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full disclosure: here we go..

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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
By the way, this could be A blue throll that hacked Cinderella merb account...
I believe someone should check directly with her.

I'm friends with troll, no hack. She's confirmed with me that this Ricky guy is a real scum bag.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Thanks TigerWould (hoping your account has not been hacked too lol).

I'm looking forward to see Ricky's next stunt :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
According to the evolution of ricky's experience from his multiple reviews in Cinderella Review Thread, I thought at some point there was more than just client/sp relationship between them.

Could this coming out from her be a jealous Girlfriend vengence?


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
According to the evolution of ricky's experience from his multiple reviews in Cinderella Review Thread, I thought at some point there was more than just client/sp relationship between them.

Could this coming out from her be a jealous Girlfriend vengence?

I can guarantee they have no such relationship nor "arrangement".


New Member
Nov 1, 2013
After reading this whole thread and the associated one from STN, all I can say is "When you play with fire, you eventually get burned".

I have to thank Ricky for his review of Cinderella, as I would never have met her otherwise.

However, I got to know Cinderella very well over quite a few meeting with her, and as TigerWood, I believe her 1000% when she tells me about the lies and manipulation.

Et dits moi cest qui le mechant qui a pas ete gentil avec toi? Je vais lui parlé moi..;)

It's funny to see what someone can say to show off in "good standing" when in fact he's the one playing tricks to the girls he's seeing. What a shame!



Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
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Les modérateurs ont été avertit la semaine dernière. J'espère qu'il prendront la bonne décision..

Bon quelqu'un veux être mon body gard
? ... J'espère ne pas avoir de problèmes ou me faire dégonfler mes pneus d'auto... :help:

J'ai pas tout lis encore.... Mais si une femme a besoin d'aide ....JE SUIS LA ANYTIME !
P.S. damn that thread is tooo long loll..anyway Cinderella if you need ...PM me ...
Can someone resume briefly....= Ricky bond ban And Cinderella affraid...i dont like that even if i dont know her grrr


New Member
Nov 1, 2013
Yup its confirmed RB is banned. For those of you who wish to know why RB was banned there's a thread called MERB Suspensions: Check here for why and how

If you wanna know if he really has been banned and why goto this link

Actually it's here... (Click the little arrow on the quote title)


Posting reviews in exchange for free services
We suggest members use their best judgement of the objectivity and integrity of his reviews.

Why am I not surprised? It's funny, in December he was trying to push me to meet his new "protégée", Victoria, and when I asked him if he was getting some kind of advantages for "helping" her (he was handling all bookings for her at the time), and he said he wasn't. Mmmmm... LOL!

OK. Maybe I should shut up now, but Cinderella is the most sensitive and adorable young woman I ever met, and she didn't deserve that shit.



Oct 21, 2011
Top of the mountain
In any case, thats pretty cool, i wish somebody would do that for me in term of escorts hahaha. Next time think Halloween Mike, i will sacrify myself(wink wink) for a free session :p And my schedule is much more open than some people LOL. Ok ok i stop :p
I second that and we should a thread for broke hobbyist like me who will give a honest review against money :) ( full disclosure of sponsor obligatory)
Like any good columnist or blogger hour honest review will save you time . Let's make it a profession and travel the world , make it cable tv ...
Hell is full of good intention !!!
The best way to help a sw is to be honest with hour self and the lady !


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The vast majority of SPs can smell a guy who is a cheapass and deliver service accordingly so when you say you will give an "honest review", it's honest only from one point of view and not reflecting that the girl is giving a service she gives to her perceived cheapass clients, while she delivers a better service to better paying clients. This is all or should be common sense. Therefore I do not trust the cheapass hobbyist's review. Furthermore the cheapass hobbyists tend to pick out the very low end SPs they can afford, or who are more likely to give a freebie or discounted service to them, and then overrate them - whereas the higher end or market SPs usually are a better quality SP in looks and service. Granted there are gems at all levels of the market, but when a girl is discovered to be a gem she gets paid accordingly as per the laws of the marketplace and basic rules of supply and demand. Reviews may initially influence the demand but if a girl is overrated and then she does not get repeat clients, eventually there is a market correction in the price or she is fired or if an indy, ceases charging a high rate. Conversely an SP in solid demand wanting to work less may increase her prices accordingly and get away with it as simple good business planning. Example: Chloe of Euphoria- i have never met her privately but she has had many great reviews over a sustained period of time, raised her rates dramatically, works less and still gets great reviews at $300/hour.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Just as a followup to the last post: if in fact as posted by the Mods Ricky Bonds was getting freebies for reviews, he got those freebies because he likely has persuasive verbal communications skills and other talents (looks, body language) talking to the girls that most guys do not possess. I never met Ricky, but from his posts, I sense an ability to talk smoothly with women. Many guys I have seen, at VIP events and such, freeze up with the girl. I can recall one MERBiste in particular who at a party, when a certain SP walked into the room, spoke to me of his immense fear in trying to approach her and talk to her. Women read these body language cues; they are attracted to confident and intelligent men. If all else is equal in looks and hygiene, the guy who gets a better mileage or service is one whose presence is comfortable to the SP, and who also projects confidence. My best guess is that Ricky, if he did rack up sessions that were freebies, possessed these talents and skills in spades. Whether he told the girls he was opening an MP in Laval or was the son of the Molson family doesn't really matter. He was a persuader and one must have the verbal skills, the intelligence and the body language to pull it off. Very few true cheapass guys have any real combination of those talents. The execution and art of persuading women to have sex for free is not easy and it's like a football or hockey team performing at a high level, there must be great execution on each play. Not everyone can do it- in fact, very few guys can. It is easy for rich guys to get women, but at the working class level these other skills are paramount.
Jan 22, 2012
( Y )
Well said I agree strongly with what you said in both posts, but don't forget this, a low priced sp can give a good enough service just as much as a higher priced sp. Yes ofcourse it can be worse, but it can also be just as good or even better, it depends on how you go about things and I guess also the luck of the draw! While I do I care about how much the sp is charging me, it all depends. For me its my budget, instincts, sp looks, sp texts, sp conversation, sp reviews, etc.....
I don't think you should only base your selection on the high quality service reviews cause there's other things involved. If you base your selection on high end sp reviews, your gonna be missing out on a lot of other nice women too!!!

