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7 clients arrested in Laval


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Jan 28, 2004
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These guys who are looking to pay for the services of a minor deserve more than 6 months in prison ! Choosing an SP who is an adult means she is aware and understands what she is doing of her own free will, to hire a child......... I just don't get it :(


Active Member
Jul 20, 2010
Oh wow really? Thoses guys were looking for troubles and they got it!


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
I wonder if they actually knew the girls were underage, if so, they deserve the trouble they're into.

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
to hire a child......... I just don't get it :(

Oscar Wilde already claimed ;'Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.'... Now, put this ideology in the head of someone coping with mental issues and this is what you get...The good new is that if you can't understand their arrousal, it means you don't share their mindings...those who aren't dealing with this kind of mental disorders won't be able to get how some can be arroused with unacceptable or twisted stuffs...


Androgyny & Ecstasy
Aug 29, 2015
Oof, seeking out minors... I mean, honestly, what the fuck. I agree with Alyssa re: power dynamics, there's a reason someone goes for someone underage instead of another consenting adult. (I don't think it's a matter of mental health though.)

From the article, it sounds to me maybe like it was a police sting with no actual minors involved, but that's just a guess...


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
I second Alexis, it's a police sting, there is no minor involved, just a some fake ads, and these guys fall into the trap !

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
(I don't think it's a matter of mental health though.)

It gets in a very shady zone between fetishes and paraphilia....a fine line between simulated and real....

As tigerwould said; if they were not aware...it is one thing....if they knew girls were underage (but they still look kind of "mature") it is something else....and if the girls were far from being 18 and looked like their real age...this is something else...

I didn't mean in this specific situation....but using Oscar Wilde quote can get very far....way further than our own meaning


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
...From the article, it sounds to me maybe like it was a police sting with no actual minors involved, but that's just a guess...

I think your guess is correct. Here is an English language article about the case from CTV news:


The Canadian Press
Published Thursday, June 21, 2018 12:22PM EDT

A Laval police operation investigating the solicitation of sexual services from minors has resulted in seven arrests.
The seven men, who are between the ages of 25 and 66, were all released on a promise to appear in court on Aug. 7.
Soliciting sexual services from a person aged 18 and under is a criminal offence that carries a minimum sentence of six months in prison.

The arrests were made following an operation that saw 80 women interviewed for the purpose of prevention. Police visited eight erotic nightclubs in the Laval area to inform and sensitize employees about sexual exploitation.

The lack of details in the case is not a coincidence. The police want the public and the media to think that they saved some actual minors from being exploited. That would be nice but I'm sure it's not true.

I think this was a typical sting operation during which police posted ads offering adult female sex workers on free or cheap advertising sites such as Backpage. They probably advertised the nonexistent girls as "18" or "young" or "teen."

When guys responded to the ads, it was police officers who replied to the men. The officers interacted with the potential customers and eventually mentioned to them that the girl available was really only 17 years old. At that point some of the men were thinking with their little heads and they figured that 17 was close enough to 18 and so they may as well go ahead with the deal. Now the police could spring their trap on the men and arrest the men as soon as they showed up to the location that the police gave them. There were no actual girls involved let alone minor girls.

It's not likely that the men were intentionally searching out underage escorts. If a guy is seeking out underage girls, he doesn't go to a public website looking for ads that say "15 year old girl available." I really don't think such ads exist today or that they ever did.

I do think that underage prostitution exists, but it usually involves runaway kids selling sex on the streets. If you looked hard enough in the right places in the Montreal area, you could probably find such tragic cases. It's a serious problem but it isn't as big a problem as the public and the media believe.

But the police respond to public and media pressure to "do something" about a perceived problem and so they set up these kind of stings. They entice, some would say entrap, men to try to do something that they probably did not originally intend to do. I don't feel sorry for the men because they did something really stupid but I don't think they are "predators" prowling the streets of Montreal in search of young girls.

The whole thing is law enforcement theater designed to please fearful parents and make the police look good.

Also, the last line of that article is troubling to me: "The arrests were made following an operation that saw 80 women interviewed for the purpose of prevention. Police visited eight erotic nightclubs in the Laval area to inform and sensitize employees about sexual exploitation."

