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Would You Book a Service Provider if You Knew She Was Being Pimped?


"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
I am curious to know if any of you have would book with service providers who are being controlled by a pimp, or if you have discovered that a provider is being pimped out. Would you consider booking her services again?

Personally, I would not engage with anyone who is being pimped out for several reasons. Firstly, the service quality tends to be subpar and rushed. Secondly, I have no tolerance for those who exploit vulnerable individuals, especially women. While I hold all women in high esteem, I refuse to support a pimp's criminal actions and manipulative intentions.

I understand that service providers may be manipulated and I feel sympathy for them, as I am a compassionate person. Most importantly, I cannot engage in any intimate encounters with someone who is being coerced into providing services against their will.I have specific limits, values and conscience in place when dealing with service providers.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
For some SPs, it’s like saying the P word…
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"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
Define pimped.
From my perspective, a pimp can be defined as someone who uses coercion to compel individuals into becoming service providers, particularly in the sex industry. This involves brainwashing and manipulating them into a business they had no prior awareness or interest in, all for the financial gain of the pimp and without giving a dime to their victims. It's important to note that agencies operate differently, as they do not force individuals into the sex industry. Most agencies provide fair compensation for their services, and individuals typically choose to work with an agency after carefully considering and understanding the nature of the work. In contrast, victims of pimps are often unwilling participants who never intended to enter the sex industry. I bring up agencies in this discussion because I understand the direction of your inquiry.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Pimps don't necessarily use coercion, agency owner are pimps by definition (and some do have shady antics that girls speak up about to other girls but not to clients for obvious reasons). I know people don't like to think about this fact but a spade is a spade! So this complicates this question a little but I think it's obvious you're referring to a specific type of pimp. I'm sure most clients would rather not patronize shady business, I'm sure there are some who don't care too but I'm guessing they're the minority


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012

Giselle Montreal

Supporting Member
Sep 28, 2014
Most people are saying they won't see them, of course. My question would be, do we always know? It seems obvious in some cases, but is it always clear that someone is pimped/coerced? Are clients, some of whom are commenting on this board, seeing very vulnerable women in survival / heavy drug use states (for the low rate they offer) better?

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
The parasite ones…
I clearly understand what you are implying here, so when does an agency falls in that category? We have read stories (well I did) where some providers were "coerced" to offer certain services that, at first they didn’t agreed to. There is different ways to achieve this, the most common is to get the girl used to make money for a while then start to cut her booking(income) pretending that it’s because she refuses to go full GFE and that’s what clients are looking for.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I clearly understand what you are implying here, so when does an agency falls in that category? We have read stories (well I did) where some providers were "coerced" to offer certain services that, at first they didn’t agreed to. There is different ways to achieve this, the most common is to get the girl used to make money for a while then start to cut her booking(income) pretending that it’s because she refuses to go full GFE and that’s what clients are looking for.

Exactly! I've also heard of agencies sending the bad/blacklisted clients to new girls because they won't know better. This is abusive. A friend of mine had a blacklisted client as her first client at an agency who knew he was bad news and told her "you better make him happy". This resulted in her being coerced into BBFS on her very first appointment.

I've heard of agency owners and drivers cutting a girl's bookings because she wouldn't have sex with them.

I've had a booking with a salon owner where he showed me, a random person, all the cameras from the salon for no reason other than to brag. I'm sure these women didn't consent to strangers watching them at work on camera lol.

I've heard of an agency owner, from a merb-known agency, coercing girls into offering services they don't want to offer and I'm not even talking about gfe, I'm talking about extras and stuff that usually isn't standard service.

There are 1001 way agency owners are no better than whatever image people have in mind when they hear the word "pimp"... where do we draw the line?

