Montreal Escorts

Is cancelling an escort last minute the same as cancelling a client?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I was just reading this on Twitter.
The point being made is it could make an escort miss paying rent or her bills while a client obviously has money if he can blow it on the pleasure of his dick and it doesn’t have the same consequences.
In principle it is true, but is it right to think this way.

This kind of made me think, first let me say that if I ever had to cancel under 24 hours, I would pay her the whole session fee, my word is worth more than a couple of hundred bucks and I don’t waste anybodies time.

I can understand the reasoning of the SP but is it correct to assume just because somebody may have money it is ok to say that it is not the same.
Not all of us inherited or came buy what we have easily, we had to work damn hard for it so it is bit of a shifty attitude to simply say it doesn’t count because he can afford it especially when on some of the same Twitter accounts you see photographs of vacations and high end items, handbags shoes etc....

I know what it is like to live in refugeee camps and survive on bread and sugar for weeks, so I kind of resent this attitude a bit.

Btw if it wasn’t for so called “privileged” people like us then what would you pay your rent and bills from.
I don’t make any apologies for how I came to be “priveledged” to be able spend on escorts, I worked my ass off all my life at times with two three jobs and no my kids and family come way before my dick.


Sep 4, 2006
From the client perspective, depends on whether you are visiting Montreal or you are a local, whether its incall or outcall. If I am a local who booked an incall appointment, then the cancellation, while unfortunate, is not a big deal. Barring any special circumstances rescheduling is easy enough.

If you are visiting Montreal then the last minute cancellation essentially ruins your evening. I have been in this situation many times before. I only visit Montreal a few times per year, and who I see in each visit is carefully planned out. When someone cancels last minute, I have to scramble to find an alternative on very short notice. Most indies will not respond to same day requests, and agencies will already have the best people in their line up spoken for. It'll be months before I am back in town so its a big inconvenience.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Fradi. Calm down.
Yes, obviously for most escorts a last minute cancellation by the client is worse. This is just like any freelancer. If the person who was going to pay you cancels last minute, it fucks with your cash flow.
It is never more than an inconvenience for the client if the girls cancels. Annoying, but no big deal. If the guy cancels, it may be just an annoyance because she's in really good financial shape, but it may be a big deal because she is struggling.

You may think it is never as bad as a refugee camp and that's fine, but it is clearly always worse for the escort to get canceled on than the client.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
if the girl struggle to pay the bills because of a last minute client cancellation she has problems.

Better to avoid until she solves them.



Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Fradi. Calm down.

I am calm, and in principle I agree that it can be much more of an impact on an SP if a client cancels as it can mean rent money bills etc...
I just don’t like the attitude of this constant theme on Twitter of clients being “ privileged” and entitled, I keep reading it over and over again.
I would sometimes like to see that some of us clients are actually decent human beings who treat escorts with kindness and respect and it is not okay to take advantage of us either.
I know there are many escorts that do appreciate us as I have met them it just irritates me when I read this kind of stuff so frequently.
I should just stay off of Twitter accounts seeing as I don’t even have one lol.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I live in the United Sex Prison. My time in hobby-land is precious and priceless. I've had several cancellations over my career and it is more than just an inconvenience. This is one of the reasons I like Clinicas, Termas, and FKKs. The girls are there. You pick out the one you like and your not sitting in a room waiting for someone to hopefully show up. what's worse is when you travel across town after confirming with a girl and then you make the 2nd call and she cancels on you. But to answer your question, they both suck.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
What exactly is last minute? 2 hours? 24 hours?

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I had a chic cancel a 24:00 appointment @ 23:58, lol!

ive read of one girl who looks through the peep hole doesn’t like what she sees and cancels....

I guess we we were all young and college aged once, skipping school and our summer jobs to go to city, meet up with friends or head to beach. Not trying to make excuses but it is what it is I guess

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I have never canceled last minute but I have been late half hour and still paid the hour. Too far for me to cancel last minute as it take 2 hrs to get to Montreal.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
i have been cancelled on so many times its not even funny. I dont think i ever cancelled on the provider once. I consider it worse to cancel on provider than vice versa. Of course a lot depends on how much notice you give.


French Ebony
Mar 11, 2019
Both situation are equally as frustrating if I may say. However, it has almost no negative impact for the gentleman unless he was already on his way. In that case it would be a waste of time and money; transportation fees.