In other words, the police harassed 80 adult sex workers and intimidated the staff and customers of 8 strip clubs. Again, it makes the police look good while doing absolutely nothing to make the public one bit safer. Imagine how many hours of police time were wasted on these operations.

BTW, are Montreal police officers still dressing in clown pants, wearing union hats and plastering their vehicles with union stickers as part of a job action? Last time I was in town they were still doing so. That protest has been going on for about 3 years and it makes them look ridiculous and unprofessional.


Androgyny & Ecstasy
Aug 29, 2015
Wow, thanks for highlighting that from the article. Definitely sounds like police intimidation tactics, damn.

Also, the last line of that article is troubling to me: "The arrests were made following an operation that saw 80 women interviewed for the purpose of prevention. Police visited eight erotic nightclubs in the Laval area to inform and sensitize employees about sexual exploitation."

In other words, the police harassed 80 adult sex workers and intimidated the staff and customers of 8 strip clubs. Again, it makes the police look good while doing absolutely nothing to make the public one bit safer. Imagine how many hours of police time were wasted on these operations.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I can see the 2 side of the argument there but at the same time if i was booking an escort and she would tell me "oh by the way im 17, is it still ok" i would respond "Nop, not seeing minors, bye"

Is there such a huge difference between 17 and 18? Not really, sometimes only a few weeks split appart the 2, but its one of these cases where we have to draw the line somewhere and respect that line. And lets be honest, no escorts would go and tell you she is 17 when she actually already have you "interested". So you should know its a trap.

I know some says eventually they could sting for men who want to see adult providers... Personally i don't take any chances and its one of the reason why i don't see unreviewed providers. I need to make sure there real and all. Just in case. And for the one saying "she can't have reviews if everybody think like you". Well thats why agencies are there, she can make a name for herself first and THEN become indy :)

But i guess there will always be "TOFTT" types anyway. Its like video games. I rarely pay 90$ for my video games (release retail price), i mostly wait for them to lower to 30 and under, even if it mean waiting 6 months to a year for that. But if everybody was like me the business would crash. There will always be dudes who can't wait and will spend tons of cash on new video games at full retail prices.


Mar 13, 2017

BTW, are Montreal police officers still dressing in clown pants, wearing union hats and plastering their vehicles with union stickers as part of a job action? Last time I was in town they were still doing so. That protest has been going on for about 3 years and it makes them look ridiculous and unprofessional.

I know for a fact Laval are back to regular uniform, and I'm 98% certain Montreal are as well.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
It may very well have been 17 year olds, but since it doesn't actually say then the police may have also enticed these guys with an even younger age. It's hard for most of us to comprehend because we're not attracted to minors but those guys that get off on the idea of sex with a 13 year-old are definitely out there.


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Jan 28, 2004
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I'm sorry but I find that an 18 yr old "Girl " is too young as well. I have gone to an agency years ago and the girl looked to be a minor, I asked her to show me id and she started to cry. It turned out she was being controlled by a pimp. I asked her to get her street clothes on and we left and I drove her to her parents home. I hope she got out, during the 2 hr drive she told me she was in love still with him even though her had turned her out to make him money. I hope her parents were able to get her help. I think of her very often , she is someones daughter this is not meant for children


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
It may very well have been 17 year olds, but since it doesn't actually say then the police may have also enticed these guys with an even younger age. It's hard for most of us to comprehend because we're not attracted to minors but those guys that get off on the idea of sex with a 13 year-old are definitely out there.

Who knows what the police actually said about the age of the girls supposedly being offered. Whatever they said, I am confident that no real girls were involved. The mere act of positively responding to an offer of an underage girl was enough to get the guys arrested. However, since no sex occurred and there were no real underage girls, the charges will probably be relatively minor. The idea is to scare potential clients of all prostitutes.

I'm not defending the actions of the men but I'm also not defending the actions of the police. In a free society it's not right for the police to entice citizens into committing a crime and then arrest them.

There are men out there who molest young women and children but they are not reading ads on the web in search of victims. As I noted before, men who want underage prostitutes seek them out on the streets, where they actually exist. Child molesters seek out victims among people they already know such as a relative or someone who is in a group that they have some authority over. Child molesters don't scan ads on the web looking for potential victims.

