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full disclosure: here we go..

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Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
You could/would have rectified it by paying him back immediately. You didn't. It's the easiest thing in the world to pay someone $150 electronically - if you have the money to do so. By accepting the money and not delivering what you agreed to deliver, you took the risk you would incur his wrath. The risk came home to roost on you.

You are right. I should have payed him back immediately.
i meant to say i wish he would have let me rectify this some way once he was reimbursed and still unhappy over what transpired.
And his wrath is justifed.
I made my bed as they say


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
And we are just beginning the first week of 2016. Something is really wrong on this side of the universe. Everything is so out of whack.

Oh the drama.....


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2012
[Donner de l argent a un inconnu et avoir des attentes envers cet individu.... hum, pour moi, c est incompatible. Il y a un coté de l histoire de Ricky que je comprends tres bien : il y a certaines sp que je brule de rencontrer ( par exemple Katty de xxxtase ) mais nos horaires sont incompatibles, car, comme il le dit, on a une job aussi ! Je n accepterais pas cependant une session gratuite avec Katty car ca n arriverait jsmais!

Finalement, cessez de juger Ricky avec son ex, mère de son future enfant, etc etc etc. La seule personne qui peut le juger est celle qui est membre de ce forum et qui ne mène pas, jusqu à un certain point, une double vie.... Ricky, les critiques devraient cesser, si tous sont honnêtes !

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
And we are just beginning the first week of 2016. Something is really wrong on this side of the universe. Everything is so out of whack.

Oh the drama.....


Where is the yellow brick road !



Sep 27, 2015
Merb is a fantastic learning arena. I have to say that Alyssa "behavioral" Roze is spot on on this one. Respect.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Saying someone is "addicted" can also become an excuse for simple bad behavior- whether it is failure to pay a debt or an alcoholic who gets behind the wheel of a car with .20 blood alcohol content and runs over a 5 year old girl, killing her. We are all responsible for our own actions. Does the addiction excuse the failure to pay the debt or the killing of the girl?

In this case, what I think Ricky's actual addiction is might be MERB. It occurred to me that the whole point of this thread is that Ricky, who previously posted quite a bit and enjoyed, in the words of Sol Tee Nutz, a reputation as "well known Merb member" - leading to the extension of credit to him in the first place - realized he had damaged that line of credit. MERB is in a sense a bank - we all have capital in MERB, and that capital is our reputations here and in the community. When Ricky realized his untimely but admitted repayment of his debt damaged his credit, he realized he had to do something to repair it. Hence this thread.

I don't think anyone here will be advancing $150 to Ricky Bonds any time soon, and I think he now knows that. In my view, he badly misjudged the possible consequences of his actions, and I think he has already admitted this.

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
It is less about the money eb.
Yes i fucked up, thats part of life, so be it.
The proof in question concerning me exchanging reviews for freebies is me saying 5 words to this guy, "i was gifted a session".
That was a lie, and i don't need to be told that lies are bad (i'm in the lies vs truth teaching stage with my 6 year old as we speak, so this hits even closer to home)
My point of this thread is to say that the proof of my reviews being "bought" is those 5 words, i have the same screenshot (it was sent from my phone) and to say yes, initially i fucked up.
I am definitely admitting to have lied to him and said that.
My reason was really what i said in my thread.
There is nothing to justify here and i cannot repair the damage done.
I can however clarify that i am not a scam artist, i am far from broke, my daughter did die, and contrary to what somebody wrote me..this person did not lend me money lol.
....oh, and somebody said i kind of went silent during the days that the concerned thread was posted, not on merb every day, still reading, still posting.
The booking part is also no secret, anyone who has ever booked knows exactly who the booker is, this isn't news, i never review/mention/speak of/ or comment on these girls threads.
(When i did i was unaware of merb guidelines and that has been respected and complied with since)

As for the rest, he was a well intentioned guy, he didn't do much wrong in this story.


