Montreal Escorts

Sarah bernard is thankfull!

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sarah bernard
Oct 10, 2010
To you all dear gentlements!

This board is ofthen critisise but this board is a very great board and we are lucky to have one like this in montreal.
easy to use by users, members and providers it is a great tolls for all of us in the bizz.

i really had a great time experimenting this one year evasion and as much as i am thankfull to those mans that permited me to succesfully provide my kids and myself a very better quality of life.
Since my dear friend Passionate (my great!!!) put my first review, my SP reality changed for the best!
This is all the importance of puting reviews on this board.
Please stay honest and stay away of the tentation of shilling!!!

asking a hobbyist for a review, when it come from the SP herself, is not a shilling act if the women you met did a satysifying (and more) job!
This is the demand of a ambitious women that need recognition to upgrade her clientele and whant to be recognise in a job thas is hard to execute whit professionalist and totally gift of itself.
Passionate reviews changed my LIFE!!!!And all of you that did it then xoxoxoxoxo
I suddenly was recognised an valorised in a really big decision in my struggeling reality.
most of the man i met then, where respectable, succesfull, educated and sophisticated mans.

you gents brought back my feminity!
You gave me the feeling of being a princess.
And that because i was in totally agreement and peace whit this job, i ones choose.
You got needs, fanmtasies and life happen just once!
I thank you to stay sexually vigourus mans....that go upfront whit your desire.
Because in so many ways....when you it the wright sexual get a woman crazy!

Sarah B.

:deadhorse:pS: But dont touch kids are ill kill you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I dont regret my experience at all!

now that my situation is better and breathable it is time to reuse this wonderfull organ we call brain! :D
i have confidence in my intern quality to go back in ''regular'' life and win succes in it!

I am the mother of tree wonderfull children that would be chooke by the reality of their mom being a SP.
I am a guide to them and i have to show them that even sometime you have to take extreme decisions...
this a personnal value of me and i dont juge any other point of view.

You can change the reality of this BIZZ by always keep in mind that every women in this industry is a very couragus one.
Sp's are sex workers, sex therapist and intertainement specialists.
They are sealing one hour ( and more) of their life for you own pleisure, most of them are dedicated to that.
Good SP really enjoy what they are living whit you, they are (rare) women that enjoy TRULY sex and its numberus experimentations.
They have a wonderfull exploding sexuality.

Those women should be taking care of...they or jewels in this grey world, they are partners of youre fantasies and you needs.

i am returning to my one only personnality.
i am SINGLE :eyebrows::cool:
i am as open minded to have fun.

but i am not a SP no more.

love for ever xxx

Sarah Bernard

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I want to wish you the very best, dear Sarah. It was wonderful to finally get to meet you! ;)

Je te souhaite la meilleur des chances dans tes projets futurs, et le plus important, du bonheur.



Respect & Honour
Jul 4, 2011
On The Front lines
I was lucky enough to just catch you at the end, a few months ago. You seem like a very kind and genuine soul and I'm sure you will be a success in whatever you choose! Good luck to you :D


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2004
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I'll never forget the time you walked in wearing a trench coat and surprised me by taking it off and you weren't wearing anything but panties, with stockings and a garter belt.............ahhhh the memories.

I had a great time with you those couple of times that I met you. You're a sweet soul. I wish you nothing but the best, sexy!


Jul 16, 2006
Miami Beach
I'll never forget the time you walked in wearing a trench coat and surprised me by taking it off and you weren't wearing anything but panties, with stockings and a garter belt..

WOW!! I fantasize about an encounter like that. I truly regret I never had an opportunity to meet this lady.
Best of Luck SB


Tactile Member
May 25, 2003
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Thank you for taking the time to write your passionate and heartfelt good-bye! I am glad I got a chance to meet you. And,yes,I would never have taken the chance without the fine reviews you received over the years from a variety of MERB member. So thank you MERB-ites too.

Very Best Wishes on the next stage of your life. And thanks again, Sarah, for sharing so much!

Our very best wishes,

I must say that i very much liked one of the phrases written in your goodbye message. YOU CAN ALWAYS RISE UP AND BUILD ALL OVER AGAIN! It is very true, and might in someway be inspiring to many of us!!

We wish you the very best of luck and especially success in which ever road you are now prepared to take,

Daniel and the lust team


New Member
Jun 25, 2006
Nice letter Sarah, you obviously have a lot of class. Best of luck, I am sure you will do well.


sarah bernard
Oct 10, 2010
to al swingners i have something on the fetish thread!!!

