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College admission scandal


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
So you must have read the news. Rich dumb ass holes paid for their son/daughter to cheat and pass top university admission test.

What can be worst then this?

You cheat to yourself and you familly. You show example to your son/daughter that cheating is fine as long as you have money...

Actress Lori Loughlin and husband paid half a million to have their 2 daughter admitted to USC... By cheating...

Half a fucking million dollar. Fuck!!!

This is sick!


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Jalimon, everyone here including the ladies say you are a big oarsman. I just presumed that's how you got into college. ;)

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Sam, people are surprised because rich people already have a system amenable for their kids to be admitted to the best schools that doesn't involve breaking the law. Rich people likely live in good school districts, which is a leg up, and they have the financial means to get the best (expensive) tutors for their kids. And if all else fails, they can go the route of donating money to the school like Jared Kushner's father donated $2.5 million to Harvard. I mention that without even discussing legacy admissions.

It's another level of corruption to have someone else take entrance exams for your kid or have someone give them the correct answers as they're taking the test.

You're right about the dumb athletes having tests taken for them-- but that scenario is slightly different. It's still corrupt but it's the school that wants that talented athlete because he's going to make money for their football or basketball program. The school doesn't care because the athlete isn't necessarily in school to learn. That's different from pretending your kid got into an elite school on individual merit.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
$500,000 - I could hobby for a lifetime off the interest but this is just the ante for rich celebs to get their bratty children into schools.

Yes Patron, you are quite correct. The rich will pay a high price for baby sitters. But the Profs need this . They need stupid people to come in and study the Sociology of Miley Cyrus on their way to a watered downed major from the School of Social Science at any Liberal Arts School.

You are also quite correct about affirmative racism or action or whatever it is called. It's another way to get dumb bunnies a sheepskin in Gender Studies or Black Studies.

But this is a case where they are actually superimposing their kids heads on photos of a pole vaulter or submitting photographs or short videos of their daughters on a rowing machine?

The system is fucked up. They say the next bubble is kids that can't pay back their student loans. Banks have a very liberal lending policy for kids that are going to school and these funds are used to buy stereos, cars, parties and then the kids graduates with 6 figure debt and a degree in Social Work which pays $30K/year. And since you can't prostitute yourself for extra money, how do you pay this back? I hear that there is a movement by the Trump administration to make the schools responsible for those that default on student loans. I would love to see this.
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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
1.3 trillion is the student debt hungry. I know some people in their 40’s that still have student debt... this is crazy shit.

But to pay to bypass the system is the highest form of prostitution there is.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
USC got a hot Influencer as a student, and LA really loves hot girls. Remember the movie Risky Business and “Princeton can really use a guy like Joel.” (After he got the admissions officer laid).

This is a hilarious reference Patron. I would love to fuck that little Future Enterpriser. You commented on Olivia Jade's beautiful breast job somewhere else. I believe she might have had her nose slimmed down, but if you are a Hollywood celebrity or celebrity child this is probably fairly common.

You know the old joke.....what does USC stand for? University of Spoiled Children. In Los Angeles, it is known that if you want to go into a career where connections are preeminent and class needs to be signaled, you go to USC. If you are going into a career where achievement and competence need to be signaled, you go across town to UCLA. Of course, this is a generalization and there are many accomplished USC alumni.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
.....what does USC stand for? University of Spoiled Children..

Olivia thinks University is a waste of time. She went to please her parents and to party.
Reminds me of my college friends who ended up getting into McGill University but then flunking out and ending up at Concordia because they played cards all day.
The one who stayed and graduated from McGill did very well and now owns 6 hotels in Amsterdam.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
cloudsurf, that is another problem with American universities today. There are less poor grades and flunking out than years ago. You can get into a good school and coast. There are hundreds of other American universities that are considered mediocre schools and for the most part they are babysitting.

That is why I believe the problems with American universities can't be solved with "free" college for all.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
"Free" schooling is not a good idea, Quebec with their "free" Cegeps has the highest dropout rate probably due to being free. If you pay for it you will put in more of an effort. Just my opinion.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Nothing is free. We all pay for it as equally as possible. As it should be to give a chance to all.

