Montreal Escorts

*****August 13th 2011 the Great Summer GT*****

I prefer the GT on...

  • August 13

    Votes: 15 38.5%
  • August 20

    Votes: 5 12.8%
  • August 27

    Votes: 3 7.7%
  • In October

    Votes: 14 35.9%
  • Another date

    Votes: 2 5.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I was here a month ago & stopped by the HDLM with a was a Saturday night....we went in at around midnight....went to the bar for a drink (the piano bar)....we noticed some hotties in the lineup in front of the we went to sit down and check them out......noticed some sps going up to guys hey didn't even know, pretending they were with them in order to go up sooner....anyways, next thing you know, the lineup then went all the way to the sidewalk outside!!! Unbelievable!!!


Jun 13, 2003
Visit site
People it doesn't have to be upstairs at the pool. It was only a suggestion. Besides there is AC so it's a non-issue. It can be downstairs, if you wanna party hard, Thursday's is right down the stairs connected to HDLM.

In 2004 or 2005 I believe it was, the GT was a smash. Like a whole bunch of indies and agencies showed up as well as at least like 70 Merbites.

I remember Chris from Devilish even had a raffle for a free 1 hour booking with one of his girls as a promotion. Good times.

What's up with the October votes? Summer in Montreal rules. this ain't the baseball World Series lol

For the paranoid people. This is anonymous. No one has nametags or shit like that. You don t have to say who you are. Have a drink and observe if you wish.

Lot of stupid false rumours in the past to scare people. It was all bullshit, trust me.
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New Member
Oct 8, 2009
I can't see a GT on the rooftop happening. Have you ever been there during the summer? Unless it's a crappy day outside, it's a zoo at night, especially from Thurs-Saturday. There are long lineups at the elevator & there won't be much room on the rooftop if there's a good gathering for the GT. Plus, it won't be as discreet up there as it would be in the piano bar.

However, i'm not the one organizing the event, so it's up to the magnificently attractive 'Eva'. :)

Humm thank you sweety i'm shy now :eyebrows:

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
Visit site
I'll think to many people are in vacation maybe will change the date for October

What do you think guys???

I think there should be two GT's, one August 13th and one in October, that will solve all the problems. Also, it doesn't make sense to have a poll closing on August 13th with a date choice of Aug 13th. Lol.


Nov 19, 2008
Allo Eva , long time no see ,, Belle initiative ,, !!!! I you would have me I will be glad to attend :)


New Member
Oct 8, 2009
I think there should be two GT's, one August 13th and one in October, that will solve all the problems. Also, it doesn't make sense to have a poll closing on August 13th with a date choice of Aug 13th. Lol.

Yes very good idea, as a two Gt to enjoy the beautiful summer and another to put a little heat by the time most sullen of October

If the trend continues the official date of the summer will Gt Saturday August 13th

The count is 7 Days prior to the start of the Gt was ready!!!!! :peace:
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New Member
Oct 8, 2009
6 Days GT Summer!!!! Saturday August 13TH At Hotel de la Montagne

Dont By Shy all!!! Visitors,Members,Agency,Massage,Sp Indy

Gentlemen if you want to see beautiful and sexy girls in person dont miss this events ;-)
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Unfortunately, due to reasons beyond my control, attendees will not have the pleasure (or displeasure?) of seeing me parading around in my little red speedo. In other words, i will not be able to be in Mtl on that particular weekend. :(

I wish everyone a good time, and promise to show off my speedo (which i used to wear when i weighed 125 lbs!!) some other time. :)

Ron Desi

New Member
Jan 4, 2006
Unfortunately, due to reasons beyond my control, attendees will not have the pleasure (or displeasure?) of seeing me parading around in my little red speedo. In other words, i will not be able to be in Mtl on that particular weekend. :(

I wish everyone a good time, and promise to show off my speedo (which i used to wear when i weighed 125 lbs!!) some other time. :)



New Member
Oct 8, 2009
Doc your naugthy boy we like it :eyebrows:

Hum can you be more sexy like speedo with tong ''dans la craque''ouffff but dont forget to wax your foufounes :lol:


New Member
Oct 8, 2009
it's sad you dont come for the GT sweetheart because i will do i'll think a contest for brave gentlemen...:thumb:


New Member
Oct 8, 2009
After much thought and many efforts I do not believe to be the appropriate person for the organization of a Gt it saddens me because I am a unifying and an eternal optimist but I draw my dream of people who want to take the place, I will always available to introduce myself to those who come to me if necessary

Looking forward EvaCharms xoxo


New Member
Oct 8, 2009
Si tu me le permets Eva...

A mon avis, le mieux que tu puisses faire, c'est de choisir une date toi-meme, et de rester sur ta decision. Il est impossible de plaire a tout le monde, il y auras toujours quelqu'un qui ne pourrais pas venir pour tel ou telle raison. C'est possible, oui, que tu organises un GT et que seulement une petite quantité de gens viennent.

Et so what?...

La meme situation m'est arrivée quand j'avais pris la charge des GT il y a quelques années, cette premiere fois nous étions a peine une douzaine de gens. Ce n'étais pas un négatif du tout, car je me suis assuré toute la soirée que tout les gens présents aient un temps exceptionnel. Ce qui résultat a de l'excellent bouche a oreille et des GT plus ambitieux.

N'écoute pas ceux qui se plaignent que si les GT n'ont que 10 personnes et pas de filles présentes, alors ce n'est qu'un échec. La plupart du temps, ces propos sont dits par des gens qui ne feraient pas mieux eux-meme.

Pour résumer, choisis toi-meme la date et le lieux, ensuite bombarde-nous d'annonces a tous les jours pour nous rappeler quand ca vient, et finalement le soir meme tu joue le role de la charmante hotesse que tu sais si bien faire, menant a une superbe soiree...

Alors toi tu viens Samedi 13 Aout moi je vais etre la j'ai le gout de prendre un verre en charmante compagnie pres du piano bar a l'Hotel de la Montagne et apres me déhancher sur la piste de danse,en bas au Thursday c'est la place pour s'amuser

Pour les braves qui m'aiment me suis ca va etre chaud chaud !!!
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New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Alors toi tu viens Samedi 13 Aout moi je vais etre la j'ai le gout de prendre un verre en charmante compagnie pres du piano bar a l'Hotel de la Montagne et apres me déhancher sur la piste de danse,en bas au Thursday c'est la place pour s'amuser

Agrrrrr....comment as-tu devinée que j'adorais une femme extra-dominatrice? :)
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