Montreal Escorts

Montreal a disaster?


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Sting Operation


My business legitimately moves 8 figures a month in custodial accounts, all movements of which are insured by multibillion dollar underwriters. Last month I was approached by a South American entity with offices in NYC who simply wanted me to "escrow" 7 figures as a deposit for a substantial civil project. To make a long story short, midway through the discovery phase (I always want to know who I'm doing business with) it became clear this was probably a South American money laudering scheme. My underwriters apologized, but they didn't have "the resouces" to deal with this issue. So, I left a message on the voice mail of the agent on call at my local FBI office a week ago last Friday detailing my suspicions. No call back. Accordingly, I've come to the conclusion that NO ONE IS HOME OR EVEN WATCHING! Why should the average citizen care about crime when the government doesn't??

In retrospect, I could have "gone along" with this "escrow request", charging VERY HIGH FEES and gotten away with it. But like Montreal politicians(and elsewhere), once you're in "their pocket" you're FOREVER IN THEIR POCKET. Not something particularly appealing.

Perhaps the feds were running a sting operation. Your company profiles.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

mulattos are male.:eek:
mulattas are female

Hmm? I never heard of "mulatta" being used in the English language like that. Having both a feminine and masculine version of the same word is something that might be used in Portuguese or Spanish. It is funny I tried Babel Fish Translation from both English to Portuguese and English to Spanish. I entered-->mulatto girl and it gave me menina do mulato in Portuguese and muchacha del mulato in Spanish so even there the word is not being used like that. I am not sure where you got that word from :confused: . But I am very curious to hear that story.

Also my computer has a dictionary as most PCs have and when I type "mulatta" it is underlined in red and when I click to correct it the PC puts it as "mulatto". Anyhow it still does not answer my previous question. What is wrong with mulatto women?


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Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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Just saw the news this morning on TV5 International. Each day at 6h30am there is a retransmission of the RDI´s evening news. The topic this morning was a rediffusion of the summary of Election day.

I was not surprised to learn that Tremblay is still the mayor.

Is it the main problem that Montreal has to face?

Concerning the words mulato and mulata. This is a form to describe Black peoples in Brazil. Among the others forms (mostly derogatory) we can find : negro, negrinho, negra, negrinha, preto, preta, Mulato in Portugues and mulâtre in French are faux amis.

Here a couple of lines from Martinho Da Vila beautiful song intitled BRASIL MULATO
(On the clip the singer is Moska)

Pretinha, procure um branco
Porque é hora de completa integração
Branquinha, namore um preto
Faça com ele a sua miscigenação
Neguinho, vá pra escola
Ame esta terra
Esqueça a guerra
E abrace o samba

Free translation

The Black girl is looking for a White boy
Because it´s time for complete integration
The White girl loves a Black man
and creates with him a mixed race.
John Doe goes to school
Love your country
Forget about war
and dig Samba!


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Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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What's not to like about squishy mulatta asses that peak at 18?
I'd worry about all those transexuals.

Hey Mike if you don´t like squishy mulata (sic) asses that peak at 18, you can even try the mulata Lacraia.


Lacraia means in gíria (Slang) : old and ugly woman.

About transexuals. This is more a problem in Europe than here. Here there´s a special section where you can find transexuals (bonecas). Impossible to be mistaken.

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Last time I checked, anglos were not putting up draconian language laws that dissuaded American business from investing. As someone else said, that is entirely within the right of those in charge, and those who voted them in, but please don't try to deny that those measures have had no impact of negative consequence. That is pure denial of reality.

English was for a long time, and still is today and will be for a long time the language for business. What do you think ? Why the f*ck do you think I learned it ? You would have to be moron to think that there is no impact for putting laws that don't favor business.

But problem with english only speaking people is they think that everything to blame is because of the language because they can't learn anything else.

You have to be totally moron to think that english only speaking people who moved from Montreal is the reason why the economy has changed all over the world and that Toronto is now big.

It is for the same reason that you treat Italians as if they are all in the Mafia and that you overlook the fact that 30% of all Torontonians while the 'supposedly' super important political turmoil in Quebec occured, are from Asia.

You talk about Quebecois being lazy ? Why don't you look at the fact that english only speaking people are the ones who are the laziest when it comes to make an effort to understand others. And the same goes for the Hardcore stupid French people who thinks they can run a country in french only.

So when it comes to bash against Montreal 'only', without looking for everything that happens everywhere else and putting everything on the so call 'power' as if politicians from Quebec are really the only ones running the guys sound pathetic.