Rosie Sparkles

Supporting Member
Sep 14, 2016
I often get laugh react when suggesting to do humane things on this forum like free food, free roofs, or supporting independants instead of pimps... I guess it's easier to laugh when you are not directly victim or in danger to fall victim of that kind of violence. Just the idea of a more ''ethical'' way of meeting sound funny to someone that sees sex work as inerhently degrading, I'm sure. But I guess hoping for respect here is too much to ask. I'll not expend further on the issue as I don't have space for that kind of bad energy.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Just the idea of a more ''ethical'' way of meeting sound funny to someone that sees sex work as inerhently degrading, I'm sure
. Of course some would jump on any occasion to promote themselves and their peers, it was too predictable, hence the laughs. But I understand the promotional appeal, I just couldn’t resist.
Now that statement where you allow yourself to jump to these kind of conclusions about someone you literally don’t know got me rolling on the floor! Please don’t stop, I’m always in for entertainment.
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Active Member
May 31, 2018
Exactly! I've also heard of agencies sending the bad/blacklisted clients to new girls because they won't know better. This is abusive. A friend of mine had a blacklisted client as her first client at an agency who knew he was bad news and told her "you better make him happy". This resulted in her being coerced into BBFS on her very first appointment.

I've heard of agency owners and drivers cutting a girl's bookings because she wouldn't have sex with them.

I've had a booking with a salon owner where he showed me, a random person, all the cameras from the salon for no reason other than to brag. I'm sure these women didn't consent to strangers watching them at work on camera lol.

I've heard of an agency owner, from a merb-known agency, coercing girls into offering services they don't want to offer and I'm not even talking about gfe, I'm talking about extras and stuff that usually isn't standard service.

There are 1001 way agency owners are no better than whatever image people have in mind when they hear the word "pimp"... where do we draw the line?
As a former agency girl, what Julia said is exactly true, while I worked for two well known agencies (incall and outcall) agencies and I won't share who they are. I can tell you that coercion is a real thing while not always direct. I am a GFE plus provider meaning I am comfortable with cim dfk etc but some gfe girls who are not comfortable offering cim are pushed and pushed not only by the owners to offer it but by reviewers, clients etc.

Myself I am not comfortable offering anal guess what? I was constantly asked all the time even begged by clients and a booker or too told me I would make more tips etc. I would book completely in a shift that I work why would I want to do that if I am not comfortable.

Also, I am not a party girl, cannabis is fine for me on occasion, but I hate clients on blow/meth/exstacy. They can have a psychosis episode and become dangerous. I was even encouraged to take blow with clients as they book multiple hours, I said no way I don't want to be an addict. Not to mention the heavy drug using clients have a higher risk of contracting HIV and other diseases, even with regular gfe service you are more at risk, anyone who gets tested regularly will be asked this question from a doctor and or nurse. Some of my colleagues would be putting 12 plus hours or more with these clients and are encouraged to as many hours as they can. It's literally not worth the brain damage that comes from all that crap, the obvious danger you put yourself in with a client who might have a psychotic episode or an OD and yes I can tell you that some of my colleagues had drug overdoses and some have died, you guys think it's all roses that girls work for agencies it is not, hence why I won't work for one ever again.


Chick Hunter
Jan 18, 2020
Amazing thread, @Obvio-0bvio ! Some necessary truth bombs being dropped on agency shady practices here.

Here are a couple of my own:
  • Some agencies are the main pushers of hard drugs for their girls. Keeping them hooked keeps them working, and makes them provide services beyond their limits.
  • Whenever a girl leaves an agency to become indy, the agency will endlessly book her left and right with no show, or send some of their worst clients.
Some agency owners / bookers / drivers are no better than your low life pimp on LL. If anything, the fact that they manage to run a successful business (having enough girls to officially run an agency) tells a lot on how far they're willing to go.

Sad but true... The most successful ones are often the worst...


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Casablanca owner are pimps by definition...I know people don't like to think about this fact..
How do we know whether you have a pimp?

Toto beefcake

This thread opens up a bag worms involving everything. Aside from the pimping situation, heres another one.

would people still visit establishments wether agency or mp that its known that some of the providers are offering bbfs?

thanks for the thread obvio, as usual you make the mind work ! Lol
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