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Imagine...........Things that could have been if seperation did not fuck us all up!

J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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Imagine if the politicians did not cause the French to resent the Engish in Quebec. Imagine if Montreal was the biggest city in Canada. Imagine if All the head offices did not leave the Montreal area in the last 30 years. Imagine all the social good that could have been for all the money we spent on referenums.
Would Montreal not be the biggest city in Canada if it were not for seperation? Would Montreal not have retained all the head offices that have left and attracted many more. Would we not have many more opportunities and choices in out lives if we did not spend the last 30 years bickering.
What are the things that could have been in your life? :mad:
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J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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Mirabel airport.

In 1975 Montreal was the largest city in Canada, home to most of the nations corperate head offices. Mirabel airport was built to accomadate the growth. Built in 1975, it was 27 times larger than Dorval airport. Ready for future expansion of the Montreal area. Expansion that never came.
The economic growth of Montreal was stunted by the Parti Quebecois with all their talk of seperation. Sending hundreds of head offices down the 401.


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Sep 3, 2003
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I laughed

I laughed when I read how the Language Police wanted to make Dorval airport's air traffic controllers speak French only.
(Fucking ORLY airport in Paris uses English!)

The airlines said "Hey, no problem- we just won't use Dorval".

End of language discussion. :)


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
The Language Police would serve a much more useful purpose if they actually policed the French language instead of English. There was a report in the Journal de Montreal last year about the poor quality of the French language used in advertising and Quebec web sites. Anyone ever notice that all the complaints they handle involve the English language, never any other language? They aren't the French language police, they're the anti-English language police.:cool: Or as Bowser and Blue call them...the apostrophe SS.
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Virgin User
May 17, 2006
OLF and Chinatown

Techman said:
Anyone ever notice that all the complaints they handle involve the English language, never any other language?

They did try to 'convert' Chinatown a few years ago. That got stopped in its tracks pretty quickly though. Personally, I think a French Chinatown would have been a great tourist attraction. :)

The OLF says that they work based on complaints. So maybe we should all file complaints ( ) on every violation we find in other languages.


New Member
Jul 30, 2006
Well, one thing that that wouldn't be is super hot escorts for $160/hour. :)


New Member
Mar 6, 2006
I had the privilege of travelling all over Europe for few years for my work. I like so much the fact that after a few hours train ride, you get to discover a unique culture! People talk, eat, drink, looks, love, smokes, smells and feel differently. We should not fear and dispise foreign cultures. We can learn so much from different cultures if we open our mind to them! My two cents!


New Member
Jul 28, 2005
Mars99 said:
I had the privilege of travelling all over Europe for few years for my work. I like so much the fact that after a few hours train ride, you get to discover a unique culture! People talk, eat, drink, looks, love, smokes, smells and feel differently. We should not fear and dispise foreign cultures. We can learn so much from different cultures if we open our mind to them! My two cents!
How true. I also travelled abroad and experienced the same. After coming back to Canada I had a better appreciation for diversity in language, attitude, culture and learned to despise that Albertan concept of "equality" where everyone must be: White, male, protestant, english-speaking and middle-aged.

Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005
Threads like this are attempts at baiting Québecers.
Never mind the facts. Never mind historical accuracy. Never mind objectivity.

But that's okay. I expect nothing more & nothing less out of those four or five cronies that think they own this place. Their jibes, fibs and tall tales have entertained us for years.

It is true that Montreal's economic situation was severely sabotaged by Anglo-Canadian resentment over French power in general and the 1976 PQ victory in particular. One need only think of Sun Life Assurance moving out under Galt's leadership.

Anglo-Canada has a traditional distrust of French Canada.
Anglo-Canada being the old root descendants of the British Isle colonists that cane here over the last 300 years.

This has been further ascerbated by English speaking sons and daughters of German, Slav and Eastern European immigrants. They were imported to farm the western plains, to dig in the mines and to cast metal in the smelters and now they feel that they invented the country. For some reason they have utter contempt for Quebec French for some reason that only a trained psychologists would explain.

A first & second wave of economic refugees from Vietnamese, China, India, Pakistan were imported as cheap labour in the railways before and in the service industries now. The english speaking Indians & Pakistanis have gravitated to Toronto, the english speaking Hong Kong Chinese to Vancouver and the french speaking Vienamese to Montreal. Apart from Jackie Singh and Micheal Chong we hear little about them.

The latest wave of Latin American migration is there to fuel the economy in light of the low national birth rate. They have gravitated mainly to urban areas. Latin American have a more soujther European attitude toward the language issue that is similar to Spanish, Italian or Potugese attitudes. They are not that quick to swallow the english language is superior. They do not have the anglo-saxon envy that has befallen the eastern europeans.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
It is true that Montreal's economic situation was severely sabotaged by Anglo-Canadian resentment over French power in general and the 1976 PQ victory in particular. One need only think of Sun Life Assurance moving out under Galt's leadership.

Let me get this're blaming the exodus on the English? Anglos left because they didn't want to be stuck in a separate Quebec where they would have virtually no rights.

For some reason they have utter contempt for Quebec French for some reason that only a trained psychologists would explain

It doesn't take a psychologist to know why there is resentment here. When you try to push something down someone's throat they naturally resist. What do you expect to happen when a government does it's best to eradicate a language?

They are not that quick to swallow the english language is superior.

Who has ever said that the English language is superior? No language is any better than any other. The language one speaks has absolutely no bearing on his qualities as a human being. The problems in Quebec really have nothing to do with language at this point in time, it has to do with power and some people will use any way possible to attain it. Preying on language insecurities is a very effective method.