And the same goes for someone who can't control himself into posting after saying it would be his last. You sound just like the stupid separatists morons who wants to do another one of these refs or the stupid morons in Ottawa who didn't get it once and for all by thinking you can impose 'freedom' on people with stupid laws of clarity.

Montreal is not anymore a french speaking majority and if I were to follow your kind of bashing against french people I would have to say that Montreal is a disaster now that it is not a french speaking majority.

Which is totally stupid because it doesn't take in consideration demography, economics, world state, etc.

Get it ?

Give yourself a nice gift and buy yourself a world atlas for Christmas !
The world doesn't evolve around politics only !

Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005
Hmm? I never heard of "mulatta" being used in the English language like that. Having both a feminine and masculine version of the same word is something that might be used in Portuguese or Spanish. It is funny I tried Babel Fish Translation from both English to Portuguese and English to Spanish. I entered-->mulatto girl and it gave me menina do mulato in Portuguese and muchacha del mulato in Spanish so even there the word is not being used like that. I am not sure where you got that word from :confused: . But I am very curious to hear that story.

Also my computer has a dictionary as most PCs have and when I type "mulatta" it is underlined in red and when I click to correct it the PC puts it as "mulatto". Anyhow it still does not answer my previous question. What is wrong with mulatto women?

Mulata is the feminine form of mulato.
Just like Latina is the feminine form of Latino.

Click on Ron Mulata . It is a rum. The woman on the label is the mulata.

What's wrong with mulata women? Nothing. I like brown bubble butt every once in while.
Last edited:


Active Member
Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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Montreal is a safe city

One thing is sure: Montreal is still a safe city.

The only real problem is with street gangs and crime induced by drugs consumption. Unfortunately nobody in power want to solve this problem at the root because they will probably be taxed as racists or doing racial profiling.

Sorry guys, I´m from the old school and I´ve learned when I was in my 20´s and early 30´s working in a youth detention center that though discipline is the key to solve problems with young lads. Unfortunately most Québécois (don´t forget I am one of them) are too soft when it comes to implement restrictive laws.

Besides that I think it is still safe to walk late at night almost everywhere in Montréal.

Picked up the free journal on the street this morning (SP Destak)

Here are the figures for the crime rate in São Paulo from January to September. All things considered, Montreal is a paradise. (My translation)


Theft 85,416 (2008) 94,834 (2009) (+11.03%)
Car Theft 23,315 (2008) 27,902 (2009) (+ 19.84%)
Murder 926 (2008) 907 (2009) (-2.05%)
Latrocínio 51 (2008) 79 (2009) (+54.9%)
Furto 119,314(2008) 131,720 (2009) (+10,39%)
Furto de
veículos 33,362 (2008) 33,450 (2009) (-0.54%)

Note the terme «latrocínio» in the Brazilian penal system is a combination of Theft + Homicide.
Furto is a theft without violence involved. I guess the appropraite term would be breaking and entry in English (I´m writing this post from a Lanhouse (i.e. an Internet cafe and I don´t have dictionaries with me and strangely enough Lexilogos doesn´t seem to wotk here).

A strange thing happened to me Saturday while I was touring Mooca. Just at the exit of Mooca metro station I ran into a black guy wearing a Dodgers sweater and hat straw hat. Kind of skinny, with a big beard. To me he looked like a homeless. He was carrying a big bag on his bag and something like a hockey bag full of carpenters tools. He looked at me and people who live in the street are streetwise. That day I was wearing a black T-shirt with the following inscription: Corsica, Ìle de beauté (a souvenir from a recent trip). He looked at me and he said: Do you speak English? I said yes, why?

Then he said to me that he was from Los Angeles and now living in São Paulo and that he was in need of money. He add that he was a musician and he knew Ste-Catherine street in Montreal, bladdy bladdy baldaa. He asked me if I could help him to carry one of his bags to a carpenter store and ask them if he could sell his tools. I said no because I´m sure they were stolen goods. These kinds of things never happened to me in Montreal and it happened to me in São Paulo. Half an hour later I met him again (this time at the corner of rua do Hipodromo and Avenida Machado de Alcântara) and he was without his bags. Right on the corner there was a big renovation center and an McDonald. I asked him « Did you sell your tolls» He only replied: God is bad, God is bad....

For me he was surely a poor guy looking for crack (which is epidemic here). I wonder how he paid is plane ticket to visit Brazil?

