After the documentary "L'Illusion Tranquille" (2007) appeared, a number of scathing articles came out lamenting the fact that Quebec was on the road to economic ruins. Things were so bad, they argued, that Quebec's GDP allegedly ranked 54th out of 60 provinces and states in North America. Of course most of these articles, written in english (duh...), blamed those pesky separatists and used the same old tired rhetoric about the exodus of companies and english speakers. Not only were these these articles mostly full of crap, but their bias made them completly impervious to basic economic facts and figures.
Truth be told, Quebec, as of today, would have the 16th ranked GDP in North America. Furthermore, the impact of these companies leaving was only temporary and, since these times and putting aside natural ressources, Quebec has managed to innovate, build a diversified economy, and is now considered a world leader in a number of sectors including: aerospace, finance, transportation, information technology, biotech/health industry, etc...
One might ask if Ontario's economy is in better shape because of it's heavy reliance on the manufacturing sector... Plus, they hardly create an attractive environment for investors, since they still have the highest corporate tax rates in Canada at nearly 35% and they tax growth industries like communications at an even higher rate!
So please, let's stop with this nonsense about the evil separatists having completely ruined Quebec. We're no longer in 1970...