Montreal Escorts

The montreal sex industry is really going crazy

Ariane Valmont

New Member
Mar 17, 2009
MM, you make good points. That being said, you're not describing what a "real" indy is, but rather what a "perfect" indy is. :)

I consider myself a real indy and I would say I am moderately successful. However, I'm not a machine, I am human being and I don't possess all the qualities you are stating. For example, like any normal woman, I don't always feel sexual so eventhough I love being an escort, I'm not always available for meetings: when my libido is too quiet, I don't work and to me, that is the mark of a true professional with integrity. Also, I don't always exceed my client's expectations because the intensity of my, let's call it "performance", will depend on the chemistry I share with my partner.

The way you're presenting it is as if we were selling cars or appliances. Yes, we are a business but what we sell is something very intimate that can not be strictly organized and regimented like you suggest.


Jul 24, 2007
Come on Ariane, You`re not a real indy! you`re a RUBENESQUE companion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MM, you make good points. That being said, you`re not describing what a ``real`` indy is, but rather what a ``perfect`` indy is. :)

I consider myself a real indy and I would say I am moderately successful. However, I`m not a machine, I am human being and I don`t possess all the qualities you are stating. For example, like any normal woman, I don`t always feel sexual so eventhough I love being an escort, I`m not always available for meetings: when my libido is too quiet, I don`t work and to me, that is the mark of a true professional with integrity. Also, I don`t always exceed my client`s expectations because the intensity of my, let`s call it ``performance``, will depend on the chemistry I share with my partner.

The way you`re presenting it is as if we were selling cars or appliances. Yes, we are a business but what we sell is something very intimate that can not be strictly organized and regimented like you suggest.

Ariane Valmont

New Member
Mar 17, 2009
Come on Ariane, You`re not a real indy! you`re a RUBENESQUE companion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh! Would you be kind enough to explain to me what the difference is between a real indy and a rubenesque companion? ;)

Ariane Valmont

New Member
Mar 17, 2009
Well... Since you do not have the courtesy to answer my question, let`s go over some simple facts :

Working as an escort? Check.

Owning a website? Check.

Managing my schedule, emails, marketing, money, etc, by myself? Check.

Offering a reliable and satisfying service? Check.

Having a good reputation since I started in this business, 3 years and a half ago? Check.

So, yes, I am indeed a ``real`` independent escort. And the way I look (i.e. being full-figured) or the fact that I prefer to present myself as a companion doesn`t change that.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
But from the US tourist (and I know this is a whole separate discussiion), $140 5 years ago = approx. $115 USD whereas $180 current date = approx. $175 USD which is more than a 50% jump
Unfortunately, when the young women who work in this business pay their rent or shop for food, their landlords and grocers do not adjust the amounts due them based on the exchange rate of the US dollar. To complain about the rates agencies are getting in Montreal based on the change in the exchange rates is a fool's errand.

I have a hard time believing that XXXtase was getting $140 in 2006. Of course, if you want to compare one outlier agency with another, why don't you compare their rates with the current outlier, Montreal Angels and their $150 rate. The fact is that the standard 10 years ago was $150 and now it's $180. That the US dollar is worth 40% less is not their problem.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Nobody in this thread has really analyzed the issue of the time spent on responding to emails and coordinating bookings. An agency escort spends no time reading and responding to emails, and the only phone calls she has to make are with the driver or booker. A true indy has to spend time reading and responding to emails, as well as answer phone calls. And that includes shit emails, from guys who are not serious or otherwise just want to masturbate to a reply they think they are going to get in response to a jackoff email. I was told by someone who worked for an HDH agency that these emails are usually deleted without response, but you still have to read them, and that is time spent.

I can imagine some ladies don't want to deal with all this shit and would rather work for an agency and let them deal with it, that is what the agency takes their cut for.

Some ladies call themselves indies, but in reality, they are a consortium or group and what they do is share the fees for an independent booker. That is how most of the indies in New York City work. They form a network amongst themselves, and that network utilizes the services of a common booker, with whom they share their fee. These ladies call themselves indies and they are in the sense that they do not work for agencies, but they do not deal with phone calls and emails.

There are true indies, but in my experience they tire of the jack off email and phone calls because they don't have the time to deal with them. I saw a long rant post on the other board by Ronnie/Naughy Lady about all the time she had wasted on some guy who just wanted to jack off to hearing her voice. I was not surprised by her post, but she of course knows that because she wants to ensure her own safety by being her own booker, she has chosen to lose time in this fashion. It's the cost of doing business and she knows this.

Some of the posts in this thread are thoughtful but they offer no analysis of this important issue for any lady who is TRULY independent.

By the ways I concur with the post of Rumpleforeskin who has been around longer than many of the other posters here that the increases in prices over the last 10 years have been what one would expect or less if adjusting for general COL increases.

MM, I would also note that touring is something that has occurred for years. Ladies always have and awlays will go where the money is, and Montreal is a small fish as compared to NYC and Las Vegas. All you have to do is look at the prices that can be charged in NYC and Las Vegas vs. what can be commanded in Montreal. Just go on to Eros or Cityvibe and see what the ladies are charging, actually $300 HDH rates in Montreal are below market rates in either Vegas or NYC, and that is fact, jack.

