It happens!
If you schedule an appointment at, ex: 1:00pm
and encountered an unexpected issue that is setting you back - let us know ASAP!
Chances are that 5, 10 or MAX 15min won’t affect our next booking - but it will have us rushing due to your tardiness. We made ourselves available for you at a specific time, it wouldn’t be fair for that time to then overlap onto the next booking and then MAKE US LATE for our next clients.
- We have a schedule to maintain between clients; we have to wash, prep, do laundry, take a break, eat lunch, etc.
- We also might have personal appointments, funerals, doctor appointments, family gatherings, basket weaving class, disc golf tournament or other events to get to ON TIME after our shift ends!
- We may also have no bookings after you because we are EXHAUSTED (either mentally, physically OR both) after a long day of bookings and want to relax, unwind and dissociate.
In any case, this does not mean it’s okay to take that for granted and just arrive when you get here! (Some self-entitled people think that just because we don’t have “a real job”- as they say, think it’s okay to just show up whenever they please and use that as a justification
- Tipping your SP as a sign of respect for your tardiness and still having her accommodate you
- Taking her up on her proposition of doing a shorter appointment ex: doing a HH session (at her HH rate) instead of a full 1H session
- Propose to reschedule the same day at a different hour (if both, you and the SP can do so)
- Propose to reschedule and have the deposit applied for another session at a later date
Show up late to the appointment, walk in like you own the place and NOT apologize for being late without offering some sort of compensation for having caused an inconvenience.
- Show up 30min late, get feisty / unpleasant with an SP because she cannot accommodate you any longer.
- Leave without compensating us for having wasted our time. It doesn’t have to be the whole rate, but at least give something for the inconvenience.
Please refrain from booking an SP if you do not have basic decency or cannot be punctual.
If you schedule an appointment at, ex: 1:00pm
and encountered an unexpected issue that is setting you back - let us know ASAP!
Chances are that 5, 10 or MAX 15min won’t affect our next booking - but it will have us rushing due to your tardiness. We made ourselves available for you at a specific time, it wouldn’t be fair for that time to then overlap onto the next booking and then MAKE US LATE for our next clients.
- We have a schedule to maintain between clients; we have to wash, prep, do laundry, take a break, eat lunch, etc.
- We also might have personal appointments, funerals, doctor appointments, family gatherings, basket weaving class, disc golf tournament or other events to get to ON TIME after our shift ends!
- We may also have no bookings after you because we are EXHAUSTED (either mentally, physically OR both) after a long day of bookings and want to relax, unwind and dissociate.
In any case, this does not mean it’s okay to take that for granted and just arrive when you get here! (Some self-entitled people think that just because we don’t have “a real job”- as they say, think it’s okay to just show up whenever they please and use that as a justification
- Tipping your SP as a sign of respect for your tardiness and still having her accommodate you
- Taking her up on her proposition of doing a shorter appointment ex: doing a HH session (at her HH rate) instead of a full 1H session
- Propose to reschedule the same day at a different hour (if both, you and the SP can do so)
- Propose to reschedule and have the deposit applied for another session at a later date
Show up late to the appointment, walk in like you own the place and NOT apologize for being late without offering some sort of compensation for having caused an inconvenience.
- Show up 30min late, get feisty / unpleasant with an SP because she cannot accommodate you any longer.
- Leave without compensating us for having wasted our time. It doesn’t have to be the whole rate, but at least give something for the inconvenience.
Please refrain from booking an SP if you do not have basic decency or cannot be punctual.
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