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How do you keep your hobbying habits in stealth mode for long time?


New Member
Aug 6, 2016
Hello all,

I am currently using an App called Fongo to call and txt sp using a number created from the App. Some ppl here recommend me using burner phone but I found it too much hassle. I started to develop a regular gym visit habit every week, so my girlfriend won't be suspicious if I am gone for couple hours for hobbying. What other measures do you guys in serious relationship or marriage take to keep your hobbying habits in stealth mode for long time? I still haven't figured out how to best keep my internet browsing related to hobbying in stealth mode. It will be great to hear some ideas from the experienced in the field :) Thanks.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Yes, you are right.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
now now we are not here to judge

my friend uses Calculator+ where it looks like the calculator app but if you enter the right sequence of numbers, you reveal a secret browser and other features

when you are out hobbying, some suggest to use your own soap so your smell stays consistent


New Member
May 14, 2016
Hello Monger,

Always use cash that has never been put in or taken out of any account. Do whatever you can to be sure no one can measure any odd use of money, especially if you have a girlfriend or wife.

Never tell a single person you are doing this. Not friends, not anyone. Make sure any name is fake, use emails no one knows about or can trace to you. Generally try to make sure any methods you use to be in this hobby are untraceable or better yet there's no starting point anyone can get curious about. Watch out using phones and computers for your history records on both.

Some people in this hobby collect personal info. The deeper you participate the more the risk.

...some suggest to use your own soap so your smell stays consistent

Yeah, there's a lot of small details like that to take care of too. Clothes, soap, it could be something you would never think of.

A hassle like a burner phone can save your butt. It could be very important one day.

good luck


New Member
Jul 3, 2009
deplorable basket case
in addition to what's been said, take ownership of your girl's sexual satisfaction and drop subtle hints now and again of what you bring to the relationship.. spend money on her and make her laugh and routinely help her have strong orgasms (might as well do shrugs at the gym on those days when you're actually there and strengthen those neck muscles).. if she's happy with the relationship and understands that you're at least partly responsible for that, then better chance she wont be suspicious and even notice those potential red flags


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Dec 12, 2006


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Based on my own experience with friends who were long time "hobbyists" in a committed relationship with girlfriend or wife they all eventually were caught, because they are human and humans make mistakes. In some cases it was Tiger Woods like mistakes, just sloppy and careless with phone or computer security, and in some cases they were busted by SO because they delivered inconsistent statements about where they were and what they were doing.

Because you will likely be caught at some point, I believe your energy would be better spent on planning damage control. Because my friends who were caught had no plans for damage control. One was thrown out of his house by his wife and had nowhere to go. Our mutual hobbyist friend who is single took him in to live for over a month. Another friend who was actually a MERB hobbyist caught in Tiger Woods fashion was put on "probation" by his wife and was forced to "lay low", which included a departure from MERB.

Getting caught is like dying, it's going to happen eventually but nobody wants to think or talk about it until it's too late. Develop your damage control plans now. Just let go of the ego thing of thinking you can stay in stealth mode forever. You will make a mistake and plan the damage control ahead of time to minimize the collateral damage caused by the mistake. Develop an insurance plan for the damage.

One other thing: recall that Tiger Woods was beaten by his wife with a golf club. Get golf clubs and guns out of your house.


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Sep 26, 2004
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One key thing is- never change your routine with your GF or wife, if you banging your wife once a week, keep it going. as soon as you stop she will notice something. If you start going threw changes like getting in shape and changing your style going out more often with the boys. Be carefull if she has any suspicious of you cheating - you will be on her radar.
Remember "don't change anything you are doing" with the wife/GF while your are out of your cage.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
my girlfriend won't be suspicious if I am gone for couple hours for hobbying. What other measures do you guys in serious relationship or marriage take to keep your hobbying habits in stealth mode for long time?

Here is my best recommendation:

Change girlfriends. Find one who loves sex as much as you do. Find one who is as open-minded as you. This way, you will no longer feel the need to go elsewhere and it'll save you a ton of money in the process.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Here is my best recommendation:

Change girlfriends. Find one who loves sex as much as you do. Find one who is as open-minded as you. This way, you will no longer feel the need to go elsewhere and it'll save you a ton of money in the process.

Yup... do not cheat man... its not cool.

Im curious tough about what eager said, how can a dude be thrown out of his house? If its HIS HOUSE. I would personally refuse to go. Even if im the one that is wrong.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
One other thing: recall that Tiger Woods was beaten by his wife with a golf club. Get golf clubs and guns out of your house.

This made me laugh, good advice, women are very vindictive.


