who had arrived on her cell and continued for 15-20 minutes or more, and didn't extend the appointment or cut the fee.
Now thats REALLY RUDE... i mean... i don't like when a girl is too late, as most people, but i would rather have her late yeah than "rob me" on my time. Cause thats exactly it on this one. I am not sure what i would do if she would refuse to extend the time...
one time a SP arrived way too early, like 20 mins too early. Normally i am washed up 15 min before ETA and ready. But i was coming from the restaurant, on foot, arrived, i was half naked, ready to go in the shower when she showed up. So when i heard the knock i was like "shiiiit" i had to have her wait a bit so i can dress back, i mentioned to her i had to go in the shower... but she was cool with starting the clock when i got out of the shower... But i made it fast anyway... i had a good meeting but i mentioned to the booker i would had like a text to ask me if she could be in advance or something. Cause yeah most of the time its ok, but sometimes its not... like that one... I would had been ready for the ETA of the girl.
Now to get back on what your saying... i think would she arrive and be talking on the phone i would be like ...huh ok, let it go for 5mins... but after that i think i would either make a discreet move to have her hang up, especially if thats some conversation with a friend or something, or after she hang up MAKE SURE TO CONFIRM the clock is starting NOW, not when she arrived...
Its like if a girl take too much time in the bathroom... im usually going and ask "everything's ok???" cause after all its my time... Yeah i want her to be clean for me, sure lol, but bathroom at the beginning should not be more than 5 mins... just refreshing a bit and thats it, she already showered before...
And now this may sound weird for some, but everytime a girl comes out with a different outfit... i think its SOOOO a waste of time... Im sorry, but in 5 mins your lingerie will be off anyway... please. I know some guys like this, but me im all fine with her in tank top and jeans... and i actually like to see her strip rather than see her comes out already in her bra and panties... and i surely prefer she don't change herself...
Maybe if i booked 2 hours... but its 1 hour, we already chated for 10 mins most of the time... please... lets go now