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Jan 28, 2004
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don't gathers us in the same basket .... please

It wasn't my intention to insinuate that all SP's do the same thing. Certainly there are a lot of women who do not advertise the fact that they have a BF and do not have the restrictions "because of a BF", I have had some who have told me that they don't do something because they are not "comfortable" with this. That I accept as a personal decision, I too am taken aback when an SP tells me that something is a no no because of the BF. I dated an SP, lived with her for 6 years and because I was uncomfortable with her being in the business ( I thought I could handle it but after a few weeks realized that no, I couldn't) I asked her to quit, and yes, she did. I feel for the women in this business who are trying to split their personal lives and this work, tough. but make no mistake, I am not lumping all SP's into the same basket, my apologies


New Member
May 17, 2015
I'm actually a bit shocked at the some of the surprised responses here to some SPs saving things for their private lives, or because they're insecure about that position or service.

You can't use this lens of value logic to try and explain something that likely has emotional value. The whole "she already takes it in every opening for money, but THAT DATY OR DFK or whatever crosses the line?" just doesn't seem to consider compelling emotional logic from people working in a very pressurized profession in which complete strangers will attempt to explore or try everything with their bodies.

I would actually HOPE that SPs are saving something exclusive for their personal relationships, it says to me that there's still a clear boundary somewhere there between personal and professional that stays sacred and privately meaningful. Obviously not all SPs use this 'method' to preserve something, but I don't think its hard to understand at all.

In the same way I'm pretty sure there are things that clients might not allow or want their GFs to do to them because maybe they consider them degrading, but don't care about trying that with an SP. Or that clients require a certain comfort level to be okay with something that a GF might reach, but an SP won't. The value there is emotional and you can't apply the coldly comparative standards to saying an act is more or less dirty or risky or invasive than something else.


New Member
May 25, 2015
It wasn't my intention to insinuate that all SP's do the same thing. Certainly there are a lot of women who do not advertise the fact that they have a BF and do not have the restrictions "because of a BF", I have had some who have told me that they don't do something because they are not "comfortable" with this. That I accept as a personal decision, I too am taken aback when an SP tells me that something is a no no because of the BF. I dated an SP, lived with her for 6 years and because I was uncomfortable with her being in the business ( I thought I could handle it but after a few weeks realized that no, I couldn't) I asked her to quit, and yes, she did. I feel for the women in this business who are trying to split their personal lives and this work, tough. but make no mistake, I am not lumping all SP's into the same basket, my apologies

Thank-you , Big Hugs


New Member
Apr 11, 2015
I'm actually a bit shocked at the some of the surprised responses here to some SPs saving things for their private lives, or because they're insecure about that position or service.

You can't use this lens of value logic to try and explain something that likely has emotional value. The whole "she already takes it in every opening for money, but THAT DATY OR DFK or whatever crosses the line?" just doesn't seem to consider compelling emotional logic from people working in a very pressurized profession in which complete strangers will attempt to explore or try everything with their bodies.

I would actually HOPE that SPs are saving something exclusive for their personal relationships, it says to me that there's still a clear boundary somewhere there between personal and professional that stays sacred and privately meaningful. Obviously not all SPs use this 'method' to preserve something, but I don't think its hard to understand at all.

In the same way I'm pretty sure there are things that clients might not allow or want their GFs to do to them because maybe they consider them degrading, but don't care about trying that with an SP. Or that clients require a certain comfort level to be okay with something that a GF might reach, but an SP won't. The value there is emotional and you can't apply the coldly comparative standards to saying an act is more or less dirty or risky or invasive than something else.

In addition to the excellent point above, it's possible that certain women have had men get too rough during DATY to the point where it's not worth offering it anymore. Years ago, before becoming an SP, I had a one nighter with a guy who went down on me, and was literally gnawing on my clit and labia. It got to the point where I bled! He then asked me if I got my period... *face palm* More recently, I've got some hardware down there that people think means "pull me!" The amount of times I've had to change the focus or flat out tell him he was hurting me, I don't blame some women for restricting DATY. I know a lot of women (who aren't SPs) who feel DATY or DFK etc are too intimate to do with people you don't know. While I don't limit anything, I always find it fun to guess who's going to turn into jaws on me and those who will leave everything intact lol. The mental preparation helps you save yourself if you feel someone being too toothy.


New Member
Feb 14, 2012
I've come across this type of restriction twice, once for daty (b/c of the supposed bf), once for dfk (b/c she find it to be to «intimate»). Personaly I just went with it, and i don't think there's nothing to conclude from it; as far as i'm concerned, they can have whatever resitriction they want, logic or not. It's their body anyway. If something's a must for you, just make sur to ask if it's on the menu beforehand, that's it.

I had the exact same experiences a while back and also went with it. I agree with lubeloco that if "something's a must for you, just make sure to ask if it's on the menu beforehand".

I personally do not always ask for detailed service list and in those situations, I simply go with the flow once with the SP and I'm rarely disappointed with the overall session. I think that "no expectation" work better most of the time, at least for me.


New Member
May 23, 2015
Aunt Flo was in town, and the SP was using a sponge? FS was OK, but DATY might be a little funky? Could that have been why?

That may have been the case here. But she was very believable when she said what she said to me. Good actress? Maybe you are right.

My personal rule is I will not be with an escort who won't DATY because I fear those escorts are hiding something down there or in there. I'm not saying this was the case with this particular escort but I would not have completed the session without inspecting the goods.

Are you implying I banged a tranny? Eeeek!!! Doubt that. She is part of a well known agency crew, has good reviews too. None mention daty though.


