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The amateur pornographer thread: enjoy

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
The amateur pornographer thread:

I decided to start this thread for those that either are interested, or those that already/ or have filmed themselves at their naughtiest.
I could only assume due to the amount of responses I`ve received via pm.. That this is something that interests others on board, or passing through..?
The responses were in part because of two detailed sessions that I posted here on merb..of myself filming the deed with hired help.
See first movie of 2011--

See second movie of 2011--

For some odd reason my pm box is aways full..?
So I figured instead of responding one by one, that I`d just give out all the info in this thread..

Why record your own videos?
In my personal experience.. Unless the girl ripped your heart out through your chest.. And left you singing that fat Jamaican kids song "suicidal"....
Then there is nothing like watching a scene knowing that you lived it..!
Even heartbreak porn Is great after you`ve healed, and had your chest stitched back up.!

Obviously this is where a camera comes in to play.
8mm- sucks
Hi8- sucks
Mini dv-sucks
DVD cams-sucks
1080p HD cam- !!!!!!!!!!!! I`m sold !!!!!!!!!!
I`ve recorded homemade flicks with all the above formats, and ever since I saw my sword in HD..? Well, let`s just say I see myself in a whole new light.
in HD I haven`t even scratched the surface of what can possibly be done with my HD cam..? But I`m already hooked, and seeing big.
- portable small tv?*
PreferAbly a 22" led/del or LCD/acl screen that you can carry along with you.
This is just in case you don`t rent a room with one included.
Why a screen? So you can plug in live while you record., and take advantage of your cameras remote.. All while watching the end result live on tv...Why else?
As I`ve mentioned in the above links.. If you are just getting equipped.. Shell out the extra change for a cam that has a built in harddrive.. the money you`ll save in the long run opposed to always buying sdhc cards will be worth it..

Unless you purchase a second HD cam as I intend on doing..
You will always be limited to either a steady angle with the camera set down?.. Or the usual pov shot.. Which can get boring fast, if in the wrong hands..
Be creative, film as if you were going to present it to an audience..?, film it how they would want to see it.
There`s not much to add to this so all suggestions are welcome

1- you need a willing partner!!
I will not discuss anything about hidden camera movies because a. It`s illegal.. And b. Only degenerates would do something like that ..!
2- maybe it`s ymmv? But 1 out of every 5 sp`s that I`ve asked have agreed.. As long as it`s for personal use.
Mind you, these are ladys that I`ve known for a while.

3- Internet..?
Rule number 1.. Never trust anybody on the Internet..
Rule number 2.. Nobody ever trusts anybody on the Internet.
Maybe it`s due to the lack of human contact.. Or the sheer amount of already available porn at your fingertips..?
But out of all the ads I placed on websites? I`ve had a 0% success rate ..?
ThAt is of course concerning amateurs....
Keep in mind that you can contact any porn actress through the web, and book her for a private shooting with you as the supporting actor.
In some states it`s the only way to legally "hire" a lady for sexual deeds...

4-) classified ads ( papers etc )
This I found to be worth wile..placing a simple ad with dollar signs, a price, and an email adress to send pics.....has been the route to success..!*
I received 30 responses.. And plenty of photos.
Were they all hot..? No !
but just remember.. For every average girl? She talks to at least one drop dead babe.

5-) my secret weapon..*
I promise to disclose my latest plan to find willing partners very shortly..
this could only come from a perverted mastermind?.. And after I have the list of talent I need.. You`ll get it before it`s milked to dryness.( no pm`s on this please )

I would like it if other amateur filmers such as myself could exchange info on the subject.. And help each other out with ideas, and of course help out the ladys that are willing to make some cash .. By providing them honest, serious filmers.

Laws-) this section will contain legal facts.. That could help you actually book a partner for an Indy filming( personal or web use )

I will be back to keep this filled with updates if there is any interest...

Thanks for reading
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Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
The amateur pornographer thread...
OK, y the F! do I feel like I'm to only guy givin' RB pats on the back for a job well done... I mean Ricky is getting plenty outta this new twist to his hobbying but the fact he's sharing the How-2's is a nice touch!

Question: Ricky bonds, how much time do you spend editing or do you edit at all?


New Member
May 23, 2005
Sadly, RB, I think there are far more assholes who would break those rules than those who would follow them.

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
OK, y the F! do I feel like I'm to only guy givin' RB pats on the back for a job well done... I mean Ricky is getting plenty outta this new twist to his hobbying but the fact he's sharing the How-2's is a nice touch!

Question: Ricky bonds, how much time do you spend editing or do you edit at all?

By the n games till some1..? That's what I always say to comedians that laugh at their own jokes..
It's all fun and games.. Until someone gets hurt..?
So what do you mean by edit..?.. I haven't really edited any of my videos.. I shoot them in 3 to 30 minute clips, and map out my scenes in advance as if it were a DVD..

And bumfie, I know there's a lot of assholes out there..? But the info I provide is always missing a link?
It's my own little filter system. If some witty characters can sometimes read between the lines in my posts.. They most likely don't need the info I provide in the firstplace.
Don't forget? I still haven't/ and won't disclose exactly what I say once I have an interested lady in front of me...To each his own.
My words seem to have a high success rate.. And knowing that I can sell fire to the devil? I don't take advantage.

Back to the thread:
my latest prospecting idea was put in motion yesterday, and it was extremely fruitful..
I have to admit that the amount of 18-26 year old hotties willing to do porn has me baffled.?!


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
So what do you mean by edit..?.. I haven't really edited any of my videos.. I shoot them in 3 to 30 minute clips, and map out my scenes in advance as if it were a DVD.
That answered my Q. Some ppl like to splice their shots, edit out the "I need a pee break" or "puss farts", etc. Keepin' it natual eh, good for u.

I have to admit that the amount of 18-26 year old hotties willing to do porn has me baffled.?!
Personally not surprised. Digital age, media and the "u only live once" mindset ... honestly, ladies are no different than guys when it comes to wanting to capture the moment/deed... it's just that we're usually the ones with the gadgets to shot the footage + the Ratbrain to plan out the scenes... comes from our deep knowledge of porn. :)

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
Since i started this thread ive received 27 pm's asking for advice, contacts,ideas.. And help?
Most of what has been asked is mentioned above?.. So for any further pm's.. I'd prefer if you just ask it in this thread, so the response could help others as well.
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