Why do you guys think Americans like Rumples, Special K and myself have been coming to Montreal for years? The local guys who complain in any fashion should be given a good hard kick in the ass, and then asked to take their money to NYC and LV or anywhere else in North America and see how far it goes.
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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Loved your reply. In addition to handling the emails, calls, etc. many tend to forget the time these ladies spend preparing for each encounter (before and after). They spend countless hours getting the body and the mind ready for us lucky guys to show up for a few hours of fun:). That time is time they do not get back and it is time required for them to do their job well. The truly good "Indy" knows her client well and prepares specifically for that pointed out by MM, a key to success.

I also agree with you, Merlot, Doc and others - the value presented in Montreal is tremendous. Whiners should do a little more research and they will soon realize the "great deal" they are getting not only price, but selection:cool:.

Thanks for the list, well put.
I think you have done a solid job outlining "Indy".
The short list Ariane provided also addressed it well.

Your list was also well stated. All of the items are key to the success of any business. Yes, these ladies are entrepreneurs based on the lists offered by Merlot and Ariane. Yes, they need to stay on top of their game. One of your points was about specialization...fact is the ladies already do specialize just by being who they are. They are all unique and will have a different appeal to different potential clients.

Ariane's point is very valid - they are humans and not machines. Because they are sharing such intimate moments and interaction the success cannot help but be influenced by the human factor, the chemistry, the connection made or not made.

Can't wait hear more.
Happy New Year!

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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This is just one john's opinion. The rates in montreal are an absolute bargain when you consider the quality of the ladies that we have to choose from and the quality of service that they provide. We have nothing to whine about or complain about period. If you don't like the rates tough, that just makes it that much easier for guys like me to book them when i come to town.

100% right on JJ, you said it perfectly.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Merlot, No doubt it`s time for you to become an INDY!


I already thought of that. I specialize in servicing busty cougar widows whose husbands expired from their wives sexual excesses. Yeah, it`s a rough job, but think of the all the potential sex that would have been untapped and wasted otherwise. :cool:

Come on Ariane, You`re not a real indy! you`re a RUBENESQUE companion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

C`mon MM. Now this was unnecessarily ill-mannered and just plain wrong on all points. Physical type has nothing to do with anything in this thread. It is absolutely mystifying how you or anyone can want respect and then fail to give it to others.

Unfortunately, when the young women who work in this business pay their rent or shop for food, their landlords and grocers do not adjust the amounts due them based on the exchange rate of the US dollar. To complain about the rates agencies are getting in Montreal based on the change in the exchange rates is a fool`s errand.

I have a hard time believing that XXXtase was getting $140 in 2006. Of course, if you want to compare one outlier agency with another, why don`t you compare their rates with the current outlier, Montreal Angels and their $150 rate. The fact is that the standard 10 years ago was $150 and now it`s $180. That the US dollar is worth 40% less is not their problem.

You make very good points overall, but I started in June 2001 and the basic rates for mid-range agencies was definitely between $120-140 for most. My first lady was Josey from Sweet Dreams at $120. I remember very well keeping firmly to thse rates for meetings and being stunned that the tall goddess Stephanie of Montreal was charging $180, which seemed outrageous at the time. I don`t think $150 became standard until 2 or 3 years later.

Anyway, it is a fact that even if there is or was lower demand for escorts in this business since the economic downturn, and that might normally mean lowering rates, the main consideration for the ladies is the rising cost of living which has not seemed to fall lower with the harder times. I understand why rates are at this level, but still I am down from 19 meetings usually of 2 hours each 3 years ago to 7 meetings usually 1 hour or 90 minutes each this past year. And I am far from the only one cutting back a lot. Hobbyists with a lot more money than me are doing the same. So while I understand the ladies needs and reasons for current rates, they should also understand why many clients wonder why average rates got higher in harder times. I am not saying anyone is right, just that both sides need to see and understand each others views better.


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Ariane Valmont

New Member
Mar 17, 2009
C'mon MM. Now this was unnecessarily ill-mannered and just plain wrong on all points. Physical type has nothing to do with anything in this thread.

Thank you Merlot.

But don't worry about it. I'm used to this kind of rude comment by now. Some men, like MM here, will never understand or accept that a woman like me can do well in this business. And you know what? That's their problem, not mine.

While many ladies are complaining that business is slow, I still receive more demands than I can handle. So not only did I find my niche market, I also must be pretty good at what I do. And at the end of the day, that's the only thing that matters.

In other words... All the haters out there can kiss my oh so voluptuous behind! :D
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Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
It seems to me that these threads are almost an annual tradition. When I first started seeing escorts in 2000 I chose an agency called Alissa which charged $450 for 2 hours. The guys on Canbest were howling for a boycot, railing against the outrageous pricing and how it would ruin the industry in Montreal. I figured great, these mopes ;) won't be going there so I will. Best decision I ever made as I met several Montreal HDH legends there, most of whome eventually became independents.