For the woman it's a totally different story, maybe she really needed the money for an expense, maybe she had to rent an incall, or maybe she had to travel to another part of the city. I think the negative impacts are bigger for women but it doesn't make it less frustrating for clients.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

I agree with what you are saying and it is nice to see that you don’t think it is ok on either side.

My point was more ( perhaps I failed to explain it properly) that I keep seeing this constant client bashing of being privileged and entitled as if it is totally ok to screw with us or take advantage of us because we deserve to have someone take our money after all if we can spend it on pussy then we are fair game to be fleeced cancelled on whatever.

Most of us don’t go outside and pick cash off a bush in our backyard either, it was more about giving the same kind of respect that you expect from us.


French Ebony
Mar 11, 2019
@ Fradi, I try to stay away from that culture. Yes some of my suitors are wealthier than others but it doesn't mean that they are a walking ATM. I appreciate their time, financial support and if they are "privileged" who cares? In the end, I'll be the one benefiting from it, won't I? They will pay for my time because they are "privileged" enough to do so.

+ priviledged here means that they can afford to meet me


Active Member
May 7, 2018
It's worse for the girl, simply because when it comes to victimization I always let women have it. I simply jump to the next available girl.


Active Member
Mar 6, 2019
I did get a no call cancelation from two agency girls years back. Both times it was for an outcall. I waited ten minutes after the scheduled time thinking there may have been traffic before calling the agency. I get an apology from the booker and an excuse, like oh she is not answering her phone I do not know what is going on, I will call you back. Then ten minutes later they tell you that she is still not reachable and they can hook you up with another girl in two hours. I usually just cancel and never book with them.
It is a terrible feeling and feel like a waste of time, even though I did not have to travel. As I do more incalls now, it would be frustrating to travel far as I do and then get a cancelation ten minutes before the appointment.

However, I think it is worse for the lady, especially if she is independent and had to rent a place. It might be easier at an agency if the man cancelled 2-3 hours before, but I am just speculating. It would be easier for me to find another lady that specific day if I am not picky so it impacts me less. The no call cancelation was frustrating and due to it happening late, I did not have time to wait an hour for another girl as I was short on time on those days.

Fradi: I do agree with you, the "you men are privileged for being able to spend money on escorts" is annoying. I worked hard to be where I am and if people did not have disposable income to spend on escorts, they would not be able to do what they are doing.


Location: Fantasy Land
Mar 27, 2016
Most clients, including merb members are far from "privledged" financially speaking. Most are middle income wage earners that work extra hard in order to obtain a little extra discretionary income for this hobby. You could make the argument that were the bread and butter of the bulk of a sp's income. I would like to think that many of us appreciate your company a lot more than you think. We're also probably more aware and sympathetic to what you go through financially with cancellations, especially on our end. That's an incredibly insensitive statement to make to clients as a whole.


New Member
Jul 30, 2014
I have been wondering lately what is the expected etiquette regarding cancellations as I was cancelled a couple of times recently after arriving to the incall location. I have very rarely cancelled and it's usually in the morning when it's time to confirm with the agency and my slot would still get filled.

Personally, I arrived at an incall location, texted I was there and waited (this was one of the more well known agencies as well). After the scheduled time passed, I received a text stating the girl is stuck in traffic and we could cancel or shorten the meeting. I elected to shorten as I was already there. Some time passes, then I get another text stating the girl is still stuck in traffic and the meeting has been cancelled. No offer of an alternate girl, just a quick apology. I voiced my frustration (particular because I made it there and this was a new incall location for me), but things seemed to be escalating and I decided to just move on. :argue:

As someone above stated, time is precious. If I was cancelled a few hours earlier, I can adjust. But when your at the location, you've wasted time getting there and now have to make alternate plans.

What I'm wondering is how far in advance should an agency (or even a client) notify of a cancellation when doing an incall? I as a client would prefer at least an hour notification. Not sure if this is the right thread for this question, but seemed to pertain to the general subject. Thanks.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^ The stuck in traffic line is usually BS.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Most clients, including merb members are far from "privledged" financially speaking. Most are middle income wage earners that work extra hard in order to obtain a little extra discretionary income for this hobby.

Cool story, but I think you’re mistaken on the meaning of privilege. There are lots of people who work 3x as hard as most people here, and they couldn’t even afford to see an escort just once. So yes, being able to afford an expensive "hobby" is a provilege, whether it’s escorts or fine dining or buying expensive art. sorry to break it to you.
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