Jun 9, 2015
but someone, I forgot who exactly, (and I am just too lazy to search and re-read lol) posted the most relevant question here..: what was the needs of the other member to pay you? Why he has to throw 150$ out the window for the benefits of this lady? Who is he to her?...many other questions waiting to be

We need Columbo on the case. The whole thing is


New Member
Feb 27, 2013
Freedom to Express on Merb

I think the two parties should get together at a bar in Montreal and spend $150+ drinking and eating cocktail food and then go see a couple of SP's and every thing will be alright again.;)

As someone astutely said Merb is one of the few remaining "social media" sites where adults can freely discuss sex.:thumb:

A lot of time and energy have been spent on two different threads (containing serious, thoughtful and sometimes entertaining posts) over $150. I think the folks on these two threads likely make more than $150 an hour in their real jobs or have lots of money to their names in their bank and financial accounts (during retirement -- semi or full -- from work). I know. It's the principle. Heck, I myself have spent hours arguing with a business establishment (my damn US mobile carrier) over $50 on the bases of principles.

As someone said in another thread that he made a million dollar in one month in Q4 2015. I hope that dude throws a huge party in Montreal for everyone (using some of his $1 million) in that thread and these two; I'm sure he can get a tax deduction for business development. :lol:

Happy New Year everyone.:thumb:

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
Amen BadChap, I just think there are too many good things ahead of us in 2016 to keep going with both of the threads that are being posted in, my god we are hobbyists, this is MERB, not Jerry springer or friggin Oprah............Mistakes were made, lets move on and write about what merb stands for, our thoughts about the ladies. We after all are all adults, i am assuming here, let them figure it out if its really worth all of this crap. Sorry, dont mean to insult anybody, but they after all are the only two who know what really happened, this is my way of saying im not taking sides, i am sure they are both good people who just happened to get involved in a weird situation and in saying that, grow up and get past it, mistakes happen and no one died, love you.

My biggest problem(besides trying to type without my glasses on) is who am i going to spend valentines night with this year. And i already know the answer to this question, and i am sure you know also......

Thor Jr


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I always say there is two sides to a story which leads me to this question why would that individual offer the money to make a review of the lady in question? What was his motive. Is he a white knight in shining armor or just has a lot of money to waste? Does he work for the agency or is in any way involved in a business relation with the agency that employs this lady? Because I do not buy the agenda of why that guy offered the money in the first place. Why would anyone do that?

I am not involved in any way with Rebecca, some troll from the blue board had a habit of trying to ruin Rebecca because she would not see him after hours, his false review ( he had not seen her in years ) was not true, he had no idea which floor she worked out of. Plus what is $150.00? Serious.... NOTE: She is an indy with no agency or pimp.
Sorry for having some morals.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
but someone, I forgot who exactly, posted the most relevant question here..: what was the needs of the other member to pay you? Why he has to throw 150$ out the window for the benefits of this lady? Who is he to her?

That was me who asked that question and I am surprised no one questioned that. Lol


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I am not involved in any way with Rebecca, some troll from the blue board had a habit of trying to ruin Rebecca because she would not see him after hours, his false review ( he had not seen her in years ) was not true, he had no idea which floor she worked out of. Plus what is $150.00? Serious.... NOTE: She is an indy with no agency or pimp.
Sorry for having some morals.

Still... This I question a lot. A $150 is still a $150 it is still money you worked for even for the average joe that is pretty significant to be giving it to someone to clear a name of a SP who as you said you got no involvement and considering the seriously lagging economy and very high prices of food... And even if some troll did ruin her reputation why is it your responsibility to clear her name and if you say it is due to some morality thing I am not buying that for one second. Are you the SP police? Or are you a filthy rich millionaire and a $150 is just like $5 to you. I dunno. From my perspective to me this is the most important and most relevant question to ask. BTW I am not expecting any kind of answer and neither do I expect to ever get the truth I think no one ever will. I simply wanted to put this thread into the most relevant question in my opinion... Just some food for thought.

FYI-> I am neither poor or rich just average and there is no way in hell I would spend even $50 just to clear a SP name unless I got some personal or business stake in it. I worked for that money why I throw it away. Loool

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Wow... 2015 was a quiet year for me and merb, as some of you know i was really present a lot before and then got away. I did post here and there, made a few GTs aparition, but i was the shadow of my former chatterbox self lol.

