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Sad story of abuse


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Jan 28, 2004
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I had made arrangements to meet an SP I have seen in the past this morning as my ATF has not been available lately. I text to confirm and she texts back that she would like to see me but would appreciate it if there would be no sexual relations this time. WTF ? As I thought about the text I sensed that something was wrong and decided to agree and see her anyway as it had been a while. When I arrived at her incall and she opened the door she was a mess, disheveled, crying and shaking. She threw her arms around me and asked me to understand that something bad had happened to her. After a few minutes she asked me to come in and take off my coat and we sat at her table and she told me what had happened.

Last night she received a call from a client she had seen a few times and he wanted to see her. As she knew him she agreed and he asked if they could go to his place which wasn't too far from her own, she agreed. This was around 11:00 pm . The next thing that she remembers is it's 5:30 am and she is being forced into a taxi and the driver takes her home. As her mind clears she begins to remember bits and pieces from the previous night. She was gang-banged and raped by a bunch of animals fucking her while she was drugged and passed out. She remembers each of the guys who had her paying the client who took her to his home and although he profited from selling a drugged woman to his friends and or associates she was never given the chance to say no to any of this. I advised her to go to the police but she refused saying that she is in this life and they would tell her that going to see a client sets her up for this abuse........possibly right.

Yes I see SP's on a regular basis but I have always treated them with the respect they deserve as human beings. They are providing a service for which we pay nothing more. I know some of you think these women are not deserving of respect and you view them as less than human beings well.....fuck you ! People who treat others as this SP was last night are animals ! I know this thread will not change anything but her experience made me think of April Rose's experience and thread. No means NO ! Always has and always will ! I've never attended or participated in an gang-bang and would not want to see another human degraded in front of me, those of you that do, whatever.

End of my rant !
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Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
I am so very and profoundly sorry to read your post.

In Montreal, there are policewomen that will believe her, to what I know, but Please, please, tell her to contact Stella to have more support, they might give her actual good advices. My heart is broken to have read your post.

I fear it won't be the last time we will be hearing of atrocities against SW, it seems to be more and more common.

Please, good gentlemen, don't be afraid all ladies around will raised their screenings as we are all fearing much the escalade of violence toward us in this moment.
2 murders in Quebec province, the same day.... and this, and other event's we ladies know about.


New Member
Nov 27, 2019
She can have psychological support from 514-285-8889 (french and english speaking)
She shouldn't be on her own, she needs help !

Please Doggyluver, give her these informations and tell her we, her colleagues and friends, are here to support her.

Those stories scare me as hell ....

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Someone should try and get her to the dr.’s too, sux to read something like this

What's My Name

Who Are You?
Mar 16, 2014
This is horrible, after what happened a few weeks ago in Quebec and now this.

Like Maria Divine & Eden said help her as much as you can Doggyluver

:mad: :mad: :mad:


Active Member
Jan 6, 2020
This is why sex work needs to be legalized so that SWs can get full protection of the law. Criminalizing sex work only indemnifies sex offenders.

Is there really no legal recourse here? If the perp goes unpunished, he's gonna do this again!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
Over the years, I've heard so many abuse stories, its heartbreaking. I feel like every girl in this industry has been robbed at least once.

A lot of girls are helplessly trusting, and its always someone you don't expect who back stabs them. Girls please be careful, look out for yourself, stay vigilant. Its the only way to survive this industry.

Unfortunately its a vicious circle as it is often someone who got screwed over themselves and are forced to resort to screwing others.

Merb needs a task force, to halo-in on these motherfuckers.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2011
C'est tout simplement dégueulasse. J'espère de tout coeur qu'elle sera en mesure d'aller chercher l'aide dont elle aura besoin. Au niveau des forces policières de nombreuses agentes ont été spécifiquement formées pour intervenir dans les situations d'agression sexuelles. Elles sont formées pour démontrer de l'empathie aux victimes, PEU IMPORTE le statut social de la victime. Elle peut exiger de rencontrer un tel type d'agente avant même de dire un seul mot sur ce qu'elle à vécue. Cette dame est un être humain avant tout et elle à droit à sa dignité et à la justice. J'espère qu'elle trouvera le courage de rapporter ce viol collectif et de porter plainte. Seul un délinquant sexuel dangereux est en mesure de planifier une telle agression. Les participants méritent la même désignation. Méchante gang de minables de s'en prendre à une femme droguée sans défense. Ils doivent tous être mis hors d'état de nuire car ils récidiveront. Bon courage à cette dame.


Active Member
Feb 6, 2006
Sadly there are animals/scumbags in all walks of life. This is disgusting. Filthy animals. I always treat the woman I see with the utmost respect, courtesy, politeness. And I feel I always get that returned to me 10x more. Makes for an amazing experience for both of us. ...Douchebags....

Would be great to «*out*» this client....


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just my opinion but people like these should be beaten to death over the course of a few days.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I also think that the client who was responsible for this should be severely beaten. Street justice has to be dispensed if she cannot get any from the Courts or the police.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007

^^^Sorry DL, I'm still reeling from some of your earlier posts. I have posted a few above....all terrible and all tragic and yes the perpetrators should be strung up. One may ask, why is it you that always uncovers these kinds of things? I guess I've been lucky but I haven't had to witness such tragedy first hand. It is great that girls have someone like you that they can come to in time of need. So comforting...


Feb 17, 2019
Jesus, this is so sad :( Please let her know about the resources available to her so she knows she has support.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
It is so unfortunate that animals like this exist.
I could never understand gangbangs either, what kind of pleasure a man could have of seeing women being taken by multiple men and used like a rubber doll, this is totally beyond me.

I struggled for 5 years about seeing an escort because I didn’t want to be someone who uses women.
I am glad I finally did and the lady is a total angel and my ATF who I have been seeing ever since.
At least I know the time they spend with me they will be treated with kindness and respect and most of all they will be safe.

Batista Mason

Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2011
This is a very terrible story and it's anger me we can't do anything about it, not even call the police. I guess the best we could do is share his phone number and everyone blacklist him? But he can still change his phone...

In my 12~13 years of seeing SP, I have seen many sad stories, from SP falling into drug addiction to an agency booker manipulating and abusing their SP.

I know a lot go see SP just for sex but in my case, I see them to have someone to talk with, have a connection (while respecting their private life). When I have a difficult time in my life, I know I can count on to see and find comfort. Many has told me ''Why not see a psychologist?''. A psychologist doesn't hug, kiss or cuddle you, you don't know how a simple hug, cuddle or kiss can make you feel better.

You just don't realize how precious they are for them to give their time to you while they put themselves at risk to danger like this. It really pains me that there people out there doing such things and the victims will be scarred for life.
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I didn't commented on this yet because i didn't know what to say. I don't have the proper words. It sadden me, anger me, and i really wish this poor lady will recover from that terrible event. Hopefully she can find justice for it and this guy get arrested and obviously blacklisted by everybody.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2006
Stella will only give moral support and help treat her body... cops and government won't do anything to the guy. I think Batman & Robin Hood need to step in.

I say get the guy's address from her and we gang bang him, he'll learn the hard way, but he'll learn what's it's like to treat a human being like garbage


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
I've said this before and I will say it again, why do we insist on keeping these animals anonymous? Why do we protect their identities when they obviously don't deserve it? By outing this guy, she will protect other possible victims!
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