Montreal Escorts

Montreal a disaster?


Planning to travel???
Jun 30, 2009
Sorry to see this in Macleans... only part of the article is online:

Montreal is a disaster
The once-glamorous city is now a corrupt, crumbling, mob-ridden disgrace. What went wrong?

Are you talking about crack? Street gangs? Humain misery? Scams? Corruption?

Now you know why I left Montreal... It's a society matter, but nobody seems to care anymore...

BTW, the picture with the cop car is from Laval... It's going all over...
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Sorry to see this in Macleans... only part of the article is online:

Montreal is a disaster
The once-glamorous city is now a corrupt, crumbling, mob-ridden disgrace. What went wrong?

The only thing that surprises me is that anyone is actually asking the question "What went wrong?" Has everyone forgotten...separatists, referendum X 2 and probably more to come, companies leaving Montreal, language laws, reasonable accommodation...people are still asking what went wrong? DUH!

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Funny how biased this thread is about this article...when they say that garbage collection is a humdrum reality for other cities.

And what was this ? Toronto Stinks ! Skyrocketing costs, soaring Canada's biggest city got into this mess :

How do you guys in Toronto called your mayor ? Garbage ?
You've got people saying they want to planning to move because of crime, taxes... and others call Toronto a sh*t hole falling apart day by day corrupted politicians... decrease public safety. Loosing electricity a good 24hours in winter time.

TTC strike, garbage strike and corroding infrastructure...

What is it ? you guys just realised the money is in Alberta now ?
Did you ever hear about tar sands ? oil ?

It starting to look all over like this Oka crisis when Americans would come up north to see how 'bad' we were with Mohawks... while not even looking in their own backyards... and what happened next ? we saw the same stupid problems happening everywhere in the country.

Yes Montreal is dirty with lots of potholes, graffitis and people getting nasty.
Yes there is white collar corruption and the mob.

But did you forget about when the bikers were on the newspaper cover ?
Did you forget about all the problems because of french vs. english that used to be fueled a lot by the Feds and the hardcore French ?

This forum is about Montreal scene no ?
How good will you do to the sex industry here by ranting constantly about Montreal while shutting your eyes of all the problems there is everywhere else ?


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Well, I haven't been there since April, so the city has got to be hurting without my cash flow. LOL:D

Nah. The American dollar isn't worth what it once was. :p

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
The only thing that surprises me is that anyone is actually asking the question "What went wrong?" Has everyone forgotten...separatists, referendum X 2 and probably more to come, companies leaving Montreal, language laws, reasonable accommodation...people are still asking what went wrong? DUH!

God Techman with your separatist thing you sound like an old broken record ! DUH !
How about a quick course in economy and society ? 2009 that is. Not the 80-90s.

Companies leaving ? We hear about the same from Toronto ! and it's happening all over the world. It's called globalisation. Some moove to Brasil, India, China, etc... didn't you read the news ?

Languages laws ? don't make me laugh ! Montreal has never been more anlgo than it was back then. Where are your referendums ?

I think you should start reading a bit about 'money' because you sound like a broken record. I bet you're probably the kind to blame all the problem of the world today on communism.

As for Montreal going under ? Pal you don't know much about the futur projects and you seem to overlook completely all that was done so far in preparation for this.

Infrastructure problems happens all over North America. And since we're surrounded by greed it's just normal that you'll see major sh*t in these.

But go ahead and complain ! Be my guest ! I'm sure you'll found another reason to blame todays problems on what happened 400 years ago.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Funny how biased this thread is about this article...when they say that garbage collection is a humdrum reality for other cities....

This forum is about Montreal scene no ?
How good will you do to the sex industry here by ranting constantly about Montreal while shutting your eyes of all the problems there is everywhere else ?

Ummm...Dee didn't write the article, he's just asking for our opinions on it. The same way that I didn't write the article that you attacked me over. Can't you tell the difference?


Planning to travel???
Jun 30, 2009
Government vs Society...

It starting to look all over like this Oka crisis when Americans would come up north to see how 'bad' we were with Mohawks...

I've mooved from Saint-Michel to Oka... So peaceful!

You did'nt know that here, it's a family thing... That was the matter. Federal government got messed up with the wrong family. Us are established here since almost a century, from Ireland, just like most of the people. Who did they think they are? Building a golf course on a sacred cemetery, in a Native reserve...

No... I think the thing is everybody is caring about theire own comfort...

Ice Cube said, back in 1986, that we have to trust our society, not the government... But us, instead of using our government as a tool, we used it as a guide (should be the other way around), and forgot about our society...
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
JH, if you think that the mass exodus we had has not had lasting and devastating effects to the Montreal and Quebec economy, you`re a fool. Not only did we lose a large number of the upper levels of the workforce as they were the ones who had the money to leave, we lost their tax dollars as well as their children and their tax dollars as they have grown up and joined the workforce. And we will also lose their grandchildren`s tax dollars as well.

