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Texting when you meet a girl


Oct 11, 2010
once i was having some incoming texts while i was getting a bbbj from one of my favorite she passsed me my phone so i can text while she was sucking away !! LOL

I found that was a very nice gesture on her part..

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Personally i find it it very annoying if the phone keep beeping and even more if she answer. I mean... please ladies, turn out your phone when your with us... It does make a huge difference, even if you don't answer, if it keep beeping every 4 mins... personally it distract me... its a very small thing to make it on mute really.

Then if the girl actually answer... now thats VERY annoying. Not if im in the bathroom or whatever, this i don't care, im the first to check my phone when im at the break or whatever. But one time i had a girl actually answering her phone while i was about to cum... imagine, im jacking myself near her mouth, she is lying down and all then bam she say 1 moment, check her damn phone... thanks god she didn't started answering...

Personally i don't get a tons of text... but when im with a girl my phone is always on mute in case... even tough im the client, and it wouldn't mind her much. I just don't want any distraction. Thats like when a girl want the tv, music or other background noises... i hate this. My first meeting i had loud metal music in the background... really wanted to fuck on some metallica and stuff like that... first escort was a fan... worked out great. Second... not very much lol, i realized it annoyed her more than anything and so i stoped doing that. And now i wouldn't do it anymore... im pass that.

Even when i let the TV on , on mute... im distracted if there is a hockey game... i mean a girl could feel bad if you focus on the TV while doing it... i prefer to have it shut down now.

In any case... texting during a break(if im in the bathub or whatever) its all fine... even tough i rarely do it until we are done and all... im not bathroom break kind of guy. But when we are doing it... phone off :D


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Seriously, I did not know that it could be annoying to a gentleman I'm with
when he is in the washroom if I have a look at one of my phones,
when he is occupied there.....

Hola Maria,

This has happened to me a couple of times. I came out of the bathroom and one lady was talking on her phone about something. In one case there was a second call too. At the time I didn't let it bother me at all after she put the cell away. But at the moment she was doing it in front of me I was a bit annoyed, wondering how long this would go on and trying not act ungraciously about it. Some time before this a friend of mine had been with a very desirable high end lady from an HDH agency who had arrived on her cell and continued for 15-20 minutes or more, and didn't extend the appointment or cut the fee.

Personally I wouldn't care if someone was looking at their phone while I'm otherwise busy. But because this is a paying business arrangement it's bad form to be seen doing it as it does feel like someone does not have their attention on the kind of atmosphere she's supposed to be providing. On a first meeting it's better if she doesn't do it at all. If one needs to make a call, why not take a few more minutes before arriving.



Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
who had arrived on her cell and continued for 15-20 minutes or more, and didn't extend the appointment or cut the fee.


Now thats REALLY RUDE... i mean... i don't like when a girl is too late, as most people, but i would rather have her late yeah than "rob me" on my time. Cause thats exactly it on this one. I am not sure what i would do if she would refuse to extend the time...

one time a SP arrived way too early, like 20 mins too early. Normally i am washed up 15 min before ETA and ready. But i was coming from the restaurant, on foot, arrived, i was half naked, ready to go in the shower when she showed up. So when i heard the knock i was like "shiiiit" i had to have her wait a bit so i can dress back, i mentioned to her i had to go in the shower... but she was cool with starting the clock when i got out of the shower... But i made it fast anyway... i had a good meeting but i mentioned to the booker i would had like a text to ask me if she could be in advance or something. Cause yeah most of the time its ok, but sometimes its not... like that one... I would had been ready for the ETA of the girl.

Now to get back on what your saying... i think would she arrive and be talking on the phone i would be like ...huh ok, let it go for 5mins... but after that i think i would either make a discreet move to have her hang up, especially if thats some conversation with a friend or something, or after she hang up MAKE SURE TO CONFIRM the clock is starting NOW, not when she arrived...

Its like if a girl take too much time in the bathroom... im usually going and ask "everything's ok???" cause after all its my time... Yeah i want her to be clean for me, sure lol, but bathroom at the beginning should not be more than 5 mins... just refreshing a bit and thats it, she already showered before...

And now this may sound weird for some, but everytime a girl comes out with a different outfit... i think its SOOOO a waste of time... Im sorry, but in 5 mins your lingerie will be off anyway... please. I know some guys like this, but me im all fine with her in tank top and jeans... and i actually like to see her strip rather than see her comes out already in her bra and panties... and i surely prefer she don't change herself...

Maybe if i booked 2 hours... but its 1 hour, we already chated for 10 mins most of the time... please... lets go now :p


a.k.a. NewestGuy
Aug 24, 2013
Similar but a bit more on the extreme side, one of my first encounters before I started posting was with someone off ann123. I get there, her first question was if I smoke, I said yes so she asked if we could go outside the hotel to smoke. I was nervous and figured what the hell, why not.

Come back to the room and tell her I wasn't used to this kind of thing, she says don't worry just get undressed and I'll take care of everything...sounded like I was going to be in for a treat!

Then the bj starts, for a few seconds, and her phone beeps. Not just a glance over, she actually gets up and walks to her phone to reply to the text. Back to business, 15 seconds later...BEEP, she goes again. She comes back and I ask if maybe it's just not a good time and we could meet another day, she says no sorry just have to answer those messages, could be a potential client.

Needless to say, any and all possibility of fun was gone. I gave her a couple mins to try to "wake the beast" and was just frustrated and left. Most expensive 10 minutes of my life (unless you include going outside for a smoke, then it was 20 mins!).

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Rudolph now that was a case where you didn't had to paid that much. I mean... she was independant obviously... so not like you could "burn yourself" with the agency. You knew you would never meet this girl again... i think i would had throw her a 20 or something and leave... mentioning thats about what it cost for a bad BJ on the street... I know you where new, so yeah understand why you did what you did... but damn... i mean seriously thats so BS.

If she was gonna answer the phone everytime it ring,.. you kiddin me, do you think the clerk at a car place would make his current client wait everytime a new customer enter and could be a potential buyer... no. They can leave message, she can call them back, or if they REALLY want to see her, they will call back themselves...

That girl probably tough "wow easy money wooo woooo" and kept doing that...


Jan 8, 2012
Some SP have the regrettable tendency to text a little too much...The worst case I ever saw was Rebecca, when she was with XXXTase.... She would never stop... I never comment on that when it happens, but I take good note and never repeat with a girl like that...Most girls are not that addicted to texting, though...

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Texting can be addictive, myself im a dude and before i had a cell i said "fuck texting, if they want to talk, call me damn it" and now sometimes i text stupidity with friends... or i use text to talk cheaply to some other people. BUT thing is there is a time for everything... when im at school or at work, i close my cell, thats the normality. Those girls are at work after all when there with us... so they should close it. If she text one time before the action start i don't mind, but texting during the act... you kidding me? Like i said even just the beeps distract me...


New Member
Jan 21, 2012
West Island
Most of the ladies I meet do not to speak when their mouth is full they were obviously well bred and were taught good manners.


a.k.a. NewestGuy
Aug 24, 2013
Don't worry Mike, it was one of the first encounters and I wouldn't tolerate that live, you learn!


New Member
Jun 21, 2004
Visit site
Happened to me once with my favorite sp. My dick went limp. I told her "Sorry babe you need to start over" lol. We had to go into extra time :) She excused herself. didn't happen again..


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
Most of the ladies I meet do not to speak when their mouth is full they were obviously well bred and were taught good manners.

I had a customer who kept asking me questions while my "mouth was full"...very distracting. Kind of like when your dentist tries to have a conversation with you while they are working on your mouth, it's just awkward.
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