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The NEW 2011-2012 NHL Free For All thread.

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Everything must be explained when dealing with a non hockey mind like yourself. :nod: Did you find out who Tim Horton was yet pertaining to the hockey world? (no merlot, he does not supply the aftergame donuts to Claude Jullien, dunkin donuts does that) :lol:
now did I call this one. :lol:

That's some LOOOOOOOOOONG indulgent POUTING when you have to explain yourself sooooooo much!

Love you bro. :thumb:


New Member
May 31, 2008
Hey Boyz,

Hilarious! This reminds me of the hard years with Boston teams. The best thing for sports pain is self-effacing humor. :thumb:

I understand why you would say this and it doesn't have anything to do with the facts. Take any sports teams in general and look at a manager who has not been able to make his team into at least a significant threat, if not a top contender, after 4 years. Then look specifically at the key position on the hockey team and wonder why after four years that general manager has not developed or dealt for a real impact goalie. After four years the first thing any team builder should have is the right level of capability at the key position. Not having that is a major fault in any knowledgeable opinion.

Now why any individual fan should be so dedicated and worshiping of any player, coach, or manager who has not made a significant impact in his job seems nonsensical. Any fan should want better no matter who that might be, so insisting Burke should be given a 5 year contract right now either makes no sense, is a joke, or is an inexplicable devotion to mediocrity rather than the wisdom to move forward.

Whatever the case...it's Leafs fans who have to live with him.

BTW...I'm amazed how much the regular fans actually can get access to the Stanley Cup. Three months ago one variety store owner I know put up a photo of his grandchildren posing next to the Cup in his yard with the baby girl (about 2 years old) sitting on top. Maybe you guys can get that close in your lifetime.

Here's hoping :D,

Just can't help taking personal shots in the regular hockey thread huh.


All you have is this constant pouting and delusional self-superiority. I didn't try to stick it to anyone today, but obviously you are too hurt to handle things.

Happy mediocrity,


Again Merlot you are 100% correct with your analysis. BRILLIANT post, 5 stars.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello Boyz,

Everything must be explained when dealing with a non hockey mind like yourself. :nod: Did you find out who Tim Horton was yet pertaining to the hockey world? (no merlot, he does not supply the aftergame donuts to Claude Jullien, dunkin donuts does that) :lol:

Actually, I just never got as obsessed with it...in any sport.

You shouldn't mention doughnuts considering your teams current 44 year run of zeros in failing to gain the Cup. Yeah, I know, "86". The difference is that streak ended in my lifetime. Maybe yours will too :rolleyes:


Phil Kessel scored his 30th goal tonight.....that's his 4th consecutive season with at least 30 goals. What a snipa, what a playa!!!

Thank you, Boston!! Thank you!!! LOL!!!!!! :thumb:

I'm very happy this is working out so well. So with such a standout "snipa" and "playa" your playoff chances are superb? :lol:

Boyz, next to Boston winning the Cup again, my favorite outcome would be the Leafs winning it all, but I wouldn't count on it despite having this terrific "snipa".

BTW...I'm having pictures of myself taken with the Cup soon. Copies are available. :thumb:

Since the old one was closed by Mop8 I think it's time to start a brand new one.
Whats a Mop8? :confused:

Habs will Not make the playoffs this year or a few more to come, get used to it, and maybe you can clone Brian Bukre, but WE still we would not let you have him! :thumb:

Anyone know what a Bukre is??? :confused: :lol: Isn't that something Muslim women wear to cover everything but their eyes. Oh wait, that's a burka. Hmmm, maybe Iggy made a Freudian slip about his embarrassment over the current Leafs streak.


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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Even away from the rink they are hanging out...Seguin on the left Marchand on the right. Awwww... isnt love grande? :lol:



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

I wish Ron Wilson well, but even i can admit it was time for change as i was telling Doc a cpl nights ago.

Case in point: this has got to be the most laughable line of the year. Iggy and Iggy2 (Doc) never admit to anything being wrong about the Leafs, in fact they've fought everyone tooth and nail defending anyone connected with the Leafs. Now suddenly they allegedly say they saw the light just before Wilson got fired. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The fact remains if we had a Timmy Thomas or a Henrik L of the rangers or even Carey Price, we would be in the top 5, but those guys dont grow on trees. Reimer could still be "THAT" guy that we saw last year, but he needs to get it together. Ever since that hit back in October by Gionta to Reimers head, he has not been the same.

The idea that all the Leafs need is a great goalie is nonsense. Two games ago Thomas had a great night giving up only one goal, but the team lost 1-0 because the offense didn't do it's part, proving even a great goalie can't do it without the right support. Yes, Thomas and the others would be an upgrade for the Leafs, but the Leafs need more than just a better goalie. Even Thomas can't take a moribund team buried in 12th Place to the top 5. :yield:

OMG...are the freaking Leafs now all the way down in 12th DAMN PLACE and the Canadiens dead last??? Must be time to give Burke a raise. :lol:



Pathetically, bragging rights will be for who sucks less. Run to the store now Leafs and Canadiens fans. Bag prices are already rising faster than the cost of oil. In fact the hockey Death Watch threads should be retitled Memorial threads now.


2011-2012 season.




New Member
Oct 3, 2008
You should be able to name the top 2 lines of the bruins by now mErlot, along with the best 4th line in hockey, and the assistant to Julien who is in charge of mainly running the powerplay by now, since you have followed the bruins for all of what, almost a season? :lol: Na that's too easy (bwahahahaha... you'd be lucky to name 4 or 5 players w/o looking them up) how about just tell me who famously wore #4 and #24 and also say the name brad park w/o the boston accent. Nope i said PARK not PAAAAK. Back on your wagon! :wave::lol::wave::eyebrows::wave::p:wave:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
You dont seem to get it, YOU, are the humor. ;)

Nice game by your habs last night at the Bell. We were all singing Ole' after, well, the 8000-10,000 Leafs fans were anyways :lol:

Thin skin and thinner skin have spoken. Doc, once again your justification is lame.

