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Two questions


Active Member
May 5, 2015
Hi everyone

I quit and now I'm back, SP in Mtl are really addictive

But I have two unrelated SP question

1- there's this girl at work who's really into me and she's really pretty so I worked really hard to have a chance with her. She has a boyfriend but lately she flinched and we did it. First time was only ok and it was all my fault since I busted really quickly being way too excited. The problem is that the second time we did it, I decided to perform a nice daty to gain some points and to put me at ease. At first everything was okay but at one point she got really excited and she started to taste really bad...i mean really bad..I stopped for a few seconds and tryed to go down again but the taste was too horrible..even if it was 8am before going to work....

She wants to have sex but im kind of turned off..

Did you ever had a daty experience like that?
Would you see her again? Tell her?


Active Member
May 5, 2015

What trick can i learn to make her taste good?!?:confused:

To be honest, no except of being really pretty and really tall... It's really hard to find something exceptional in real life after meeting SP in Mtl


Active Member
May 5, 2015

Hard to describe..just bad enough so your brain takes over and order you to stop

Maybe sour...anyhow, it tasted bad in my mouth for at least two hours after that....


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Being stuck with many ladies SP's in a Van ,I had the privilege to hear many many girls talk ,and fresh kitty was a topic !Lol Frequently discussed




Active Member
Jun 27, 2003
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Hi everyone

I quit and now I'm back, SP in Mtl are really addictive

But I have two unrelated SP question

1- there's this girl at work who's really into me and she's really pretty so I worked really hard to have a chance with her. She has a boyfriend but lately she flinched and we did it. First time was only ok and it was all my fault since I busted really quickly being way too excited. The problem is that the second time we did it, I decided to perform a nice daty to gain some points and to put me at ease. At first everything was okay but at one point she got really excited and she started to taste really bad...i mean really bad..I stopped for a few seconds and tryed to go down again but the taste was too horrible..even if it was 8am before going to work....

She wants to have sex but im kind of turned off..

Did you ever had a daty experience like that?
Would you see her again? Tell her?

It depends, if it taste urine: Ok.
If it smell dead fish: You better run away, AND FAST. lol.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
It depends, if it taste urine: Ok.
If it smell dead fish: You better run away, AND FAST. lol.

Hmmm. Why? I assume you mean STD/STI. Correct?

A similar kind of experience happened to me. A slightly bad taste that taste a bit 'iron'-like. I am thinking she just had or just started her period. Make sense?

Hmmm... Ladies: How do I ask that question? Maybe if I ask something like 'do you need to take shower?' even before I start... that should be taken ok, right? Also, maybe later, 'I am planning to nibble on that ok?'

I especially remember one girl, in another town. Beautiful, really nice person. But first time, with DATY the smell was like leather pants (not real bad, maybe sweaty leather pants, but not what I was looking for)... later time, smell was fine. So, maybe too long in the pants, or hot day the first time.

If it is outcall, I think definitely offering the shower is a must. Most smart girls will take the offer. Maybe saying 'I just showered, do you want to use the shower....' And for incall, 'I'd like to shower, but do you want to go first.' On incall, I think most smart girls will have already done it.

Of course, guys, we need to have good hygiene too. Wash, then wash again.


Active Member
May 5, 2015
Not urine and not dead fish aswell... Really hard to describe as a taste, especially that it started in the middle of the daty and not at the beginning...

The iron taste is close but not it yet..didn't taste like blood and everything was crystal clear down there..


Active Member
Jun 27, 2003
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Not urine and not dead fish aswell... Really hard to describe as a taste, especially that it started in the middle of the daty and not at the beginning...

The iron taste is close but not it yet..didn't taste like blood and everything was crystal clear down there..

Well, first time I heard that. Smell or taste bad in the middle on Daty, nothing at the beginning. Maybe she fart on your face. Lol.
If I could try it, I could tell you what it is.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Does it taste Fish&Shit ? ;)

Maybe she had sex with her BF before she did with you... And her BF's sperm has bad taste :D


New Member
Oct 29, 2008
Why beat around the bush and discuss It with her . If she is into you it will just improve the relationship. If not we'll life is short so move on.


New Member
Oct 29, 2008
You are already in an awkward position now, anyways. The relationship weather you do or don't stay between the two of. This what happens when you mix business and pleasure.. Good luck


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Tread carefully on this subject.
My ex-wife asked me why I didn`t want to do 69 with her. I told her to get a pussy deodorant. That was the end of our sex life and eventually our marriage.
I once told an escort that she smelled like rubber down there....she went out and got a gallon of vinegar and stopped seeing me.
You have to be diplomatic, and sensitive with your words.


Active Member
May 5, 2015
I'll try the yogurt and fruit approach

I'm afraid that cloudsurf is right. She's a really beautiful girl and she tells me that nothing is going on with her boyfriend anymore..starting to think that it might be for a similar reason..

As for the meds that she could be taking, very possible but that would mean that nothing is gonna change that..

Thanks to all :smile:


New Member
Feb 27, 2013
I agree with you but she's a collegue, isn't award?!

I love DATY but it could be she was having a discharge -- which comes and go. Either way this situation will likely not end well for you and her. So, get as many free sex with her as you can. It will end one day and if you both are still colleagues, it's going to be tough to work with each other and or be in the same space. I've been there. If she's doing it with you and she has a BF, she's likely doing it with other dudes :confused: (likely above the pay grades of you and her -- social climber; nothing wrong with that, I'd fuck my boss if she were a woman in order to get ahead:lol::nod:). Come back to Montreal, as I did :D
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