Sting Operation
Perhaps the feds were running a sting operation. Your company profiles.
My business legitimately moves 8 figures a month in custodial accounts, all movements of which are insured by multibillion dollar underwriters. Last month I was approached by a South American entity with offices in NYC who simply wanted me to "escrow" 7 figures as a deposit for a substantial civil project. To make a long story short, midway through the discovery phase (I always want to know who I'm doing business with) it became clear this was probably a South American money laudering scheme. My underwriters apologized, but they didn't have "the resouces" to deal with this issue. So, I left a message on the voice mail of the agent on call at my local FBI office a week ago last Friday detailing my suspicions. No call back. Accordingly, I've come to the conclusion that NO ONE IS HOME OR EVEN WATCHING! Why should the average citizen care about crime when the government doesn't??
In retrospect, I could have "gone along" with this "escrow request", charging VERY HIGH FEES and gotten away with it. But like Montreal politicians(and elsewhere), once you're in "their pocket" you're FOREVER IN THEIR POCKET. Not something particularly appealing.
Perhaps the feds were running a sting operation. Your company profiles.