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I Am A Hooker

Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
I Am a Hooker by Molly Robinson - first posted on TERB


I am Canadian....I love this commercial. One of my all time favorites.


I thought that it would be fun to use the same format to exclaim that I am proud to be a hooker so I aptly named it "I Am a Hooker"

"I Am a Hooker"

Hey, I’m not a crack whore, or a gold digger...

I don’t walk the streets or shoot heroine, nor do I have a pimp...

yes I do know Jimmy, John and Joe from Toronto,

believe it or not they really are just "normal" guys.

I own an upscale condo, I don't work in a back ally.

I offer French and Russian, no Greek.

You can call me a “whore”, not “a Ho”.

I can proudly spread my legs for cash.

I believe in decriminalizing, not legalizing,

safety for sex workers, not morality laws

and that the shaved beaver is a truly lovely site.

An escort is a hooker, a civilian, well she does it for "free",

and I get paid in “cash” not “trade”, “cash”!!!

Prostitution is the worlds oldest profession!

The first institution of debauchery!

and the finest service ever sold to man.

My name is Molly!!

And I am a Hooker!!!
The One and Only Molly Robinson

Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
"I am a John" by Hafdun on Terb


"I am a John"
Hey, I don't hang out in back alleys and I don't lust after little girls.
I have no interest in sex with boys...
or anyone with a penis for that matter.
I find all well groomed, well mannered women are beautiful beings.
I've been a John for many years and I don't find myself turning into a sex crazed 'Mr. Hyde'.
I don't live in my parent's basement and I am a respected member of my community.
I have been in and out of relationships were the sex was 'free'...but it really wasn't.
I take great solace in the ability to give my hard earned cash to a well deserving lady who will proudly spread her legs and smile so convincingly that I believe I'm special.
For that, I gladly treat her with the respect she deserves and wish that the general population would do likewise.
I believe in decriminalizing, not legalizing prostitution.
I believe our laws should ensure safety for sex workers and provide anonymity for Johns.
I believe a shaved beaver is a truly lovely site. ( a good trim job works too)
A John is just an average guy that prefers to clarify the cost of his sexual fulfillment, and what more honest way to do so than through a mutually agreeable transaction with a willing partner.
The worlds oldest profession would never of survived without Johns!

My name is Hafdun...
and I AM A JOHN!
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