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Nominations for Best Reviewer of 2011


Jul 31, 2011
I thought it might be a good idea to take our hats off to the guys who add the most value to this site: The Reviewers.

The idea would be to run a poll to pick the Best Reviewer of 2011.

To do that we need nominees.

Suggested nominees, (many of whom can often be relatively quiet and less flashy than some of the more vocal posters here) provide untold help to us regular hobbyists and deserve to be recognized.

I'd like everyone to provide their top three suggestions.

No real rules right now. I'll start by offering ten names off the top of my head, often favoring those who get that critical ''first review'' in.

1. Hal
2. Cpp433
4. Delta123
5. Rex Kramer
6. Nylon Lover
7. ManApart
8. PickyFriendlyGuy
9. Hormone
10. SergeJean
11. Cloudsurf
12 EvilThings


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
i've come to appreciate and rely on a good number of merbites to piece together info i need for hobbying.
narrowing down my list, i'd say my top 5 were based on toftt reports or being great reading material:

1. muffinbuffer -- his annual 15 girl trip reports written for the sole purpose of reporting back to his personal hobby concierge ... his wife! nice! inspiring stuff! he'll accomplish in 1.5wks what takes me at least 12mths ... there's an open door for a bunch of trolls to crawl thru.
2. Ricky bonds -- because only ricky will go places few dare to on a regular basis and his revu's are fun to read because that's the stuff i haven't/can't/won't do. his use of the term "auntie"... priceless!
3. Delta123 -- for getting in there first or early since last Feb'11, using a scale, and winning the "unofficial" merb spokesperson for GoodGirls + Asservissante
4. ManApart -- his revu's have also been timely and he's been on a crazy pace, test-driving everything that's interesting looking. thanks man!
5. nylonlover -- his slant on hobbying has always been great to read.


Jul 31, 2011
i've come to appreciate and rely on a good number of merbites to piece together info i need for hobbying.
narrowing down my list, i'd say my top 5 were based on toftt reports or being great reading material:

Many thanks ET. I appreciate the list.

But frankly your post reminded me how helpful you have been during the past year, and have belatedly added you to the list.

My apologies for the initial oversight.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I'm going to single out two reviewers, one up, one down.

I wonder how Delta123 can possibly appear on any list since all of his reviews have been called into question. We don't know which reviews are from the heart and which were paid for by the agency. Yes, I'm sure he wrote some honest reviews, but we'll never know which. All are tainted.

It was Manapart's review of Maxime that reminded me that it was time for me to spend more time with her. And so I did and so I will again. Thanks, Manapart, you have one of my votes.

Another vote goes to Rex Kramer for years of meritorious service...and for having taste very similar to mine.

My third vote goes to Sapman. While our taste in women differs considerably, Elena being the notable exception, I appreciate his eloquence. Sapman is a better writer in his second language than are most in their first.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
1/ Manapart

2/ The rest of the world


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010

I wonder how Delta123 can possibly appear on any list since all of his reviews have been called into question. We don't know which reviews are from the heart and which were paid for by the agency. Yes, I'm sure he wrote some honest reviews, but we'll never know which. All are tainted...

my pov ... d123 drove merb traffic to 2 agencies Goodgirls/girls4u and Asservissante! the guy had an impact on hobbying in 2011, controversy or not.
to say he's unique in dropping his merb handle to secure a discount and acquire girls on their best behavior is ... well, it's not mature of anyone.

we all enjoyed his many revu's throughout the yr.
yes, some of his revu's were "off" but if a reader followed his exploits... you would've noticed where some padding was happening with his scale and roughly when it started.
anyway, it's an old debate but again anyone who used d123's revu's exclusively to guide them in hobbying deserved being misled by their dick.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
yes, some of his revu's were "off" but if a reader followed his exploits... you would've noticed where some padding was happening with his scale and roughly when it started.
anyway, it's an old debate but again anyone who used d123's revu's exclusively to guide them in hobbying deserved being misled by their dick.
I read his reviews, but I didn't study them enough to pick up the trends that you cite. He did influence my choices, particularly with Asservissante, and the results were quite mixed.

And, by the way, EE, I could certainly have voted for you. Your reviews are quite appreciated, well thought out, and critical where they need to be critical, positive where appropriate. That's how you build credibility.


sarah bernard
Oct 10, 2010
wowowoowowowoowowo its so exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cool:

1-BEST IN EST WEST NORTH SOUTH (and thisssss. even he deleted my review, for noble and personnals reasons) : MISTER NYLON LOVER!!!!
2- For his personnal toutch, personnal humour, humility, honesty and for his hight hight hight contribution on this board : MISTER THE SWEETEST RUMPLERFORESKIiN!!!!
3- For is hight experience, intelligence, humulity, his perfect billingual expertise and hes lovely manners :

FINALLY MY SECRET AND TENDER FAVORITE OF ALL : A sweet, gentlement, well educated, respectefull and perfect lover AND A GREAT DISCOVERER!!!!!:

tHEN: A mention to my
MAKE IT (THE BEST COCK IN FAR FAR AWAY), a mention to ''retired'' FRANKY and Man from down under ​my my my hoooooooooooooo! MY!