Sorry, I will obviously never get the humor of the club...and frankly don't give a crap.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hey Boyz,

I don't post in idiotic Death Watch threads made for more pissing beyond the Free-For-All thread already provided.

You should be able to name the top 2 lines of the bruins by now Merlot, along with the best 4th line in hockey, and the assistant to Julien who is in charge of mainly running the powerplay by now, since you have followed the bruins for all of what, almost a season?

Igna ranting. Name the last Leafs Cup you were alive to see. BWAH!

Thin skin and thinner skin have spoken:thumb:. Doc, once again your justification is lame...unless of course Igna is Brain Burke, then it holds water.... Once again the thin skinned twins cannot take the heat...


Jman, have pity. Of course you don't realize what it's like to be born a LeAFS fan...ie...being born into hopelessness. See the team's hottest currently selling thin-skinned epitome of their team above. Still I have to say it takes courage to gut it out during their entire lives. That builds character, and in the end they do turnout so well...don't you think. :thumb:


"men...men...men...men...manly...men...men...men..." :eek: :confused: :faint: :yield: :noidea: :lol:

BTW...the Leafs finally beat the Canadiens after three straight losses. The bragging rights for losers series goes on.

I am worried though that the Bruins could lose to the Leafs in the upcoming game. How can you fight back when you are snickering all of the time at 12th place.

Pretty in blue,



Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Two of my favs celebrating before posting...Ole, Ole...Ole, Ole....

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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Where did you find this picture, Jman? On one of the multiple gay sites that you're a member of? :lol:

Oh...we are in the free for all thread...:thumb:...Actually I think the website said Holliday family photos...:lol:

You dont seem to get it, YOU, are the humor. ;)

Nice game by your habs last night at the Bell. We were all singing Ole' after, well, the 8000-10,000 Leafs fans were anyways :lol:

True humor is someone with over 5,000 posts on an escort website ... all of which are void any posts relative to escorts...;):D...

Jman, have pity. Of course you don't realize what it's like to be born a LeAFS fan...ie...being born into hopelessness. See the team's hottest currently selling thin-skinned epitome of their team above. Still I have to say it takes courage to gut it out during their entire lives. That builds character, and in the end they do turnout so well...don't you think. :thumb:

I would absolutely agree...it certainly builds characters :eyebrows:...oh you said character...:lol:
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Haha, thats what i was thinking!.... Doc, go easy on "47", we have the pleasure of having him back posting again, we dont wanna make our thin skinned little fella go AWOL again, it is too funny having him around! He is the Yin to merlots Yang you know. :D

Where did you find this picture, Jman? On one of the multiple gay sites that you're a member of? :lol:


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Haha, thats what i was thinking!.... Doc, go easy on "47", we have the pleasure of having him back posting again, we dont wanna make our thin skinned little fella go AWOL again, it is too funny having him around! He is the Yin to merlots Yang you know. :D

Well, hard to argue with a pair that certainly would know...:D...



Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
So you admit it! You admit that you enjoy surfing to gay websites! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :amen: :amen:

Where else would one find a photo of you and your Maple Laff faithful enjoying what you enjoy so!!! :cheer2:

BTW...did you eat allot of paint chips as a kid...???


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello BOYZ!

Where else would one find a photo of you and your Maple Laff faithful enjoying what you enjoy so!!! :cheer2: :confused:
Mod, isn't this against the rules? :confused:

Doc, for one who got so pissed off that he had to create TWO Death Watch threads to piss in for revenge, you sure can't handle what you dish out. Waaaaaaa.

From my understanding...Answer NO!!!!! According to Mod8 misspelling team names is allowed in the Free-For-All threads. With you, and especially Iggy having done this hundreds of times, you guys sure don't have the sacs to take it like you give it.

Well, hard to argue with a pair that certainly would know...:D...


Hmmm, it sure puts an understanding on the meaning of all of those...oh, I agree with...oh no, I agree with you more...oh no, I agree so much more...:rolleyes: :crazy:

get some cahones,



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I have not wrote scabs or red sux in over a year. Every since mod 8 said it was not allowed anywhere.

(if i could only see u and jman scrambling thru my posts to find a red sux or scabs now) priceless! :lol:


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
I have not wrote scabs or red sux in over a year. Every since mod 8 said it was not allowed anywhere.

(if i could only see u and jman scrambling thru my posts to find a red sux or scabs now) priceless!

Oooops...too bad this is a HOCKEY thread...get it...H-O-C-K-E-Y...is going beyond that allowed as I understand the subject of this thread. Or don't you understand what NHL means...National HOCKEY League.

No one needs to scramble to find something you made so convenient. DUH! :lol:

Getting "smart" about putting these names in the wrong thread?

$500 Says Iggy2 (Doc) won't complain about this. BWHAHA!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Scabs is in reference to a hockey team no? ROFL!.... learn your hockey boy. And last i heard betting in a open thread was against the rules as well. Mods?

Oooops...too bad this is a HOCKEY thread...get it...H-O-C-K-E-Y...is going beyond that allowed as I understand the subject of this thread. Or don't you understand what NHL means...National HOCKEY League.

No one needs to scramble to find something you made so convenient. DUH! :lol:

Getting "smart" about putting these names in the wrong thread?

$500 Says Iggy2 (Doc) won't complain about this. BWHAHA!
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