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Montreal Escorts

The battle of incalls Round one NADYA'S VIPs versus GOODGIRLS


Jul 19, 2008
Recently most agencies in a lack of revenue turned to incalls to compensate for their lost in dollars.
So I have decided to compare the various incall agencies versus each other in terms of quality of organization .
It's simple, who's got their shit together
1- Advanced bookings
2- Clean place

We could include many things to this , but lets keep it simple. Remember this is not about reviewing sp's
and about TODAY 2012.
What we want here is to so see who in 2012 provides with the best incall arrangements .

In round one we have Nadya's VIPs versus Goodgirls .

Goodgirls :
I called in Friday the moment Shelly's pictures were posted on Merb.
Got Mike on the phone Friday about 7pm and made pre-bookings arrangements for 4pm Saturday.
Mike took my information down and said that he would get back to me early afternoon for the Hotel and stuff.
Well guess what . NOTHING . No calls , no text messages like he told me .
Mike tu tent souvient "" Tu sais tu je commence a me trouver bon ""
Ben oui t'é ben bon .
Now before the holidays the same thing happened , no calls, nothing and when I did call the next day , he did not recall
my reservation . Ok shit happens , except this time , I was not going to go out of my way .

Nadya's VIPs
Knowing this I called Nadya's , I wanted additional security since on this Saturday I finally could take some time off for myself so
I got Carroll on the phone and pre-booked Lauren for Saturday 6pm and they delivered perfectly .
If Mike would of called like he said , I would of cancelled with Lauren well in advance.

The Verdict :


Eleganza versus Maggie



Eat, Drink, and feel Mary
Aug 3, 2006
I am soon to try GoodGirls, as their newbie with DD's looks very damn hot. She also offers advertised options. At any rate, I have frequently visited Nadya's incalls and, with no comment towards the girls themselves, I'd have to say that Carol (the guy who answers the phone) is Top Notch. I have also dealt with a woman on some weekend days, not Nadya. She too, was excellent. Regular callbacks, when needed. Precise about the time, except when the girl needed more time or was late.
All in all, clear communication, honest dialogue, and good follow through for Nadya's. Since they are so good, this discussion shouldn't be about who is better, just who can simply handle their business in an equivalent manner. The only way to get better is to offer a frequently flyer discount.


New Member
Oct 13, 2011

I texted him, he replied 30 mins later. I texted him back said at what time and who. He texted me back and said ok it's good. I went there, texted him waited 5 mins and he texted me back with room number. I saw Leticiya, cool girl but not a repeat for me anymore. So mechanical.


I e-mailed the day before, I got an answer "call us". Next day I texted in the morning, got a reply "call us". I called and got an appointment. I went and texted her and waited 5 mins and got the room number. Second time a guy answered, booked for next day. I went there, called the guy. He gave me some code and I went to see sexy Lana again. Was less mechanical with Lana.

Sadly I haven't seen any other girls yet, but those are the only two incall agencies I look forward having business with. There's more than enough girls to fulfil your needs(correct me if I am wrong). In my opinion, Nadya's is a more "classy" SP. But I do not take off anything from Mike's, just a different type of business. If I could give a slogan to them. One would be "A pleasant rendez-vous" and the other would be "A fast fuck" LOL.


Nadya's VIP by majority decision :D


New Member
Oct 13, 2011
tu me fais rire . ecoute du booking d avance j en fais JAMAIS .


Je trouve que c'est une bonne maniere de faire les choses. T'a envi d'y aller pi t'apelle et tu y va..pas besoin d'appeller 2 jours en avance pour se rendre compte que l'heure que tu veux est deja reserver..


Aug 27, 2010
Habs Nation!
J'aime mieux le pre-booking .... Puisque ça m'assure d'avoir la fille que je veux et à l'heure que je veux. Par contre, pour que cette faôn de faire des affaires marche il faut que tous soit sérieux et il faut se faire confiance autant au niveau de l'agence, du client et de l'escorte elle-même.

Aussi j'ai remarqué qu'avec le pre-booking mon hobbying était beaucoup moins impulsif ..
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New Member
Apr 7, 2005
East west and North
I also like pre-booking much more than the card draw on the day of the event. For those of us who pass through Montreal for just a quick overnight, its nice to know that I have something solid booked with a lady that I want to see. I am usually in an airplane or otherwise out of cell phone range for monday and tuesday during the day (when the girls of the day are getting booked) and those are the days that I do 99% of my hobbying in Montreal. If I don't get a prebook, I get left scrambling in my hotel room at 9:00pm for someone remotely close to my TDL, and in those cases I usually get a mediocre experience.
Without being able to prebook, I would rarely ever get the chance to see the ladies on my TDL. Thats why I stick to Candyshop, Nadyas, and Eleganza and consider Angels.
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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Personally, I didn't do incalls in Montreal for 9 years because of the rush and hassle. Incalls in Boston weren't much better, though the agencies I dealt with at the time, like FKS, organized arrangements well.