What have we replaced them with? Immigrants, many of whom are very well educated professionals who are not permitted to work in their field because they were not educated here and are forced to work as taxi drivers and in other low income professions which come nowhere near replacing those who have been lost. Constant language bickering and threats of separation have kept companies from returning here or relocating their head offices back in Montreal. Quebec has to bribe companies to come here with either tax breaks or grants. We spend our tax dollars on low cost education only to see our graduates pick up and leave for greener pastures because Quebec cannot compete with the world job market, or even the job market in the rest of Canada.

Can you pick out one moment in recent history where the tide started to change and Montreal began to lose it`s status as the top city in Canada and started on a downward spiral to where we are today? A city that has to pay companies to do business here, where our roads would be right at home in a war torn third world country, where our best and brightest are lining up to leave for other cities where they will make more money.

From Wikipedia

The enactment of Bill 101 was highly controversial and led to an immediate and sustained exodus of anglophones from Quebec that, according to Statistics Canada (2003), since 1971 saw a drop of 599,000 of those Quebecers whose mother tongue was English

You don`t even have to go that far back...

Now tell me again how Quebec politics haven`t led us to where we are today. :rolleyes:

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Tell you what !

I'm gonna read this article and start saying that Toronto's having a problem with infrastructure costs !

And what is this ? Cities across Canada are crumbling down ?

Now that's a beaut ! The feds could be sucked in the political scandal in Montreal ?

Hey ? aren't they the ones telling everyone they will be hard on corruption ?

What about Shaw, Telus and Enbridge that moved from Edmonton ? Do you guys had a separatist movement there also ?

I bet you they are responsible for Inco, Defasco and FalconBridge moving out of Toronto !
Or maybe it's a language problem. In Toronto you don't have too many Swiss translators !

Now what ? More Canadians than ever before have moved out of the country, 2.8 million live permanently overseas. ! Now this got to be the separatist movement in Quebec !

Not only the anglos moved out of Montreal ! they moved out of Canada altogether !
2.8 million of them ! Sh*t man ! there you go ! the separatist movement.

They say that CH isn't winning the cup because there isn't enough hard core french in the team ! There you go ! It's the separatist !

I see them everywhere ! they're like Al-Quaeda ! they're everywhere !
They were in Irak no ? like the WMDs ? I bet you the separatists are working together with the Mob, the Italian Mafia, the bikers, the Taliban, the North Koreans, the Neo-Nazis and the old communists ! And by god they take all their orders from who else ? Fidel ?

Ok now go play with your toy toy !!!


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
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JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
JH, if you think that the mass exodus we had has not had lasting and devastating effects to the Montreal and Quebec economy, you're a fool. Not only did we lose a large number of the upper levels of the workforce as they were the ones who had the money to leave, we lost their tax dollars as well as their children and their tax dollars as they have grown up and joined the workforce. And we will also lose their grandchildren's tax dollars as well.

What have we replaced them with? Immigrants, many of whom are very well educated professionals who are not permitted to work in their field because they were not educated here and are forced to work as taxi drivers and in other low income professions which come nowhere near replacing those who have been lost. Constant language bickering and threats of separation have kept companies from returning here or relocating their head offices back in Montreal. Quebec has to bribe companies to come here with either tax breaks or grants. We spend our tax dollars on low cost education only to see our graduates pick up and leave for greener pastures because Quebec cannot compete with the world job market, or even the job market in the rest of Canada.

Can you pick out one moment in recent history where the tide started to change and Montreal began to lose it's status as the top city in Canada and started on a downward spiral to where we are today? A city that has to pay companies to do business here, where our roads would be right at home in a war torn third world country, where our best and brightest are lining up to leave for other cities where they will make more money.

From Wikipedia

You don't even have to go that far back...

Now tell me again how Quebec politics haven't led us to where we are today. :rolleyes:

You make me think about the US asking after 9/11 : Why do they hate us ?
Who the hell do you think cultivate this ?

Who the hell do you think made the so called separatist movement grow so much in Quebec ?

Who the hell do you think made a lot of muslims and non-muslims alike to hate and despised America so much ?

Grow up man ! Cuze you're the one who is dividing people and making sure that there will be other separatist movement. And please don't make me laugh about Montreal loosing it's status because of politics.

It's plain economy and Toronto became the center because Canada was starting to make a lot more business with the US. The soviet era was gone, the US became the lone superpower. And Ontario was cranking those cars like crazy.

Start looking for the money and you'll see where politics will move.
I'll give u some clues : learn about the BRIC. Go see Dubai. Have fun in Moscow. Go visit the tar sands, etc...

Here in Quebec there is a lot of natural resources just like elsewhere in Canada and that's where politics will move too.

Seems like you have a lot to learn about this my friend and blaming it on a stupid language problem in the 80's is totally out of style.