Kansas Frank

Dear Sarah,

You are a wondeful person and a great mother. :thumb: We never met, but I wish we did. :smile: I met a few moms from whom I received the best all around GFE encounters; those ladies were some of the nicest people I ever met. :cheer2::angel:

I'm very happy that Canada permits women and men to perform sex work. I'm happy you regained your femanity. May you be successful in your future endeavors. :whoo:

People use different organs to make a living. Some use their brain and others use their brute strength to earn a living, but it's all the same -- we work for someone else. For me, I prostitute my brain to make my living. ;)

You should be proud and hold your head up high because being an SP is no different than being a medical doctor, psycho therapist, attorney, etc. :):peace:


Quebec (I mean Kansas) Frank :nod:


Mar 28, 2007
Never met you Sara, but you obviously have a lot of class and I wish you well. You've reinforced my belief that banging a young woman for cash is another perverted form of philathrophy.


New Member
Jul 28, 2011
To me decent escorts provide a very unique service in actually showing a guy that he is or could be wanted and that there is nothing wrong with him (unlike what he was lead to believe) and that helps those of us that are otherwise normal guys but stuck in our heads. And that there are women that want you and they are not all bad. I think this is part of escorting is rarely acknowledged, because those that are not stuck can't understand those that are :). And it's our luck that not everybody is stuck like us :) and that it's legal and protected. Just wanted to say this from all of the stuck guys that can't speak up :)

Just use the money wisely, don't throw it on some garbage you don't need, you girls are well worth it and always remember, no matter who says what, how important it is what you do to some of us that never speak up :).

And to all the guys that aren't stuck, thanks to you too, because you provide market to those girls while we "scratch our heads" missing every opportunity :) (It's funny but someone has to say it.:) )

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
I just read this thread, but I am taking the opportunity to congratulate you Sarah, for you to be someone with goals and this big determination to achieve something in life.

What you wrote in your initial post is almost exactly what I lived, and living presently in my own experience as an escort. I am recognizing myself into your words. That's just strange that this morning, I was exactly thinking about to write something similar, when my "real" business will be completely set up. I got just about 99.99% good experiences in "the hobby", and I decided that I will come and eventually declare all my personal views on it. For me, this is a very positive experience in all
levels. All depend on who you are meeting, but I think that 99.99% of positive experiences talk by itself.

I wish you all the rewards you are deserving, Miss! You made what it takes to achieve your goals, now, enjoy your new life!

MD xx


Jun 25, 2003
Montreal, South Shore
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Thank you for your testimony and good luck

Maria and Sarah (and some other SPs who claim the same),

I am happy to read that you consider your experience as an escort as a positive one. As a customer (I see massage providers but the context of sex workers remains the same), I'm concerned about the fact that the ladies I meet, even if they pretend they enjoy seeing me, might not be sincere, doing it only for the money and expecting the end of our meeting.

Of course, you probably know the old joke telling that escorts cum twice with every customer: when he pays and when he leaves and it would be stupid for a sex worker to admit publicly on a forum like MERB that they hate their job and do it only for the money. However, I'm more inclined to believe a lady who just left the business or who is close to do it. Maria, if you say that 99.99% of your experiences were positive, it's way better than my own profession that is much more conventional than yours even if I consider it, overall, as very rewarding, interesting and stimulating.

Maria and Sarah, if you leave with positive feelings and if it has no negative secondary effects on your future personal and professional lives, I'm very happy for you and it will help me to avoid some guilt feelings when I see sex workers. On the other hand, I can't forget Nelly Arcan who was a very appreciated escort and who was convincingly pretending to enjoy her job based on reviews in the old Canbest forum but who presented very negatively the life of an escort and the psychologic effect it had on her personality in her book Putain.

I know that it is important for most of the sex workers to protect their identity but it's too bad that escorts like you could not testify publicly about their positive experience because the reputation of your profession is very poorly perceived in the general public; some did recently but it remains very marginal. Much more often, in TV shows or films, we see stories about very young junkies exploited by sad pimps as if it was the case of most of the escorts.

Of course, this is not a job for every woman but if you have the personnality to genuinely enjoy it and continue to keep positive souvenirs of that period of your life, I'm happy for you and I hope that most of the sex providers (masseuse or others) that I will meet will be sincerely comfortable with their job and during the time they will be with me.


Happy Wanderer
Jan 13, 2004
Far, far away
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Sarah, I had the great pleasure of seeing you on my last two trips to Montreal. Those hours together remain in my memory to this day. I will never forget you.

Please accept my sincere and very best wishes for a wonderful "after-life"!

(Although I do regret that we never had a chance to share that 20-year old that you promised me! ;))


sarah bernard
Oct 10, 2010
I have to say that tonight! goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! i am horny.....mamamia|:eyebrows: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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