Now is the system perfect? Hell no! The problem is not free CEGEP. The problem is CEGEP in itself. We should have the choice of one extra high school year and go to university or go to CEGEP for a professional program where you actually learn valuable skills. Not crappy general studies...

There you go I solved it!


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Kellyanne Conway summed it up well:

.@LoriLoughlin & @FelicityHuffman indicted for lying and buying spots in college.

They worried their daughters are as stupid as their mothers.

Her boss the trumpet himself had to pay a hefty sum of money to keep quiet and shut down his shitty fake university... So if I was here I would have kept it quiet on that matter.

That said I do love the response to her tweet hehe

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
So if I was here I would have kept it quiet on that matter.

Well, it certainly looks (to me) like you are here and not exactly keeping it quiet, what's the matter?

I think it would be a great public service if you took a couple of minutes to publish a definitive list of subjects she is allowed to comment on.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Her boss the trumpet himself had to pay a hefty sum of money to keep quiet and shut down his shitty fake university.,.

There you go again relying on liberal American media for your primary, unadulterated source of information.

All Trump University was a short-term real estate seminar. No one was issued an accredited college degree. We have dozens and dozens of other real estate seminars around the country. He settled the suit because it interfered with his campaign. This was the first sign that running for office was going to make him an easy target.

Many of the knuckleheads here think their candidat de choix is some kind of saint simply because they have been operating on the inside of the political system for the last twenty plus years.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
I was watching Trump Derangement News (CNN) and Don Lemon was trying to equate the college entrance scandal with Donald Trump receiving $200,000 a year from his father when he was an infant.

I think most of us would say that if you have money it's your right to give it to your kids. Inheritance has always been a target of Communists/Socialists, but passing on your legacy and wealth to your kids is an instinctual value. It's a big motivator for many people. Even the damn Soviet and Maoist Communists advanced their children's education and careers.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
To those up above talking about how it is already spilling over into other lawsuits and discussing CEGEP and coasting and the like - maybe the one good thing that could come out of this would be a massive overhaul of the higher education system in the US (and really in Canada as well). Not needing a University degree to have a decent job would be a huge move forward. Putting further education as mixes of trade schools , technical schools, research schools and the like for those who want to pursue those paths but a solid education is provided by high school would be great. I don't know if we could get there. How you also then break up "elite" schools so that they don't work as mostly closed networks is another problem.

I'm now going to blow sambuca's mind by agreeing with him that Trump University can't really be linked into this. It was using "University" in its name as marketing/branding but never pretended it was a real university with accreditation and semesters and the like. Yes, the name was misleading and they were forced to change it because it is illegal to even use the name in some states, but that was never the basis of their legal problems. Their legal problems were due to fraudulent advertising and high pressure sales and the usual bullshit Trump scam elements. He never claimed to be operating an institute of higher education, though, as far as I can tell.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
There you go again relying on liberal American media for your primary, unadulterated source of information.

All Trump University was a short-term real estate seminar. No one was issued an accredited college degree. We have dozens and dozens of other real estate seminars around the country. He settled the suit because it interfered with his campaign. This was the first sign that running for office was going to make him an easy target.

Many of the knuckleheads here think their candidat de choix is some kind of saint simply because they have been operating on the inside of the political system for the last twenty plus years.

Sambuca I brought Trump's university because of the irony of the situation. I perfectly know it was not a real university. I am a bit idiot but not that idiot ;)

Ho by the way Trumps settled because it was a fraud not because it was interfering with his politics ;)



Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Why they did not bribe their way into mathematics or graduate physics program? Bullshit education in art and humanities do not require any brains that’s why. So this makes it money competition instead of brains.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007

Here is her instagram account. I wanted to write in "It was n't your fault Olivia Jade" and "This too shall pass" but I cannot. There are a ton of cruel comments. All I know is this:
If I could book an hour with her I would definitely end up licking her asshole at some point.

Guys doesn't she look like Hana from XO circa 2017?
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