Tell you what ! In 10 years from now when everything will move out of Toronto to go in Calgary I'll tell you ' You were right ! it's because of the politics in Toronto' !:rolleyes:

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
JH, if you think that the mass exodus...

From Wikipedia

You don't even have to go that far back...

Now tell me again how Quebec politics haven't led us to where we are today. :rolleyes:

Man these were peanuts. The big money is out there, all over the world !
Did you see like the rest of us all the mergers happening all over ?

Are you saying everyone moved in Australia ? India ? England ? Russia ?

You won't see H.O.s that many relocating in Montreal and it has nothing to do with the past. It's all about the futur. Stop shutting your eyes. Montreal is no longer a key player simply because of it's location on the world map. Just like Toronto will start to loose it.

People aren't moving from Montreal because of a stupid language problem !
That's an excuse from die hard anglos and french hard core who can't and won't learn a 2nd and 3rd language.

People will move because it's today's world. That's it !
We grew up fast, having to deal with today's information age and you should adapt to it because I tell you it's gonna whack you out of the race so fast you ain't gonna see it coming.

Even the Internet will become 'Universal'. The hell with everything in English. The hell with everything here that use to be all in french. We want other languages, other cultures, other ways of seeing things done.

The hell with the old political parties. The hell with the stupid donkey and elephant south of the border. They're way overdue for a change than just 2 voices always bickering.

When are we gonna have a party devoted to Alberta in Ottawa from which we will hear exactly what they think like the Bloc so that we stop fooling around and be stupidly politicaly correct !

When Am I gonna find out more from India ? When it's gonna be as big as China ?
When is this stupid old system will start having a school system that teaches Chinese to our children.

Who's the old fart who thinks that we will be much better with a society that's just speak in english and or french ?

What the hell is wrong with you ? Man ! the separatist movement was simply the bell than rang the end of the recreation ! It's all over now. And it's not because Canada is le plus meilleur pays du monde !
Capiche ?

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I give up. You win for the sole reason that you have absolutely no ability of keeping your discussion on topic by using facts that are pertinent to the discussion.

India as big as China? Unless they have a magical way of increasing their territory, they will never be as big as China.

You want a school system in Quebec that barely permits the teaching of English to start teaching Chinese? Which dialect? Mandarin? Cantonese? Why not other languages? Why not Hindi or Japanese or Russian? Or maybe Arabic?

The Internet is already multicultural and multilingual. Where have you been? Living in a cave with Osama or simply living in Quebec where they try to control the language of the sites of Quebec businesses?

Anyways, I'm tired of this discussion where you talk about anything but Montreal and what has led us to where we are today. We're all entitled to our opinion, even you as convoluted as your posts seem to be.

It's times like this when I really miss GG. We didn't always agree but at least his arguements made sense most of the time and I was able to follow them! You're so all over the place that I just get lost trying to figure out where you're trying to go. :cool:

Time for bed.

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Yep ! Go on complain about Montreal !

And call it a discussion !

Anyway ! it seems you feel persecuted so...

GTA refugee

New Member
Feb 29, 2008
Journalist always paint a grim picture.

I was here during the first referendum, but left for greener pastures soon after. I would come back to Montreal quite often because I have family here. The picture that was painted outside Quebec was a situation where there were snipers shooting off the roof tops here in Montreal. It was never that bad here. I am back in Montreal now. Yes, seaparation depressed house and property values to much lower than what you pay elsewhere, there are no unbearable traffic jams as in other cities. There are less opportunities because all the head offices have left Montreal for Toronto. When thre is no story, journalist will invent one.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I was here during the first referendum, but left for greener pastures soon after. I would come back to Montreal quite often because I have family here. The picture that was painted outside Quebec was a situation where there were snipers shooting off the roof tops here in Montreal. It was never that bad here. I am back in Montreal now. Yes, seaparation depressed house and property values to much lower than what you pay elsewhere, there are no unbearable traffic jams as in other cities. There are less opportunities because all the head offices have left Montreal for Toronto. When thre is no story, journalist will invent one.

No traffic jams? Have you been on the roads lately or do you take public transit? Road work is everywhere and traffic jams are the norm. 'Rush hour' used to start at 5 PM and now it starts at 3. It regularly takes me over 30 minutes to cross the Champlain bridge from the south shore back into Montreal at the end of the day while listening to traffic reports of waits of over an hour to get out of the city. How much more unbearable do you want it to be?

We have three candidates running for mayor who would have problems running a McDonalds outlet. One of them is a believer in 9-11 conspiracy theories, one engineered the mega mergers and the other is just totally in denial about anything that happens in Montreal. And these are the best candidates that could be found to run for mayor.

Journalists don't have to invent stories about Montreal, it's just hard for them to find one to write that doesn't sound like bad fiction. :cool:
Toronto Escorts