I come back in 2016 to see merb has no changed... drama, drama and drama... lol

So from what i understand, Sol Tee Nutz (now refered as STN for time saving) gave Ricky 150$ to see a girl he taugh had been badly reviewed without a valid reason. Ricky tried but could not due to his schedule... This whole thing last a while, not a matter of a week. So in the end Ricky decide to pay back STN because it is too hard to see said girl...

Ok ... Well i must admit its pretty unusual to see that, a member paying another member a free session. Does this could consider a shill or it is perfectly acceptable as long as there is no link between the person that pay the session to the escort? Well i did had a "friend" (or more like a fellow team member on a video game) paid me an xbox game brand new a couple years back cause i didn't had money for it and he wanted to play it with me... Guess some people are either very at ease financially or very generous lol

In any case, thats pretty cool, i wish somebody would do that for me in term of escorts hahaha. Next time think Halloween Mike, i will sacrify myself(wink wink) for a free session :p And my schedule is much more open than some people LOL. Ok ok i stop :p

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Still... This I question a lot. A $150 is still a $150 it is still money you worked for even for the average joe that is pretty significant to be giving it to someone to clear a name of a SP who as you said you got no involvement and considering the seriously lagging economy and very high prices of food... And even if some troll did ruin her reputation why is it your responsibility to clear her name and if you say it is due to some morality thing I am not buying that for one second. Are you the SP police? Or are you a filthy rich millionaire and a $150 is just like $5 to you. I dunno. From my perspective to me this is the most important and most relevant question to ask. BTW I am not expecting any kind of answer and neither do I expect to ever get the truth I think no one ever will. I simply wanted to put this thread into the most relevant question in my opinion... Just some food for thought.

FYI-> I am neither poor or rich just average and there is no way in hell I would spend even $50 just to clear a SP name unless I got some personal or business stake in it. I worked for that money why I throw it away. Loool

I can clearly understand that you just do not get it. Sad thing though.
Just to point out, to a millionaire $150 woulf be less than $0.05. If the meeting would have taken place the review would have stated that it was paid for by me and that rebecca knew nothing of it. ( Just as Ricky said, he was not to tell her )

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Gotta chime in again. If you did not need the money why did I have to send it to you in advance? You told me you were broke till payday.
If you lied about the freebie sex why was here a review from the agency done during that time.
Why did you lie when you posted text me that you did see Rebecca but walked away when that never happened.
If you have money why did you pay me only $50 and say your girlfriend caused you to have a money shortage and you could pay me a week later.
Why is it that when I send a SP a text for an appointment that you answered the text.
I sent Mod20 pictures of your texts proving the above, hence the reason the thread was opened.
Another member sent mod 20 proof that you had free sex with a SP for a review.
Baffled that members actually believe you, I had to put up with you for a couple of months of hearing excuses like " I forgot to send the money " and the rest of it.
Karma is a bitch and it is not pleasant.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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B I couldn't imagine me PMing EB and offer him money in the purpose of booking a friend of mine who is getting false reviews, just to fuck her......(not that I don't trust him...but my friend's encounters are not my damn problems by any way, neither are his possible financial issues that would lead me to borrow him money to fuck my friend....)..and if he would offer me money to get laid with some of his would so odd that I don't think I would accept it: as a women, I would be worried about all the consequences that could happen by accepting his "gift".

It's never happened that someone offered me money to have sex with an escort, although I did pay $300 for another MERB board member to have sex with an escort as a birthday present to him and as repayment of favors which were done by him, favors which had been done by him without asking me for anything in return (mostly, those favors consisted of providing backchannel information on escorts and the industry and on Montreal, when I did not know Montreal as well as I do now). A review was not part of the deal, as the SP I paid for him to have sex with already had great reviews and worked as an HDH escort. The way that went down was I handed the $300 in cash, in person, to the agency owner who then employed the escort, with instructions to send the lady to my friend's hotel room. I told him he would be getting a visit from someone and it was going to be paid for, but didn't tell him who it was. This happened about 10 years ago.

The escort showed up as agreed and my friend had sex with her. The promises were all delivered in a timely and professional manner unlike the present situation between Ricky and Sol.

