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7 clients arrested in Laval


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Now if a 60 yr old seeks out "fresh" 18 yr olds something is wrong even if it is legal. (…) if a 50 yr old seeks out fresh 18 yr olds or younger, there is a concern.

Yes, I see your point is an ethical point vs legal.

However what it it's the 18yr who seeks the 50yr? You assume that the man is the "hunter" and the 18yr the victim. This is a cliché, just like when we say every sex worker is raped against her will because she cannot consent to this. I know many 18yo seeking mature men, you have no idea how frequent that is. Now, if it's the young woman seeking, does it make it less wrong? On what basis? I also know many 18yo who seek mature men to scam them, so the cliché of "abuser" and "abused" is quite often reversed....

My former 20yo secretary got married with her 55yo husband and she told me very bluntly (that was her style! lol!) how she sought him out, connected with him, flirted with him even if he resisted and finally how he gave in and both fell in love. It this wrong? Should I judge her? I don't think so, she was sincere. What happens between two consenting adults, whatever their age, is their business.

It may not be a choice you would make, but it was definitely her very conscious choice. I'm sure you made choices in your life that others may not make. As long as they are yours, it's your business and yours only.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
There are gold diggers out there everywhere, nothing to do with a 50 yr old looking for a fresh 18 yr old. If the 50 yr old seeks out a fresh 18 yr old on a site I can imagine that in private he would accept someone younger than 18.
You seem to be defending this a lot.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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STN, you're right. I hate it when people judge others with principles, like if THEY knew what is right and wrong. It leads to "Trump-ism".

I try not to as long as what they are doing is legal, it's none of my business. I wish we were like this as a society, everyone would be more happy.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
There are gold diggers out there everywhere, nothing to do with a 50 yr old looking for a fresh 18 yr old. If the 50 yr old seeks out a fresh 18 yr old on a site I can imagine that in private he would accept someone younger than 18.
You seem to be defending this a lot.

STN, what is the magic permissible age difference between a client and a sex worker? Also what is the magic minimum age (if not 18) for a woman (or a man) to do sex work or pay a sex worker?

You seem to be defending your age rules a lot, but we don't even know what they are except that you think it is wrong for a 60 year old man to pay for sex with an 18 year old.

My own opinion is that the age of majority (currently 18 or 19 in Canada) is the only age that matters. Any attempt to establish any other complicated rule will fail, just like the prohibition on prostitution (including C-36) has failed.

Also, let's not forget that the Law in both Canada and the U.S. currently prohibits men of any age from paying an adult woman (or man) for sex. Isn't that the real problem?


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2008
DalilaD, the police call those men predator instead of clients.I saw a report about that. Thank you.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
DalilaD, the police call those men predator instead of clients.I saw a report about that. Thank you.

When the police decide to use the same entrapment technique to lure and arrest men who believe they are going to see adult escorts, they will use the same word to describe the men: predators. That's the kind of language that prostitution prohibitionists (feminists and religious zealots) already use to describe the clients of sex workers.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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And how do we call the girls who abuse the situation? Oh yeah, they are victims!

You see my point about using the right words for the right things with no exageration? These days if you are looking at a woman in the elevator, you're doing a sexual assault! And the male students are flirting with the girls because have a rape culture.

Interesting to note however there are no such terms when a woman admires a man or flirts with him. Girls can do no wrong, can they?!

Anyhow we're diverting here...


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
That's the kind of language that prostitution prohibitionists (feminists and religious zealots) already use to describe the clients of sex workers.

And to add the prostitutes are being referred to as "victims". According to the feminists and religious zealots they are all poor victims either under age minors being exploited or adult females being exploited or who are mentally dysfunctional. According to them no female would ever choose this line of work.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
And how do we call the girls who abuse the situation? Oh yeah, they are victims!

You see my point about using the right words for the right things with no exageration? These days if you are looking at a woman in the elevator, you're doing a sexual assault! And the students are flirting with the girls because have a rape culture.

Thanks to feminists. We now live in an era or political correctness and feminism. The feminists want to dominate all men. In reality the clients are far more often the victims of escorts then the other way around. The girls are scamming poor lonely men or just do not know better.


Supporting Member
Feb 2, 2018
Montréal (Saint-Henri)
Thanks to feminists. We now live in an era or political correctness and feminism. The feminists want to dominate all men. In reality the clients are far more often the victims of escorts then the other way around. The girls are scamming poor lonely men or just do not know better.

In Italy I taught I was a feminist but here they told me I was not. At UQAM, the feminists even want to change French language. They want to change the agreement of participe passé rule


Sep 21, 2011
You are breaking the law by:
To communicate with a SP in public or private for sex
To pay a SP for sex
To be found in a brothel
You are not breaking the law by:
To soliciting a girl for sex in the bar, in public or in private
To pay a dinner, to buy gifts or any trip to a girl 18 or older for sex
To have sex with a girl(s) or guy(s) in private bedroom
Please correct me if I am wrong or add some more on each of the above cases LOL.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
...At UQAM, the feminists even want to change French language. They want to change the agreement of participe passé rule...

“It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”
George Orwell, 1984
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows

Please add breaking the law if,
You are thinking of having sex with an SP
Wanting to have sex with an SP
Paying for an SP’s diner
Watching an SP getting paid for sex
Communicating with an SP on merb.

I always wondered if you paid an SP for sex the next or the previous day (such as via interac email) is this still illegal? Is there a time stamp on the sex paiement connection?


New Member
Jun 20, 2018
Please add breaking the law if,

I always wondered if you paid an SP for sex the next or the previous day (such as via interac email) is this still illegal? Is there a time stamp on the sex paiement connection?

I've often wondered the same thing. Sure, it is a loophole but then can't the same be said about the "monies paid are for time spent with each other..." rider?
(I know nothing about the law, but I did watch a lawyer show on TV once.)


Sep 21, 2011
Yes, it's not paying for sex, but for companionship and time spent together. If there are sexual activities involved, that is between 2 consenting adults.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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The law says:
286.1 (1) Everyone who, in any place, obtains for consideration, or communicates with anyone for the purpose of obtaining for consideration, the sexual services of a person is guilty of
(a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years and a minimum punishment of (…),(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 18 months and a minimum punishment of,(…)

There is nothing talking about when the "consideration" has been received, the day of or a year before. As long as they can link the "consideration" to sexual services, this is it!


Sep 21, 2011
curly, well said. We should discuss this matter more regarding the law surrounding the sexual services and be more educated.
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