To you all dear gentlements!
This board is ofthen critisise but this board is a very great board and we are lucky to have one like this in montreal.
easy to use by users, members and providers it is a great tolls for all of us in the bizz.
i really had a great time experimenting this one year evasion and as much as i am thankfull to those mans that permited me to succesfully provide my kids and myself a very better quality of life.
Since my dear friend Passionate (my great!!!) put my first review, my SP reality changed for the best!
This is all the importance of puting reviews on this board.
Please stay honest and stay away of the tentation of shilling!!!
asking a hobbyist for a review, when it come from the SP herself, is not a shilling act if the women you met did a satysifying (and more) job!
This is the demand of a ambitious women that need recognition to upgrade her clientele and whant to be recognise in a job thas is hard to execute whit professionalist and totally gift of itself.
Passionate reviews changed my LIFE!!!!And all of you that did it then xoxoxoxoxo
I suddenly was recognised an valorised in a really big decision in my struggeling reality.
most of the man i met then, where respectable, succesfull, educated and sophisticated mans.
you gents brought back my feminity!
You gave me the feeling of being a princess.
And that because i was in totally agreement and peace whit this job, i ones choose.
You got needs, fanmtasies and life happen just once!
I thank you to stay sexually vigourus mans....that go upfront whit your desire.
Because in so many ways....when you it the wright sexual get a woman crazy!
Sarah B.
S: But dont touch kids are ill kill you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I dont regret my experience at all!
now that my situation is better and breathable it is time to reuse this wonderfull organ we call brain!
i have confidence in my intern quality to go back in ''regular'' life and win succes in it!
I am the mother of tree wonderfull children that would be chooke by the reality of their mom being a SP.
I am a guide to them and i have to show them that even sometime you have to take extreme decisions...
this a personnal value of me and i dont juge any other point of view.
You can change the reality of this BIZZ by always keep in mind that every women in this industry is a very couragus one.
Sp's are sex workers, sex therapist and intertainement specialists.
They are sealing one hour ( and more) of their life for you own pleisure, most of them are dedicated to that.
Good SP really enjoy what they are living whit you, they are (rare) women that enjoy TRULY sex and its numberus experimentations.
They have a wonderfull exploding sexuality.
Those women should be taking care of...they or jewels in this grey world, they are partners of youre fantasies and you needs.
i am returning to my one only personnality.
i am SINGLE :eyebrows:
i am as open minded to have fun.
but i am not a SP no more.
love for ever xxx
Sarah Bernard
This board is ofthen critisise but this board is a very great board and we are lucky to have one like this in montreal.
easy to use by users, members and providers it is a great tolls for all of us in the bizz.
i really had a great time experimenting this one year evasion and as much as i am thankfull to those mans that permited me to succesfully provide my kids and myself a very better quality of life.
Since my dear friend Passionate (my great!!!) put my first review, my SP reality changed for the best!
This is all the importance of puting reviews on this board.
Please stay honest and stay away of the tentation of shilling!!!
asking a hobbyist for a review, when it come from the SP herself, is not a shilling act if the women you met did a satysifying (and more) job!
This is the demand of a ambitious women that need recognition to upgrade her clientele and whant to be recognise in a job thas is hard to execute whit professionalist and totally gift of itself.
Passionate reviews changed my LIFE!!!!And all of you that did it then xoxoxoxoxo
I suddenly was recognised an valorised in a really big decision in my struggeling reality.
most of the man i met then, where respectable, succesfull, educated and sophisticated mans.
you gents brought back my feminity!
You gave me the feeling of being a princess.
And that because i was in totally agreement and peace whit this job, i ones choose.
You got needs, fanmtasies and life happen just once!
I thank you to stay sexually vigourus mans....that go upfront whit your desire.
Because in so many ways....when you it the wright sexual get a woman crazy!
Sarah B.
I dont regret my experience at all!
now that my situation is better and breathable it is time to reuse this wonderfull organ we call brain!
i have confidence in my intern quality to go back in ''regular'' life and win succes in it!
I am the mother of tree wonderfull children that would be chooke by the reality of their mom being a SP.
I am a guide to them and i have to show them that even sometime you have to take extreme decisions...
this a personnal value of me and i dont juge any other point of view.
You can change the reality of this BIZZ by always keep in mind that every women in this industry is a very couragus one.
Sp's are sex workers, sex therapist and intertainement specialists.
They are sealing one hour ( and more) of their life for you own pleisure, most of them are dedicated to that.
Good SP really enjoy what they are living whit you, they are (rare) women that enjoy TRULY sex and its numberus experimentations.
They have a wonderfull exploding sexuality.
Those women should be taking care of...they or jewels in this grey world, they are partners of youre fantasies and you needs.
i am returning to my one only personnality.
i am SINGLE :eyebrows:
i am as open minded to have fun.
but i am not a SP no more.
love for ever xxx
Sarah Bernard