New Member
May 23, 2015
Who's the girl?

I thought for hours to post the name and agency but then again I thought why limit the income of that lady by potentially black listing her by some of you here. If you run into her and you don't like her rules, well, give her a $20 and off she goes away (standard cancellation policy of that agency). Simple. Besides, I had a good time with her. So no point in making a small thing a big one... no pun LOL.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I thought for hours to post the name and agency but then again I thought why limit the income of that lady by potentially black listing her by some of you here. If you run into her and you don't like her rules, well, give her a $20 and off she goes away (standard cancellation policy of that agency). Simple. Besides, I had a good time with her. So no point in making a small thing a big one... no pun LOL.

But maybe you would get an answer to if it was just a 1 time thing if others have seen her. $20.00 standard cancellation policy Bahahahaha, if person was not who she was supposed to be or advertised services were not offered there would be no $20 given, to have a policy like that the agency must have these issues a lot.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
You're definitely not black-listing her! The list of what she DOES do is plenty long. DATY isn't a deal breaker! I would definitely see her. PM me.


New Member
May 23, 2015
Kudos to the experienced posters, boys and girls, in this thread who offered me some insight to the SP mind with past experiences and mature thoughts. Really helped me understand some dynamics of all this.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
I thought for hours to post the name and agency but then again I thought why limit the income of that lady by potentially black listing her by some of you here.

My impression is 99% would happily like to pay for a meeting with her. So I don't think "black listing" is an issue. I would suggest you ask the agency how she feels about being known in connection to your post details, alerting them to the no daty part, and go with that. That way you protect her feelings and probably enhance her earnings.




Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
In town now for another 29 hours. Please PM me her contact info....
PS Did you ask if you can lick her asshole?



Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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I thought for hours to post the name and agency but then again I thought why limit the income of that lady by potentially black listing her by some of you here. If you run into her and you don't like her rules, well, give her a $20 and off she goes away (standard cancellation policy of that agency). Simple. Besides, I had a good time with her. So no point in making a small thing a big one... no pun LOL.

Either you are a member and will share information , or you won't share in which case I personally don't consider you to be a member of this board :(

Lily from Montreal

What a strange statement,is it a board or a sect? People are free to share whatever they want?


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Either you are a member and will share information , or you won't share in which case I personally don't consider you to be a member of this board :(

True, we are here to share information. But what's with this line. There are good reasons for the lady's protection not to share here. The details of the services described in this thread are very liberal. As it's been discussed many times in numerous threads, linking a name to these kinds of services can create excessive expectations by irrational clients who try to coerce escorts out of their right to choose which services to provide depending on the type of clients who complain wrongly these services are promised. Yesterday another lady posted about the same problem, clients who don't care about the escort or her rights and only want escorts to act like she's a toy to be used.

JK, the first consideration is what's best for the lady. Go with that.




Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007

You have a point. Why in the world would this guy not share such simple information? This should be shared as part of a review, correct?
This is not good or bad. This is just the way it is so why not share.

I wrote a detailed review of Alycia of Montreal GFE...Actually two reviews. I saw her as a duo: One with her blond girlfriend (forgot her name) and another with Laurence - love Laurence's tits but I digress.....

Anyway, I said she was my ATF (for the moment). There was a reply from Rtheman saying something to the effect like "she's not that good. Not as good as [some other girl that he would not reveal the name].

I PM'd him and he replyed "why should I tell every Hungry101?" Because we are a fucking board. I spilled my guts on Alycia (if your out there dear please PM me. I am in town for about 30 more hours) and he won't tell me the girls name.

I don't mean to call him out because I think he is a reasonable guy most of the time but why not share? If you are going to be selfish than why dangle that out in front of me like a carrot?

Come on Josh. Spill the beans. It is just a fact you are stating anyway.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007

True, we are here to share information. But what's with this ultimatum kind of pressure? There are good reasons for the lady's protection not to share here. The details of the services described in this thread are very liberal. As it's been discussed many times in numerous threads, linking a name to these kinds of services can create excessive expectations by irrational clients who try to coerce escorts out of their right to choose which services to provide depending on the type of clients who complain wrongly these services are promised. Yesterday another lady posted about the same problem, clients who don't care about the escort or her rights and only want escorts to act like a toy to be used. Posting an ultimatum does not indicate trustworthiness on any level, and it's a good reason NOT to post any name in this case and with that I would say to josh keish NOT to do it publicly.

JK, the first consideration is what's best for the lady. Go with that.



Bullshit Merlot....I mean I respectfully disagree. We all know the rule YMMV. If the girl doesn't feel like doing it or if you have a hygiene problem etc. she may not do it for you. I do always tell the girl that I will write a review and I will ask if there is anything she deosn't want in cyber space.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
I do always tell the girl that I will write a review and I will ask if there is anything she deosn't want in cyber space.

I've done the same to protect the ladies since starting the hobby. It's the smart and decent thing to do especially considering the real problem of bad clients. But the post by Doggyluver was self-defeating. You Hungry101 made a fair argument. That's fine. I respect that. But the kind are either for us or against us is going too far and a strong reason not to post the name publicly. We both know there are plenty of clients who don't respect YMMV. That's the real risk here when very liberal services are involved.


Last edited:


New Member
May 23, 2015
Sad to read some posts here that have nothing to do with the essence of the topic. Nevertheless it was somewhat expected in an very entertaining fashion. Got to love the internet !

edit: For the pedestrian crowd that insists, the young lady has been extensively reviewed. The search function is your friend, use it. For the handful who understood the essence of the thread, once again, thank you for your valuable thoughts!
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