make a change in your life. I'm not sure what that change is; it's something you need to decide on.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
T'as du charisme, T'as un bon raisonnement, les gens t'apprécient.
Donc, déjà, tu fais du bien à l'entours de toi en étant toi même... C'est pas rien...

Je crois que tu n'es pas habitué de rester aussi longtemps à MTL, où les gens ne parlent pas ou peu à leur voisins...
Faut y aller progressivement ;)

Si tu veux aider des gens et que tu as des temps libre, bien y a des organismes qui viennent en aide au gens dans le besoin que tu pourrais sans doute contacter... Ça sera sûrement pour du bénévolat par exemple...


Aug 12, 2011
Hi Mike,
we have met at a couple of GTs. I don't agree with some of your opinions, but you always touch me when you speak about yourself. And I often identify with you, though I am a little older than you--well...quite a bit, LOL! So let me react to this thread by adding that your post answers already, and very beautifully, the question you pose. Going out of your way, even slightly, to help someone is a simple act of love. After that simple gesture you felt better, your life felt meaningful. You also felt compelled to ask those questions we all have deep inside, no matter how prestigious our social status may be. I hope, actually I am sure, that you will keep doing what you did whenever you have a chance: going out of your way to help someone. After the good feeling, inevitably will come the questioning. And the questioning will lead you to act out of love a little more often. There is no definitive way to find meaning in life. But we can make life more and more meaningful for longer and longer stretches if we follow (excuse the cliché!) our heart!
With all my best wishes,


New Member
Apr 23, 2009
I can sympathize. The past 10 years for me have been just a blur of eat-shit-work-sleep, and racking up 20k worth of debt (and no, not from hobbying - I haven't seen SPs and my dwindling strip club activity has been sporadic and rather conservative)
Staying in a place I can't afford to leave that's sucking my soul out and lying there in bed everynight thinking about death. The only motivation I have to get up anymore is my responsibility to an adult dependent who would be instantly homeless if I were gone, and very likely dead within half a year... Trust me you're not the only person on earth who feels their live ain't worth living.

I apologize, that... probably did not help at all....


New Member
Mar 15, 2012
It's never too late Mike! I was 45 before I discovered my real 'passion' and I finally feel that my life has meaning and purpose now that I'm in my 50's.



Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
Visit site
Volunteer for something - visiting the elderly, serving in a shelter for homeless people, helping to organize town or church events, tutoring children, scout master, Big Brothers, coach a sports team, referee. The time is never wasted and you are guaranteed to meet wonderful people.

Rusty Staub

6x All-Star selection
Jul 10, 2008
Volunteer for something - visiting the elderly, serving in a shelter for homeless people, helping to organize town or church events, tutoring children, scout master, Big Brothers, coach a sports team, referee. The time is never wasted and you are guaranteed to meet wonderful people.

great post

all of these places always need volunteers

and speaking from experience, you do feel good about yourself afterwards


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Worth and purpose can be define by how you affect the rest of the world, but ultimately satisfaction has to come from inside. Someone could be a successful surgeon saving lives everyday, and still feel hollow because they don't see any worth in the people they are saving. You have to feel good about what you can accomplish, even if it's modest.

And like people said, it's never too late and your past is not wasted. We learn and improve ourselves. If we started out perfect with everything worked out there would be no point in living.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Get married and have kids, you will have a meaning in life then. 75% of what I do is for my kids and I love it. Kids are not for all but I have a blast with mine.


New Member
Aug 17, 2012
Sol, I never had the chance to get married and I don't have kids: does that mean that life has no meaning? I don't think so. I met and still meet interesting people. I did and do things that I could not do if I was engaged. I had two choices: being sad for all my life because I was single or making interesting activities. Guess what was my choice? And ewhen i'm talking about activities, I mean other activities than the seual ones. :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
This is a troubling thread. I wish I had some good advice for Mike and Dolt. On occasion I have felt like this. For me, when I feel like this it is a good time to count my blessings and reflect on my own life and my own accomplishments. I feel good about the following:
1.) I feel like I have been a contributor to the economy rather than a taker. By this I mean to say I am a taxpayer. With the exception of a short period of time, I have been employed nearly all my adult life and I'm not looking for a free lunch. In fact, I can say that my tax dollar has enabled people that are down on their luck.
2.) Some of the things I have accomplished in industry have not only made money but have made the world a better place. I can honestly say this.
3.) Children - I would never encourage anyone to run out and have kids as a remedy for depression, however, I have raised kids and as Mr. Nutz says this has also been a tremendous source of pride. They are all on the correct path and I have recieved lots of complements about them. I am always there for them.
4.) I took care of my parents when they were alive. I was there for them till the end. I can remember when my Parent's Doctor looked at me and told me that I am a good son...So I am a good son.
5.) I have had many hobbies that have benefited the youth in the community and the state. So I can say I have given back.
6.) During my life I set personal goals and I have accomplished many of those things. BS Degree, masters, passed recruit training and served my country, ran a 1/2 marathon etc. etc.
7.) I have donated to various causes and relief efforts. My being employed allowed me to do this.
8.) I have managed to save something for my retirement. I don't think I have to look forward to eating dog food for the last 15 ears of my life.

I guess I have earned the right to sit on a bar stool or sit home and watch a baseball game and not feel too guilty. I also don't feel guilty of setting up a few appointments with SPs either.

Dolt - you are making a great sacrifice caring for an adult dependent. You must be doing the right thing. This will pay off someday.
Mike - Work hard to finish that degree. Do the things that Anon suggested above. But first, put a list together and ask yourself where you want to be in 30 - 35 years. This is a start.


Nov 12, 2007
I've never thought life has meaning. It is much like a donut or a pizza. Doesn't mean you can't enjoy the fuck out of it.


Oct 7, 2009
your doing more good then you think mike
i've read many of your threads on this board particuly the ones on how to treat
the sps you've met, i have the same philosophy,treat them as a human being
and you see it in their eyes how they feel respected cared about etc.

the job they do is not an easy one, but by your(our) actions we do a lot of good
beleive me mike they tell me so, since we are similar in our interaction with them probably what they say
to me theyve' said it to you. your are maybe in a downtime that you forgot what you gave them

anyway sheer up my man, reflect on the good you do, seem's maybe small or meaningless to you right now
but you do make a difference
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