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Retirement Comment

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
This is the time of year when many hobbiests consider retiring and you see many post farewell comments and declarations. Somehow they think of their farewell thread as kind of a "Gold Watch" or something. Many have retired multiple times after continuing to come back searching for something that's really an illusion this entire business (and this board) continues to sell. The "Senior Posters", the "White Knights", the "Moderators", the "Super Moderators", the "Agency Owners", the "Board Terrorists", the "Strippers", "Doormans", "Bouncers" all seem to get caught in their own illusions. Even the providers, whether Indys, or not, get wrapped up in it and seem to actually believe their own "rap". The 2006 movie "Everything's Gone Green" is a perfect delivery vehicle of this very point. Then it occurs to me those that really retire, simply leave. No speaches, no farewell threads, no "Gold Watches", they simply go.........
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