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full disclosure: here we go..

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New Member
Feb 27, 2013
I forgot to ask: Who is this Rebecca anyway? :noidea:

Now, I get it, I think. Is this a way of rallying for the return of C$150/hour? Hmm . . . . if so, and this campaign is successful and the US$ vs. C$ remains at US$1 to C$1.3, after the exchange outfits take their fees, I'm running to Montreal (from Phoenix). ;) Actually, I'd better fly; I can't run like I used to in my youth. :lol:

To both the aggrieved party and the party who made a poor judgment, it's better to be addicted to sex than drugs -- I scar myself watching the National Geographic series "Drugs, Inc.". There was an episode that was devoted to Hollywood on drugs and they featured this female porn star who could not "perform" until her dealer brought her the narcotics she need and since she didn't have a male "star" she asked her dealer to step in and perform. The dealer said he'll no! And the female star/producer/director hired another female star to do a lesbian film -- so much for scripts. :lol:

If time permits (I'm now caring for a terminally ill family member), I hope to attend one of the GT's -- that's on my 2016 TDL!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
How do I go about purchasing the movie rights for this story, EB can you draw up some papers first? I'll PM you.

I'm thinking Chrtistopher Walken as STN & Jeremy Renner as Ricky Bonds, as for Rebecca.... hmmm
well we'll just leave Rebecca out of this, think she's been through enough

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
You had to send the money in advance because you offered in public to pay anybody to go have sex, the fact that i did not need the money was regardless

BS........ You told me you were broke till payday and need the money to see her, you also tols me you were too broke to pay me back all at once. I have no reason to lie at all but you o the onther hand, you even admitted to lying in one of your posts.
Now, how about my other questions about you answering the text from a SP I called and your reply that you have 5 in your stable? Also the review you did about the free agency girl ( you told me the agency name and you did review ).... And the other point that you claimed to walk out on Rebecca when you did not even see her.
You are lucky that there are very gullable people on Merb.
Try and answer the questions above.
And a reminder, I sent the mods proof of this to get my thread opened again.... Waiting for a reply.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
One final comment. To those of you who question my offering to pay for an escort that was given a false review by a troll who stalks her, just to clear her name. You must live a sad life not to understand that some people try to help others, not for any gain, just because. And yes I have a grudge with a member from the blue board as he is a fucked up person who has great pleasure in trying to bring down SP's who did not see him on the side.
My post had nothing to do with Rebecca, just showing who Ricky Bonds really is.

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
BS........ You told me you were broke till payday and need the money to see her, you also tols me you were too broke to pay me back all at once. I have no reason to lie at all but you o the onther hand, you even admitted to lying in one of your posts.
Now, how about my other questions about you answering the text from a SP I called and your reply that you have 5 in your stable? Also the review you did about the free agency girl ( you told me the agency name and you did review ).... And the other point that you claimed to walk out on Rebecca when you did not even see her.
You are lucky that there are very gullable people on Merb.
Try and answer the questions above.
And a reminder, I sent the mods proof of this to get my thread opened again.... Waiting for a reply.

Broke till payday, no thats bs.. you offered to pay for free sex in a public post, i took you up on it, get over it!!
I dont wan't to turn this into a pissing contest..but you really are one lost, blind individual who has no idea..does he?
Do we really have to break out our t-1's to t-9's ?
Too broke to pay you pack, no..i clearly said in my post at that point i deliberately made you wait due to your pompous, condescending attitude (after your threats and my initial mishap with interac transfer)
There is a paragraph and many words concerning the booking, that is no secret and you seem to be the only one unaware of this?
Free agency girl? Nope, thats complete bs, i have the screenshot as well, i sent the text remember?
I said 'i was gifted a session and it has nothing to do with our arrangement'...never mentioned a name, never mentioned an sp, nada, because there wasn't one. So i never told you an agency name, bullshit.

And all this is clearly written earlier in way more polite words..
Much of this is extremely redundant and really just irrelevant banter that ressembles a democrat vs republican debate turning in circles..
I am not the one criticizing your motives, i actually support them as left field as they are.
I apologized, i offered on several occasions to do whatever it takes in your perception of things to make it right..and you chose instead to have a public discussion.. i don't even mind that you did that, more power to you if this somehow brought you some justice.
I said what happened on a public forum and here we are..
I wish you well in whatever endeavours you have going on in your life and i hope you aren't losing sleep over any of this.
In the end this wont even be a tiny blip on my 2016 radar either, just a stupid situation that went too far, made for an interesting soap opera.. and leaked into a hilarious comment in the loft hotel thread.( ( ) ........but it will die right here with this last period.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
.i clearly said in my post at that point i deliberately made you wait due to your pompous, condescending attitude.

I dont remember this ?

Where ?

Best Regards



Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Its right there, first post

You must have modified your post after you originally posted

Must be learning from your new law buddy :lol:

Best Regards


Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
Im going to watch General Hospital, its getting good, i think Luke is going to finally propose to laura.....:whoo:

Thor Jr

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
You must have modified your post after you originally posted Must be learning from your new law buddy :lol:

Best Regards


I'm not mad at you smuler.
Standing up for your friend when you think he was right is a stand up thing to do..its kind of cute actually.

(Btw when you edit a post you can see the last date and time it was edited at the bottom of the post, Its been there for a few days now)


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
I'm not mad at you smuler.
Standing up for your friend when you think he was right is a stand up thing to do..its kind of cute actually.

I'm not mad at you either Ricky...:D

Best Regards



Jun 14, 2015
Franchement les gars... C'est vraiment la place pour jaser de tout ça?

Pour la plupart de nous, vous n'êtes que des nicknames... En d'autres mots, on se câlisse de vos chicanes.

Vous me direz que si j'en ai rien à foutre, alors je n'ai qu'à ne pas vous lire... Ben c'est ce que je fais, je ne vous lis pas.

Mais j'interviens en espérant qu'un modérateur mettra un terme à tout ça car si on ouvre la porte des règlements de compte, elle sera très difficile à refermer.

Alors, les gars, trouvez-vous donc une ruelle...

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
My only satisfaction from this is the many pm's I am getting for exposing the broke ass shiller you really are. Hopefully the people who gave you freebies for reviews realize that they mean nothing now. You know that I am telling the truth about everything I say.
Lesson to you, do not try to fuck with someone you do not k now. Edit.( Sorry about last comment, hard work day but it makes sense )

And you still never answered my question as to why you answered the Sp's ph texts or your false claim to walk away from the SP, Mods have proof of both.
Second edit

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
My only satisfaction from this is the many pm's I am getting for exposing the broke ass shiller you really are. Hopefully the people who gave you freebies for reviews realize that they mean nothing now. You know that I am telling the truth about everything I say.
Lesson to you, do not try to fuck with someone you do not know.

Lol. :lol::lol:
Last edited:

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
(Btw when you edit a post you can see the last date and time it was edited at the bottom of the post, Its been there for a few days now)

Odd, I just edited my post ( last one ) and no date and time is stamped. Maybe it is just my luck
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