Give me an incall agency that doesn't change hotels or motels at the last minute, with an owner that doesn't hassle me, and I might work something out. So, at this time I'd favor giving Goodgirls a try if I chose incalls...unless Eleganza gets things operating smoothly.


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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Enough with the veiled accusations. If someone has something on topic to add to the discussion, please feel free to do so. Any other smart ass remarks will result in a suspension.

Two posts removed and one edited.



Respect & Honour
Jul 4, 2011
On The Front lines
Nadya's VIPs definitely does. When the new schedule comes out on Sat. or Sun., you can make a reservation any time for the following week. I never tried with GoodGirls, but they also have their weekly schedule out every Sunday. I don't see why they wouldn't?


Nov 16, 2004
cela écœure assez... quand tu es minder et rien arrive...


Active Member
Dec 30, 2009
Je n'ai jamais appelé Nadya's, par contre pour un ''call d'urgence'' après une dure soirée de travail lorsque je termine vers minuit... Goodgirls et Mike donnent de l'excellent service. J'adore la façon de procéder à Mike, le téléphone toujours ouvert, friendly.. sinon par message texte.

10/10 GG !



New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
cela écœure assez... quand tu es minder et rien arrive...

Moi c'est quand ca vient pas que ca m'ecoeure !
Bof a date ca m'est arrivé juste une fois, a portait un chandail des Leafs... mais c'est une autre histoire !

Can I get a suspension now ?
It would add to my Merb badge !
I have to go on vacation anyway... starting tomorrow !

En passant mettre Nadya's against Goodgirls c'est freak !
Nadya's GF on des seins a faire mourrir et Mike's GF ont presque toutes un cul d'enfer !

Alors pour moi la vraie question est : Bon je veux tu muncher une coupelle d'heure des seins magnifiques a soir ? ou admirer le paysage en me promenant de haut en bas sur ses jambes ?


Mar 31, 2005
I used all two agencies Nadya's VIP and Goodgirls and quite frankly I have nothing bad to say about any of these agencies. Oh yes Kelly was not available, but that is not an Agency's fault. You call, be polite and organize a session.. and guess what things happen. I have heard a few wing nuts going on and on because their favorite girls was not available, and blaming the Agencies.. Nadya and Mike are very good at what they do, and will accommodate you as much as possible, but sometimes shit will go sideways and that's life. Just to put things in perspective both Nadya and Mike have better customer service than Bell ..


Jan 12, 2011
For me the sign of a good agency is what they do when shit hits the fan and it has with both places so this is my experience.

When I book with Caro it's always a pleasure and I appreciate his customer service when he has to clean up Nadyas mess.

Booked Alyssa with Caro very early in the morning and he told me what area so made my way there and called but Nadya said she didn't have my rsv and that I shouldn't make rsv that early lol so why answer the phone and take them? Called back and explained the last time to which Nadya replied ohh u must be dying to see this girl it's like you've made it a mission...whatever her irradic behavior amuses me now. She asked me if I was cop once and hung up on me another time when I complained that they didn't hold my rsv with Neva twice but super Caro called me back and promised me a reduced rate next time which they delivered. I always ask him why they let her answer the phone because she jumps off the handle way too quickly as we see with her replies when negative comments are made by members. How about they post the bookers schedule so we could avoid her.

First time I called he was really rude when I asked if the girl was available at a certain time saying the times are on the website and even gave me attitude when I go there cause she wasn't ready. Whatever everyone has bad days but since then has always given me reduced rates when shit happens even though I never asked for it and joked about it saying he didn't think I would call back.

In terms of service and quality of the girls I gotta give it to Nadyas though. GG has hot girls but some aren't too service oriented meaning they do what there supposed to but just not as sensual.

Winner Nadyas but I still like GG you just gotta do a little more research to find the gems like Isabelle and Beverly.

PS hey Porter doesn't everyone have better customer service than Bell?


Active Member
Jun 26, 2011
Sérieusement les 2 ont des petites failles.. ;) Mike a son caractère et Carol parfois est debordé..

mais merde si on compare a toute la merde des agence incall qui existe les 2 sont de loin tres tres loin on top of the list,,

oui c'est pas parfait,, mais les 2 offres surement les 5-10 plus belles filles du top 20 a mtl.. pourquoi se plaindre
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