Aug 27, 2010
Habs Nation!
ManApart is THE testdriver of the year

Since Delta123 should be disqualified since we can't be sure of value of his review ...

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
my few cents

:eyebrows:i totally agree with sam, and thats a hell of a way to start off your stay here on the board..
without the reviews, this board would only be questions, spam, and agency ads..the reviewers make it all so valuable.
i cant really put the names in order, and i will have to go back and find some helpful reviewers names to add to my list..
and i appreciate evil's mention of my name, i really had lots of fun bringing some odd sexventures to the board in written form..and finding indys becomes a challenge...and sharing that challenge with the board was always part of the fun..being the first to review ladies like emma, that started off as a thai mp..and slowly turned into a sexual monster!:eyebrows:
of course i had some rough starts, but i cant speak for anyone but myself, and what i lived in the moment of those encounters...

-)nylon lover-/ his wild side is slightly in tune with mine, and he also goes..and does things that i envy!..first time i read his review was on sweet angels miles (as in little or no mileage) review..the street sp scenario with her out on the corner..knowing how hot she must have looked...i was on his side from there on ..!

-)man apart-/ i appreciated his input. the man is a machine. he is in the same age bracket as me if i read correctly, so that explains the drive..which i know all too much about, :smile:..sharing the same appetite as him, his reviews appealed to me.

-)unclebob-/ theres something about mon'oncle bob that i really like..he has shared some valuable input..i just trust his word, and i never doubted anything he had to say.
he also likes spinners and indys, so we are on the same team..

-)serge jean-/ this guy loves his spinners..and he has shared some dimes that many would keep for themselves,without thinking twice..we love that!
he also loves indys, and im an indy man..vendu!

-)big boy eddie-/ we had some funny dialogues me and eddie, but no matter what ..his no frills, straight to the point, tell em how it is attitude..was appreciated in many cases.. his posting history is shorter than it should be, because most of his reviews are on the other board.

-)evillethings-/ always ready to help with current info, and has been a great contributor to the board in my eyes on many fronts..and his hobbying rules thread was ingenious, simple, but extremely necessary for any newbie in this hobbie..he should be commended for sharing what we take for granted, and someone new might not necessarily know.. his reviews were honest, and straightforward..
had i been a major frequent-agency user..i would probably follow after his steps, and gravitate towards his ladies of choice.

_) man 777777-/ i have some catching up to do, but i enjoyed:cool::eyebrows: his reviews i have read so far..

and i might just throw in igna69xxx just for the hell of it!!:cool:

the most useful questioner on a review board will definitely have to be simon paul :eyebrows: (thats the last time i randomly throw out your name..scouts honour)
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Jul 31, 2011
And, by the way, EE, I could certainly have voted for you. Your reviews are quite appreciated, well thought out, and critical where they need to be critical, positive where appropriate. That's how you build credibility.

I'll count this as a nomination for ET.

I'm going to single out two reviewers, one up, one down.

I wonder how Delta123 can possibly appear on any list since all of his reviews have been called into question. We don't know which reviews are from the heart and which were paid for by the agency. Yes, I'm sure he wrote some honest reviews, but we'll never know which. All are tainted.

And I will count this as a negative vote for Delta123.


Jul 31, 2011
If you look at my earlier post, I already voted for Sapman, manapart, and Rex Kramer.

OK. Makes sense. I'll put you down for those three.

-)serge jean-/

-)big boy eddie-/


_) man 777777-

and i might just throw in igna69xxx just for the hell of it!!:cool:

Appreciate the feedback RB and your review work too.

That said, we are trying to limit nominations to three per person ... could you narrow down the list?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Even though we don`t always have the same taste.
The best by far....ManApart
He sez it like he seez it.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

1. Cloudsurf

2. Nylonlover

3. ManApart

My choices are based on those who have been extra helpful beyond reviews. Some are willing willing to go further and those are the most valuable.

Delta123...after his admissions? Don't think so. His reviews may still have some value for their real helpfulness, but the admissions hurt that value.

Good luck,

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New Member
Oct 15, 2011
My votes goes like this

1.ManApart - Truly many cut above
2.Muffinbuffer - Deatailed and meticulous...field reports are incredible work
3.Ricky bonds - Indie Specialist

I have not contributed much to the forumn...however I really enjoyed reading the writings of these gentleman...Thanks everyone
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Jul 29, 2011
There are many reviewers on this board that I have found very helpful over the years. But since we have to narrow it down to only three nominations, I'd nominate (in no particular order)...
1. Rumpleforeskiin
2. Ricky bonds
3. ManApart
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