Oh yeah ! j'ai hâte de te voir Eva ! Cela te dit un ti souper avant ?
Super ! Guiness,Shijak and Tech see you tomorrow arround the piano bar at 9 or 10 pm
Sarah j'ai bien hâte de te voir aussi j'espère que tu n'as pas changé d'idée lol
par les jours pluvieux que nous vivons en ce moment cela va faire du bien de Voir des gens chauds !!! haha
Hey shijack! You know these kids today...no respect for tradition. Now that you're gonna be there, I guess I'll drop by too. I was really looking forward to seeing a blond Eva but no, she had to change back. Damn. Oh well, considering my weakness for blonds maybe that's a good thing! See ya Saturday and anyone else who feels like having a few drinks and some laughs get your ass in gear and c'mon down!
I guess a couple of hours having drinks and laughs is not this crowd's idea of fun (yes, I know what this board is all about...)
Well I'll show up to give Techie some company, the dude owes me a few drinks. Looks like the current crop of members don't go for shake your bum bum with Eva and Yza. Maybe the OLD crowd that used to really know a thing or two should show these noobs how it's REALLY done!!
So, open challenge to some blasts from the past that I know still glance at this board on occasion: Regular Guy, Oliver, Roland, Wide Open, and crew: would be nice to see all of you once more...see ya saturday...
Allo. je m'appelle Channel. Con I cam too?