Time to Punt

Mar 25, 2009
I have to say that this thread is the biggest load of emotional garbage I've seen in a long time. As someone who grew up in Montreal and lived there for the first 30 years of my life and then moved to Toronto my two cents are:

Montreal is a great city, perhaps not as idylic as it was in Expo 67 or during the '76 Olympics but a hell of a lot better than it was in the late '80's and early '90's when the effects of the language laws and seperatist movement seemed to have the greatest negative economic impact.

The City has made a remarkable comeback from 15 to 20 years ago when office high-rise buildings sat unfinished on Rene Levesque for years and A Loue was on every second storefront on St Catherines.

There was a lot of building downtown after y2k and the financial community became vibrant. Montreal narrowly avoided becoming a rust bucket city like so many in the US. But now its as good as it ever was - ok maybe the roads are still an issue ;)

It trails Toronto by miles as a economic centre but if you had a choice of where to spend a weekend in the summer it would be Montreal.

Lots of money has been spent on roads, such as the 40, Decarie, Ville Marie and even the 20. The neglect had been there so long that there is still a lot to do. There had to be corruption in the road building before as the construction was so shoddy it required repair every 2 years. "Election pavement" is a well-known Quebec tradition.

Most cities have economic difficulties in North America as infrastructure ages and maintenance becomes prohibitively expensive. Hell the unions control city hall in Toronto and they probably do here as well. Perhaps the mafia control the Quebec unions, who knows ?

Remeber the MacLeans piece is an opinion story written by some two-bit reporter/writer meant to evoke strong opinions. It would have been a very appropriate story 15 years ago but not so much today. It's as out of date as the magazine is.

A more appropriate story would be on the fall of the Montreal Canadiens as a hockey dynasty.


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Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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Yes, I concord. Montreal is very cheap.
Hobbying is very cheap in all senses....even meaning low quality. :)

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Now's the time to rant about what's going on in Mtrl !

Take a f*king federalist construction co. that can't even fix 20feet on a bridge and 2 federalist gov. doesn't take their responsabilities and there you have it !

Bienvenue au Canada ! Le plus meilleur pays !

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Mmm... anyone pissed ? :)))
Well I can understand ! I'm giving you a hard time !

Here's some FAQs :

Champlain bridge frequency : 160K auto per day

Total Prince-Edward Island population : 140K
Cost for confederate bridge : 1Billion
Construction took place 2 years after Oka Crisis in Mtrl which the conclusion was simple : Build another bridge.

Gov. in charge of bridges : Federal gov.
Construction co in charge of the mess : ??? take a guess !

You really think back then Ottawa gave a sh*t about Quebec and... Alberta :))

Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
You really think back then Ottawa gave a sh*t about Quebec and... Alberta :))

Why would the Feds build you another bridge when the Province votes for the Bloc :) They tried bribing you with increased federal transfer payments and you still voted Bloc.


Happy Wanderer
Jan 13, 2004
Far, far away
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As a visitor, I spent a few days in Montreal this week. Our impression was that the roads coming into downtown were terrible, but the downtown itself was very clean although we noticed a few empty buildings... but they are in every city.

You are fortunate that you have more good-looking girls per block than anywhere else I've been though. I'd rather have that than perfect roads... ;)

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009
Guys, this isn't a political thread, please don't turn it into one, we all know what will happen with everybody's temper in these types of threads.



Messieurs, ce thread n'est pas un thread de politique, svp ne pas le rediriger dans cette direction. Nous savons tous ce qui arrives avec le tempérament des gens dans les threads politiques.



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Nah, t'inquìète, on se s'attend à rien provenant d'Ottawa. On vote pour le Bloc car seul un francophone peut comprendre nos intérêts. Ce ne sont sûrement pas les Anglos de l'Ouest qui vont comprendre les intérêts du Québec. D'ailleurs, si ce n'était pas de l'arnaque du fédéral du '95 qui ont fait venir au Qc plein d'anglos pour voter NON, le OUI l'aurait remporté à au moins 55%.

Oh no! Mazingerz is back! :eek:

JH Fan...the construction on the Champlain bridge is being done by a Quebec company, just like all road construction in Quebec. You know...the typical one guy working, 4 directing traffic and the rest standing around discussing where to go for happy hour. :cool:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
TOTALLY agree with you stoo, my car will need shocks after this summer . but yes DT is great... and ahhhh the sights!

As a visitor, I spent a few days in Montreal this week. Our impression was that the roads coming into downtown were terrible, but the downtown itself was very clean although we noticed a few empty buildings... but they are in every city.

You are fortunate that you have more good-looking girls per block than anywhere else I've been though. I'd rather have that than perfect roads... ;)
Ashley Madison
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