I remember back then Montreal Girlfriends was $150/ hour, LFMJ was $120 and most others were $140 to $160. I saw only enough girls to confirm ( with a few exceptions) my original decision was one I was happy with.

What goes around seems to comes around.


Jul 24, 2007
Just for the fun of it: Merlot the white Knight is back!

Back to normal...Montreal is one of the best city in North America, specially for the HOBBY and I really want to keep Montreal as it is. That's the reason why I ring the bell. 10 years ago I decided to move to Montreal....and I really don't want to move again!!!! I LOVE THE CITY.
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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Just for the fun of it: Merlot the white Knight is back!

Back to normal...Montreal is one of the best city in North America, specially for the HOBBY and I really want to keep Montreal as it is. That's the reason why I ring the bell. 10 years ago I decided to move to Montreal....and I really want to move again!!!! I LOVE THE CITY.

Welcome back Sir Merlot!
It's good to know Sir jman47 is not alone...LOL...;):D


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Are you sure you have the right agency? When Mtl Girlfriends got into business around 2001 or so, i remember the rates being the same as Alissa's, which were $450 for two hours. One hour was also available at $300. I also remember Sweet Dreams being one of the first agencies to price girls differently. At that agency, the gorgous Prescilla had the nerve to be the first girl to go for $200, which many swore theyd' stop seeing because of this. Guess who had the last laugh?

That is correct, I used both Allissa's agency and Montreal Girlfriends which were both $300/$450 for 1 or 2 hours at that time. Back in 2002, the exchange rate was as high as 1.6 for the US Dollar. I recall paying as little as US $290 to get the $450 CDN which I would then spend on ladies of those agencies. I recall seeing Anya, Alex and Lila of Allissa's agency all in the summer of 2002 at that price structure. Anya and Alex both would later work at FKS. Those were the glory days of the HDH agency in Montreal.

I would note that Aleeva and Friends was also charging the same rate structure at that time, i.e. $300/$450.

Back in 2002 Allissa's agency employed an Asian or part Asian lady who was a local porn film star. I can't remember her name and I never met her but I recall seeing one of her films, and she was well reviewed on the boards that existed in those days, which did not include MERB.
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Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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True. I can't remember her 'Allissa' name offhand, but it'll come to me. She used the name "Jade" in many of her porn loops. She appeared in "Rocco & Buttman go to Mtl" at around the same time she worked for Allissa.

That's driving me nuts now that I can't remember her name either even after having met her. She was great too!!


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Welcome back Sir Merlot!
It's good to know Sir jman47 is not alone...LOL...;):D

Hello Jman,

I don't know why some boys get so offended at being called a white knight. In cases like the one above I'll wear the label happily and proudly. Of course it's not my place to jump in in cases like that, but Ariane has been one of the most decent members on this board. If Marathon Man intended some other meaning than it seemed then apologies to him. But it seemed otherwise as read.

Then again the other kind of "white knight" blindly defending a lady who has made a mistake or is in the wrong...I refuse to be or support.

Back to the subject, I did see ladies from Montreal Girlfriends visiting Boston starting in 2002. The women were all beautiful, but only one was GFE. The value of the experience of being with these ladies did not measure up to the price in Boston ($300 U.S./hour) or the price in Montreal ($250/hour-450/2 hours). Melanie Cherie of Frenchkiss was worth every penny, but she was rare. :p Generally I found I was paying more for conversation and largely for a view rather than much real GFE service most of the time. In short...not worth it. Most were not worth the price then, so I wouldn't think of paying more now for HDH ladies in general.

As I said, I understand why agencies and Independents have raised rates. But considering the rise in prices combined with the sunken value of the dollar versus CDN, then 1.6 now barely 1.0, in effect rates have doubled for Americans. I know the drastic drop in exchange rates are no ones fault. But these are the bare facts, and my hobbying was based as much on what I could afford then as now. Yes, I came in when Americans had great advantages with rates. That is also only as much my fault as the economy is the fault of the agencies who have used conditions to justify higher rates. We on both sides have hard realities to deal with.


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Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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About 2-3 years ago, Sabrina who used to work for LFMJ told me that she left Jacques for a brief time for an agency that changed $40 more/hr than Jacques. She was getting $20 more an hour.

She said she ended up back with Jacques because she made more with Jacques gross because she got more calls/appts.

The bottom line for the agencies is: are the girls busy?

If at $180 an hour, an average girl has 4 paid hours = $720 out of 8 hours. At $160 an hour, the average girl gets 6 paid hours, that is $960. Even 5 hours, that is $800, which means the drop in rates would mean a 10 percent in gross revenues if it brought in only 1 extra hour of paid services.

I don't run an agency. I don't know how much demand decreases with an increase rate or demand increases with a reduced rate.

But I doubt that there is no impact.

If the agencies are busy at $180 an hour and there are few empty time, then it would be silly for them to reduce rates.

If the agencies are not busy, then rate cutting may actually increase the utilization time of their girls and their gross revenues.
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