Furthermore, let's not forget that an operation like this is just one small step removed from a sting operation that targets potential clients of adult prostitutes. The C-36 law makes it a criminal offense for a client to offer money for sex. It would be very easy for the police in Canada to terrorize potential clients of adult prostitutes by mounting sting operations like this one but targeted at a different group of buyers. There are plenty of feminist and religious zealots among government officials who would love to see such sting operations. It's common in the U.S. to have such sting operations. You should not think that Canadians will never do the same. As I've noted before:
[FONT=&amp]The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. H. L. Mencken[/FONT]


Oct 24, 2008
in the US it is only a misdemeanor , the worst they try to do is get you embarrassed or in trouble with your wife or girlfriend, in canada up to 5 years in jail. "wow" that's serious shit for LE to hold over us.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I'm sorry but I find that an 18 yr old "Girl " is too young as well.

I am pretty sure that if the legal age was changed to 16 many members would be seeing them. I usually try for mid 20's plus, my ATF is 29. In Vancouver there are plenty of 25+ escorts that look hot, Leo's list has plenty and the prices are not as bad as I expected.
As for pervs being stung for looking for minors... Fucking good
Back to young escorts, what does not impress me is agencies advertise " just turned 18 ".... yup, the hidden pedophiles come out.
Now if you are 20ish not so bad but 35+.....


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Just a sec here, we're getting mixed up.

What we find that ugly today is because someone set adulthood age at 18 and told use anything below is ugly. Why not 17 or 19? I don't know, but it's different in various countries. Saudi Arabia has 15 as age of majority, Cuba has 16 and Japan 20. In our own country it used to be 21 years old not so long ago. I'm sure some people mature at 17, others are not at 20.... I even know some 50 years old who are not yet mature! so what's a number.... We decided prostitution below 18 is wrong,and that's quite fine. But we often jump to conclusion that being with a girl 17 and 11 months, you're a pedophile while a month older you're not. There is a difference between something being illegal and a paraphilia. Even Steven Harper's most conservative government recognized it: they raised the legal age of consent in Canada to 16, not 18. If in Japan adulthood is 20, does that make the men there who like 19 years old pedophile while if they moved here they would be considered normal? Let's not loose sight of this in our arguments, too many people exaggerate. Trying to hire minors for prostitution is illegal and that's fine. But let's not confuse this and pedophilia. It depends on the age of the minor in question whether it is really pedophilia.

When you look at what marketing does in terms of pushing sexualized images of teens on tv, mags etc. (did you know that the average age to start modeling is between 13 and 16?), no wonder the end result is attraction... So I'm not sure I really blame these arrested guys for being attracted. For taking action and seeking to hire minors, yes for sure. But for their attraction? Not sure... Again, we're not talking about child here. And I'm not saying prostitution of minor is a good thing. What I'm saying is that in our society, youth is used to sell, so no wonder youth becomes attractive. Maybe we should look at ourselves in the mirror if we don't like this...


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
As for pervs being stung for looking for minors... Fucking good
Back to young escorts, what does not impress me is agencies advertise " just turned 18 ".... yup, the hidden pedophiles come out.

Winnipeg has a huge problem with underage being pimped.
Several have been murdered or disappeared.
It is an unpleasant fact, and police have to deal with it.
If your daughter was missing would you be upset about the police bothering dancers at a strip club for a few minutes looking for her?
Guys can deny or rationalise all they want, they can cry about police stings, but like you said, Fucking good!
These guys are wired wrong and no punishment or therapy will fix them. Throw them down a deep hole.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just a sec here, we're getting mixed up.

We decided prostitution below 18 is wrong,and that's quite fine. But we often jump to conclusion that being with a girl 17 and 11 months, you're a pedophile .

I do not think you understood my post if that was what you were referring to. Just my opinion but if a 40 yr old replies to an escorts ad and when he finds out she is 16 and still goes along with it charge him, pretty sure if he was told 14 he would still have went through with it. Now if a 60 yr old seeks out "fresh" 18 yr olds something is wrong even if it is legal. To me it is not what the law sets it at, if two 16 yr olds have sex I do not care, if a 18 yr old and a 17 yr old have sex I do not care, if a 50 yr old seeks out fresh 18 yr olds or younger, there is a concern. Maybe in a year or so 14 would be more tempting for him.
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