Montreal Escorts

The NEW 2011-2012 NHL Free For All thread.

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New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Thomas taking the year off is basically telling the Bruins to screw off for the way he was treated by them and the boston media for the white house incident...

So what you're saying is "Yesterday on a sports talkshow, a pundit theorized that the past year was such a zoo-like atmosphere in Boston that maybe no one wants to go play there anymore, constantly criticized by the media & fans....and under a virtual microscope. "

Sure sure... they all want to go play in TO knowing they have better chance to have their name on the cup !
Bwouahahaha ! This is too funny !


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
No, I was not talking about Montreal. :lol: but heck your quote sounds exactly like montreal. Even coaches are already snubbing the scabs and running to other vacant coaching jobs, example, Bob Hartley so dont be surprised that players are doing the same. The Zoo if you will, is alive and well under the roof at the Bell Centre, and I am not talking about Cirque du Soleil. ;)

So what you're saying is Yesterday on a sports talkshow, a pundit theorized that the past year was such a zoo-like atmosphere in Boston that maybe no one wants to go play there anymore, constantly criticized by the media & fans....and under a virtual microscope.
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New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
The Zoo is alive and well ... for more than 40years now in the NHL and we all know were the monkey's playground is.

According to your last quote "if Luongo would go to TO, the Maple Leafs would make the playoffs next year".

After Dion, Kessel, Wilson, Burke, etc...
Now a new savior is born !

Bwahahahaha !


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Every team has a dubbed "savior" too bad fred and barny (price and subban) have not got the job done. Btw, did you notice the scabbies not only have to give huge raises to "fred and barney", but also need to sign about 9 more players as well? Might be nice to at least have a coach on board first so he can see the type of team he wants before management starts signing them. C'mon guys, hire Therrien, Crawford or Roy! Oleeeee' :lol:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Scabland: Welcome to YOUR nightmare!



New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
I don't see anything wrong with Therrien being coach.
It's the opposite.

Sorry for you kinda hockey style but in Mtrl we want someone who's gonna whip some a.. instead of licking them like they've been doing in TO for so long.

He wants to discipline them and that's what we want.
Not some coach who kiss his player's as... surfing on a good 1st half to slump in the dump the last month.

Till next year... have fun with the drafts...since you're not interested in the playoffs as always ! :lol:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
It does not matter if you think one year is enuf, get ready for another buddy. I got my wish as a Leafs fan by seeing who "bergy" selected as coach, just like i called it. Between the 3 worst possible choices, ole "bergy" picked the worst one, great start to Le Scabitants "bergy era" :thumb:

Next up, overpay Fred and Barney aka price and subban. Barney should get 2 mil tops in salary, but wont, he will be overpaid. Your team w/o price is the worst team in the entire NHL so Price will get big money, big big money! He will hold the scabs out for at least 5 mil per and likely more. Lets see if "bergy" can get rid of gomez and kaberle, chances are maybe Kabby but not likely Gomer.

We want sweat and blood if someone tries to make us look like the worst hockey team ever in the history of hockey !
One year is enough


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Apparently you have never seen Randy Carlyle coach, lol. He is far from a butt kisser towards his players and to suggest otherwise shows you know nothing about what your talking about (as usual). Therrien had the best 2 players in all of the NHL and got fired mid season because he lost the dressing room. He is a nightmare waiting to happen and if he could not lead Sid and Evgeni, good luck with that bunch of misfits and clowns that play under the Big Top in downtown Montreal, aka Le Centre Bell. :lol:

I don't see anything wrong with Therrien being coach.
in Mtrl we want someone who's gonna whip some a.. instead of licking them like they've been doing in TO for so long.
He wants to discipline them and that's what we want.
Not some coach who kiss his player's as.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Be carefull there Doc, we dont wanna make another one go off the deep end in the sports threads when they cant stand the heat of the same stuff they dish out. Be "gentle" on them. Therrien as the new scabs coach = fantastic! lets all do the wave in support of this great decision by "The BERGY MAN".

Haha, all kidding aside this decision by Bergy was a huge
in the face to scab fans. Mr. Bergy, I
you, job well done!

