my few cents
:eyebrows:i totally agree with sam, and thats a hell of a way to start off your stay here on the board..
without the reviews, this board would only be questions, spam, and agency ads..the reviewers make it all so valuable.
i cant really put the names in order, and i will have to go back and find some helpful reviewers names to add to my list..
and i appreciate evil's mention of my name, i really had lots of fun bringing some odd sexventures to the board in written form..and finding indys becomes a challenge...and sharing that challenge with the board was always part of the fun..being the first to review ladies like emma, that started off as a thai mp..and slowly turned into a sexual monster!:eyebrows:
of course i had some rough starts, but i cant speak for anyone but myself, and what i lived in the moment of those encounters...
-)nylon lover-/ his wild side is slightly in tune with mine, and he also goes..and does things that i envy!..first time i read his review was on sweet angels miles (as in little or no mileage) review..the street sp scenario with her out on the corner..knowing how hot she must have looked...i was on his side from there on ..!
-)man apart-/ i appreciated his input. the man is a machine. he is in the same age bracket as me if i read correctly, so that explains the drive..which i know all too much about, :smile:..sharing the same appetite as him, his reviews appealed to me.
-)unclebob-/ theres something about mon'oncle bob that i really like..he has shared some valuable input..i just trust his word, and i never doubted anything he had to say.
he also likes spinners and indys, so we are on the same team..
-)serge jean-/ this guy loves his spinners..and he has shared some dimes that many would keep for themselves,without thinking twice..we love that!
he also loves indys, and im an indy man..vendu!
-)big boy eddie-/ we had some funny dialogues me and eddie, but no matter what ..his no frills, straight to the point, tell em how it is attitude..was appreciated in many cases.. his posting history is shorter than it should be, because most of his reviews are on the other board.
-)evillethings-/ always ready to help with current info, and has been a great contributor to the board in my eyes on many fronts..and his hobbying rules thread was ingenious, simple, but extremely necessary for any newbie in this hobbie..he should be commended for sharing what we take for granted, and someone new might not necessarily know.. his reviews were honest, and straightforward..
had i been a major frequent-agency user..i would probably follow after his steps, and gravitate towards his ladies of choice.
_) man 777777-/ i have some catching up to do, but i enjoyed

:eyebrows: his reviews i have read so far..
and i might just throw in igna69xxx just for the hell of it!!
the most useful questioner on a review board will definitely have to be simon paul :eyebrows: (thats the last time i randomly throw out your name..scouts honour)