They do not have the anglo-saxon envy that has befallen the eastern europeans

If anyone has anglo-saxon envy it's the French Quebecois. They hate the fact that English is the language of business in the world and would love it to be French. They would love a return to the days where French was the most important language in the world to the point that it was the language spoken in all the royal courts of Europe and Russia. Unfortunately these days are passed.:cool:

Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005
Techman said:
...Who has ever said that the English language is superior? ...

Yanks, Brits & English Canadians have said this over and over.
Some have even said that we would have word peace if everyone spoke english (the American revolution, war of 1812 & American civil war were wars because of english accents:D )

English is the language of fair play. The language of liberty. The language business. The language of Hollywood and international entertainment. It rolls off the tongue of millions of blue collar Joes and white collar office clerks in Canada. The tongue of Shakespeare has elevated repairmen, truck drivers and office boys into diplomats who can get off an airplane in Europe, Asia & South America and expect that the barman, maid or hooker will understand what a beer, clean sheets and a blow job are.

English is the master language. The sun never sets on the british empire.

English is the language of international business. American businessmen & government officials rarely speak anything else than english. If you want to deal with them, you cannot do it in Togalog can you?

The majority of Americans or Canadians can barely utter a few words of Spanish or French even when whole neighbourhoods, towns & states/provinces have millions that speak those languages. They don't need to learn anything else than english. The USA makes the best films, the best TV and the best theme parks.

Worldwide; spanish & chinese are more popular than english. And most of these people don't understand english at all. But that does not matter. The english will bomb them again.

There are more english speaking people in India than in the rest of the world combined.
This sort of makes "speak white" ironically nostalgic or nostalgically ironic.;)
Don't you think?


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
bobody1965 said:
Let me get this're blaming the exodus on the English? Anglos left because they didn't want to be stuck in a separate Quebec where they would have virtually no rights.

Please Techman when you say that, you don`t sound very serious about blaming Quebec, if you whant to strat a debate do your homework... saying that you have virtually no rights......please...

We aren't living in a separate Quebec are we? I never said that Anglos were in this situation today, only that that was what they were afraid of happening in the late 70's and 80's when the mass exodus took place. Why do you think the Anglos left? As part of a conspiracy to sabotage Quebec? Give me a break.

Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005
Techman said:
Why do you think the Anglos left?

You did not ask me. I'll field that question anyway.

They certainly would not have left out of resentment.

And certainly not out of fear of being forced to promote french instead of quashing it.

They would never of course complain that french is being forced down their throats because it is now written on cereal boxes and soup cans.

Of course even the anglos 1000 miles away would never complain that the french sign laws are unfair.

And they would never, never say that having french in Canada is inefficient and that it only exists out of the goodness of their generous hearts, a gift that was given. They would never say that or teach that to their children, would they?

Perhaps, they left....because Quebec had too many mediocre, crafty, mid-level managers and foremen who's only talent was that they spoke english and this impressed Toronto or American based companies?


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
And certainly not out of fear of being forced to promote french instead of quashing it.

Why should the Anglos promote French? Can't the French do that themselves? Obviously they can't, because if they could they wouldn't need laws to do it for them.:rolleyes:

They would never of course complain that french is being forced down their throats because it is now written on cereal boxes and soup cans.

It has nothing to do with bilingualism. It does have to do with losing the ability to conduct business in the language of their choice, of losing the right to display their own language in public including having to change the names of businesses to suit the language laws. Anglos were not exactly made to feel welcome by these ethnocentric laws.

And they would never, never say that having french in Canada is inefficient and that it only exists out of the goodness of their generous hearts, a gift that was given. They would never say that or teach that to their children, would they?

I've never heard any of that being taught to Anglo kids in my life. And as I've said before, it's time to stop living in the past looking for revenge for old hurts.

Perhaps, they left....because Quebec had too many mediocre, crafty, mid-level managers and foremen who's only talent was that they spoke english and this impressed Toronto or American based companies?

And they have since been replaced with 10 times the number of incompetant unilingual French employees? Oops, that's just the government employees. The English who left, as well as their head offices and the money and business they brought to this province, have never been replaced.

Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005
Like shooting carp in a barrel.
I'm being metaphorical here.

met·a·phor (mĕt'ə-fôr, -fər)

[Middle English methaphor, from Old French metaphore, from Latin metaphora, from Greek, transference, metaphor, from metapherein, to transfer, meta-, meta-, + pherein, to carry.]

A figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison, as in “a sea of troubles” or “All the world's a stage” (Shakespeare)
One thing conceived as representing another; a symbol: “Hollywood has always been an irresistible, prefabricated metaphor for the crass, the materialistic, the shallow, and the craven” (Neal Gabler)




Jan 27, 2006
Between a rock and a hard place
Hydragoat, Oublies ça mon homme, It's fucking useless.

Techman said:
And as I've said before, it's time to stop living in the past looking for revenge for old hurts.

Then practice what you preach.
Bill 101 has been in force since 1977, get on with it, get a fucking life.

Oh by the way have you guys noticed, there was a thread regarding muslim or arabs , I don't quite remember as it's been closed and then removed by one of the Moderassholes.

Pas de danger que les Modératés enlèves les threads qui casse du sucre sur le dos des français.

Again they proove that they are biased!

Do I risk of being bet!
Do I give a fuck....................nope!


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
The thread titled "Separate!" was closed. Why wasn't this one since it's filled with the same distorsions, exaggerations and revisionist history?

As I stated before, I've never been a separatist and I've often condemned separatist excesses (and there were many), but as a french canadian, I'm fully aware that the separatist movement is largely responsible for shaping our cultural identity, for getting us out of our second class citizen status and for giving us the life and opportunities we have today. For a french canadian not to know this, or even worse, to deny it is just mindboggling.
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