The Doc is ecstatic that the habs named Michel Therrien as their next head coach!! Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eyebrows: :eyebrows: :eyebrows:

The Doc Holliday Song

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Apparently you have never seen Randy Carlyle coach, lol. He is far from a butt kisser towards his players and to suggest otherwise shows you know nothing about what your talking about (as usual). Therrien had the best 2 players in all of the NHL and got fired mid season because he lost the dressing room. He is a nightmare waiting to happen and if he could not lead Sid and Evgeni, good luck with that bunch of misfits and clowns that play under the Big Top in downtown Montreal, aka Le Centre Bell. :lol:

Iggy, don't waste your time arguing or trying to educate a 15-year old kid who found his way onto Merb by googling the word "montreal escorts". :rolleyes:


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto

Talk about 15y. old kids ! might as well put one that sticks its tongue ?
or do "Goo goo ga ga"

Nut case who care about what people thinks about you on Merb.
Probably why you didn't show up at GTs.

Specially after your 8+ years at failing miserably to predict how bad your Leafs will get each and every year.
It's easy to see how you guys can get into a '40+ years patern' while never learning !

Can't wait for another year of your Burque butt licking routine !


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
one question? What in the holy moly hell are you saying? again? :lol:
Been a rough season and now offseason i know gentile, but take a deep breath and relax, it will be ok buddy.

Talk about 15y. old kids ! might as well put one that sticks its tongue ?
or do "Goo goo ga ga"Nut case who care about what people thinks about you on Merb.
Probably why you didn't show up at GTs.
Specially after your 8+ years at failing miserably to predict how bad your Leafs will get each and every year.
It's easy to see how you guys can get into a '40+ years patern' while never learning !
Can't wait for another year of your Burque butt licking routine !

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
See what i told you, Iggy? Our little buddy Gentle is his worst ennemy!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Habs fire Cunneyworth, Ladouceur

The Montreal Canadiens fired assistant coaches Randy Cunneyworth and Randy Ladouceur on Wednesday, a day after hiring Michel Therrien as head coach.

Cunneyworth finished the season as Montreal's interim head coach after the team fired Jacques Martin in December. The Canadiens went on to finish last in the Eastern Conference, missing the playoffs for the first time since 2007.

(Over the past calendar year, the habs have fired one general manager, two head coaches, and three assistant coaches. Unreal! :eek:)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Wait for it, this is where gentile comes in and says "WE WONT TAKE IT!" ........ Oh, but you will my man, you will indeed! :lol:
(Over the past calendar year, the habs have fired one general manager, two head coaches, and three assistant coaches. Unreal! :eek:)


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
one question? What in the holy moly hell are you saying? again?

The holy moly hell ? bwahahaha ! :lol:
What's that ? took too many pills this morning ?

Answer :

Take a deep breath, close your eyes and Repeat after me :
1-Our predictions that Burke was gonna bring the cup was full of crap !
2-Our thousands of posts on how the Leafs would do the playoffs was full of crap !
3-We kept on bitching the Habs, Bruins, Wings, because our Leafs stinks, year after year, after year... !
4-So we're full of crap !

Now there's a way to speed that process by singing the following !

In chorus now (both of you)

And we'll keep on being retarded till the end !


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Cunneyworth finished the season as Montreal's interim head coach...finishing last in the Eastern Conference, missing the playoffs for the first time since 2007. Unreal!

Hahaha !

So Habs should have kept him... for loosing same way TO kept Wilson too long ?
I guess it's normal coming from a loser mentality !

Can't wait to see more of them kinda losers next year giving a press conference asking for forgiveness to their fans... !
Snif Snif ! sh!t that was funny to watch !

I understand now this process of thinking from Leaf's fan.
Why change anything if the Leafs will never win the cup anyway, anymore !

Lets stay the course !

Remind me of this dumb a... who didn't even know what the course was !


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
See what i told you, Iggy?

This is where Iggy comes and say : I agree with you DOC ! I agree 100% with you ! :nod: lick lick, slurp, slurp, smooch !!!

Anyway ! Can't blame the poor guys ! Years of being wrong together probably made them buddies for life !
I'll show you my corvette, you'll show me your corvette !

You guys can STAY the COURSE as much as you want out here !
I'm getting bored and I understand how much you need one another !

Back to playoffs !
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