There is a current MERB hobbyist I plan on doing the same thing for later this month, and I will be looking for ideas on who to send to him. Just remember Alyssa: it is legal, and appropriate, to buy gift's for one's friends. How you do so is where you have to be careful.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I perfectly know, EB... Just look at Lilly Lombard's thread and you will see

But, as I said : there are still a lot of hidden facts under this whole deal between Ricky and STN to make us believe their deal was totally innocent and legitimate...

Sol's motives are not entirely clear but even Ricky has said that he believes Sol was well-intentioned in pulling off this review-to-even-the-score for money deal. Some unanswered questions remain:

1. Ricky has said if he saw Rebecca, he would write an honest review. What if he saw her and trashed her as bad as the original blue board reviewer did? Would Sol get his money back? Because then the score isn't even- she is 0 for 2.
2. If Ricky had in fact written a dead honest review, what difference does it make that Sol paid for it rather than Ricky? Isn't this board all about information?
3. #2 being said- should Ricky have disclosed in any review that the review was honest but had not been paid with his own money and was, in essence, a freebie review?
4. What if Sol gives the $150 back to Ricky and says now that all of MERB knows the deal, you have a chance at a do-over. Will Ricky accept? What will be his review on Rebecca?

There are many other questions. This is one of the more intriguing dramas in MERB history. Since the Eleganza agency escort responded in her review thread to her first negative review with ballistic replies, resulting in her ban and the creation of the rule against agency escorts posting in their own review thread, there has not been a more meaningful "drama" on MERB in terms of legal and moral implications for MERB rules. Sol and Ricky have unwittingly become character actors in a large, important debate on MERB rules.

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
Gotta chime in again. If you did not need the money why did I have to send it to you in advance? You told me you were broke till payday.
If you lied about the freebie sex why was here a review from the agency done during that time.
Why did you lie when you posted text me that you did see Rebecca but walked away when that never happened.
If you have money why did you pay me only $50 and say your girlfriend caused you to have a money shortage and you could pay me a week later.
Why is it that when I send a SP a text for an appointment that you answered the text.
I sent Mod20 pictures of your texts proving the above, hence the reason the thread was opened.
Another member sent mod 20 proof that you had free sex with a SP for a review.
Baffled that members actually believe you, I had to put up with you for a couple of months of hearing excuses like " I forgot to send the money " and the rest of it.
Karma is a bitch and it is not pleasant.

Its pretty straightforward stuff. I wrote every detail in my post on a precise and accurate timeline.
You had to send the money in advance because you offered in public to pay anybody to go have sex, the fact that i did not need the money was regardless..why would i pay to go see a random girl i have no interest in just to do a favour for a stranger who lives 4 provinces away, that i never knew existed, just to clear this random girls name from words on the internet and satisfy a grudge between 2 egotistical, middle aged men? dude.
And once again..why would i pay a penny, use my change, go in my credit lines, use plastic, or even use my hobby money when the initial proposition you posted in public clearly stated that you would pay for anyones session?...broke until payday? No., Taking you up on your offer? Yes.
And funny you say karmas a new regular's name is karma and she's actually a super sweet princess.

And for the record, i dont think you had any hidden motives behind all this, i take what you said at face value..and actually think the thought behind it was a very sweet gesture, the clearing her name part was very kind.
Now if the reason was about her or more about your grudge with the guy that tried to insult her is not really my business, and i never gave that much thought..

I said what i had to say in my initial response.
I had no intention of putting you down or further prolonging the argument. i also admit to my mistakes and once again apologized for the mishap. You are entitled to your opinions and even though i might not necessarily agree, i will accept your point of view of things.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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just to clear this random girls name from words on the internet and satisfy a grudge between 2 egotistical, middle aged men? dude.

It occurred to me in reading this that you may have had a great deal of curiousity in the outcome of the arbitration of this dispute "between 2 egotistical middle aged men." While not as interesting as the Pacquiao-Mayweather boxing dispute, you, like those betting money on that fight, interposed yourself into the dispute. While I might also have had curiousity as to who was right, I would never have accepted money to try and find out. If I had such curiousity I would spend my own money and post my own review. It also occurred to me you could have done this and then sought payment from Sol. I understand that Sol essentially made a public bet, but it was an offer, and you were free to make a counter offer on your own terms. This is basic contracts law that any 1st year law student knows, but I think it is also common sense.
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