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
Im curious tough about what eager said, how can a dude be thrown out of his house? If its HIS HOUSE. I would personally refuse to go. Even if im the one that is wrong.
Well, I guess you missed a thing or two ;)
If it's HIS house, she will quit lol ...
If it's THEIR house, trust me she will kick him out the hardest way, especially if there is young kids


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Just to clarify, the hobbyist I know who was kicked out of the house, it was a THEIR house situation, no kids. She told him to get the fuck out after a Tiger Woods type cellphone mistake. He did not know where to go so he called our mutual friend, who some of you may have met as he came with me to GG3. The friend allowed the evicted hobbyist to live in his house rent free for a month. After the month he apparently patched things up with his wife enough to be allowed back into their house. The incident did not end their marriage. But for that one month he had a rather long commute to work- about an hour by train. This is because people who live in NYC, many anyway, don't have cars and he had to train from mutual's friend's house to NYC.

Ironically, earlier the same year, the mutual friend temporarily housed a tenant of his who was kicked out of his rental property by his wife (albeit he was kicked out for different reasons). I teased my friend and told him he should put a sign in front of his house that said, "Evicted Husband Refuge."


Sep 27, 2015
Here's my 2 cents on getting caught.

Take 2 Johns. John no 1 works his ass off every day, gets home late, etc. Very successful guy. One night when he gets home, his wife hands him a note explaining that it's over, she is leaving him, and so on. John no 1 is devastated.

John no 2 is more of a libertarian. One night, while his wife is away out of the city, he decides to fulfill his ultimate fantasy and indulges into a night of double chocolate fun. The wife gets back into the city way earlier than expected, and walks in while her husband is having the time of his life.

The end result is this. Both Johns will get served with divorce papers. They will both go through the pain and frustration of having to deal with alimony hearings. All things being equal, they will both pay the same alimony (it was explained to me that our system does not "punish" unfaithful husbands and wives). They will both bitch when they get their lawyer's bills.

The real difference is that John no 2 had much more fun that John no 1.

So my advise is: don't be John no 1.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Divorces can happen for a lot of reasons but infidelity is high on the list. A number of my colleague's divorce cases stem specifically from infidelity although financial problems/disputes is another leading cause and if you have a combination of the 2, that marriage is headed for disaster.

One of my private investigators estimates that 80% of his work is for divorce attorneys who pay him a retainer to catch the client's spouse cheating. He then does video surveillance. Some of it is never used in court, it is just leverage in the proceedings. Sometimes the client retains the private investigator directly. He tells me that in these cases the client is looking for confirmation of suspicions that the spouse or significant other is cheating. And he then confirms those suspicions with photographs, video surveillance, and sometimes bugs in phones and cars. He has very sophisticated electronic surveillance equipment and bugs. He also does bug sweeps for clients who suspect the wife or significant other has their own private investigator following them. Believe it or not, there is money to be made on this type of sneaky activity if you can produce results for the client.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Without a court order in Quebec one spouse cannot kick the other spouse out of the matrimonial home. Most of these so-called "kick out" situations arise because the guy has no balls in which case he deserves it.

Depending on who has title that is also the law in CT and New York. In the situations I mentioned the ownership was joint or they were co-tenants and both have equal right to live in the abode absent court order. But when a married couple has a fight, nobody is necessarily looking for a court order, at least not right away. It's a fight. In the second kickout situation I mentioned which was not due to infidelity, the co tenant left and a divorce action was later filed against him. He continued to pay the rent even though he was not living there and was being divorced. Although he did not cheat I believe he viewed himself as morally responsible for the kickout. I happen to know that guy and his wife, and I know the other guy who was kicked out too.

It would be very simplistic to say those two do not have balls. Simply put, each guy knew their own behavior was the cause of his expulsion from the marital abode and they did not fight this recognized truth. We all knew it in my circle of friends, so obviously they did too.


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
Without a court order in Quebec one spouse cannot kick the other spouse out of the matrimonial home. Most of these so-called "kick out" situations arise because the guy has no balls in which case he deserves it.

True say
But having the "balls" to stay there after...
Well be sure to be ready to receive a ton of shit lol :doh:


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Well be sure to be ready to receive a ton of shit lol :doh:

Methinks johnhenrygalt never had a Russian wife. My friend in the first kickout situation is married to a Russian lady and hell hath no fury like a Russian woman scorned by her husband for "some internet slut" (her words not mine). There was no way he was going to face her until she calmed the fuck down. Maybe we should have sent in jhg to negotiate the truce so he did not have to live an hour away from home for a month.............LOL

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I was just saying if this was my house(or 50% of it) i wouldn't leave, especially not letting her alone with my stuff. Well to be honest i doubt ill ever live with a woman, even if i have a girlfriend for years. I would fear too much if things go apeshit that she may fuck with my stuff and considering how materialist i am, it could end terribly for both of us.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just a thought, if you did get caught and she found out it was with an escort I am assuming it would be far worst than picking someone up at the pub.
I have some male friends and they think seeing escorts is evil and I know that some women would think the same.
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