Your welcome ladies!

The vast majority of SPs can smell a guy who is a cheapass and deliver service accordingly so when you say you will give an "honest review", it's honest only from one point of view and not reflecting that the girl is giving a service she gives to her perceived cheapass clients, while she delivers a better service to better paying clients. This is all or should be common sense. Therefore I do not trust the cheapass hobbyist's review. Furthermore the cheapass hobbyists tend to pick out the very low end SPs they can afford, or who are more likely to give a freebie or discounted service to them, and then overrate them - whereas the higher end or market SPs usually are a better quality SP in looks and service. Granted there are gems at all levels of the market, but when a girl is discovered to be a gem she gets paid accordingly as per the laws of the marketplace and basic rules of supply and demand. Reviews may initially influence the demand but if a girl is overrated and then she does not get repeat clients, eventually there is a market correction in the price or she is fired or if an indy, ceases charging a high rate. Conversely an SP in solid demand wanting to work less may increase her prices accordingly and get away with it as simple good business planning. Example: Chloe of Euphoria- i have never met her privately but she has had many great reviews over a sustained period of time, raised her rates dramatically, works less and still gets great reviews at $300/hour.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The vast majority of SPs can smell a guy who is a cheapass and deliver service accordingly so when you say you will give an "honest review", it's honest only from one point of view and not reflecting that the girl is giving a service she gives to her perceived cheapass clients, while she delivers a better service to better paying clients. This is all or should be common sense. Therefore I do not trust the cheapass hobbyist's review. Furthermore the cheapass hobbyists tend to pick out the very low end SPs they can afford, or who are more likely to give a freebie or discounted service to them, and then overrate them - whereas the higher end or market SPs usually are a better quality SP in looks and service. Conversely an SP in solid demand wanting to work less may increase her prices accordingly and get away with it as simple good business planning.

Hmm. That is part of the story but not the whole one. On the other extreme part of the spectrum SPs can smell a sucker from a mile away. A sucker is a naive individual who completely lacks swagg, lacks confidence, and is not assertive the least bit. So he throws money around easily and thinks women will love him or give better because he is giving money easily. Sex workers take advantage of clients like this because they are simply suckers. Suckers get least service and pay top dollars. Sex workers love suckers since they are easy clients. I seen it all the time at stripclubs. I meet some Merbites here and really some are so shy and got zero confidence. When a stripper overcounts she does not do it at random she picks the suckers the shy ones who got no confidence. If you are a mugger you are going to pick the loan weak one. That is common sense. All strippers have taken advantage of a client at one point granted some are con artists but if she gets a slick swagg client that will not work on him. Same principal with anything in life including SPs.

I know I will be shot down for this but I said it many times that paying upfront is stupid especially to SPs with no reviews. Once she gets her money you got absolutely no assurance that you will get what you were promised. This applies to SPs with no reviews and no rep that is non Merb SPs. And about paying more you do not get better the best things in life are free and no one can give you better sex then your GF. Based on my personal experience that I had with stripper take outs with, I had my best sessions with the girls I paid the least money with and my worst sessions were the ones I paid the most for. So there is no direct correlation between paying more and getting better service. This is human relations not a thing or product you are purchasing. Those higher priced service providers are just much better at selling themselves and marketing. They usually got very high end websites with clever introductions. Being smart with your money does not make you a cheapass but throwing your money around makes you a sucker. However there are some very few who do have a lot of money and that amount is pocket change to them. Just be realistic with your finances.

I cannot call this a hobby because it definitely is anything but a hobby. It is a need whether it be sex, emotional, or anything else that has been commercialized. Let us be honest here. Anyone can write whatever they want behind a keyboard who knows the truth.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Just as a followup to the last post: if in fact as posted by the Mods Ricky Bonds was getting freebies for reviews, he got those freebies because he likely has persuasive verbal communications skills and other talents (looks, body language) talking to the girls that most guys do not possess. I never met Ricky, but from his posts, I sense an ability to talk smoothly with women. Many guys I have seen, at VIP events and such, freeze up with the girl. I can recall one MERBiste in particular who at a party, when a certain SP walked into the room, spoke to me of his immense fear in trying to approach her and talk to her. Women read these body language cues; they are attracted to confident and intelligent men. If all else is equal in looks and hygiene, the guy who gets a better mileage or service is one whose presence is comfortable to the SP, and who also projects confidence. My best guess is that Ricky, if he did rack up sessions that were freebies, possessed these talents and skills in spades. Whether he told the girls he was opening an MP in Laval or was the son of the Molson family doesn't really matter. He was a persuader and one must have the verbal skills, the intelligence and the body language to pull it off. Very few true cheapass guys have any real combination of those talents. The execution and art of persuading women to have sex for free is not easy. Not everyone can do it- in fact, very few guys can. It is easy for rich guys to get women, but at the working class level these other skills are paramount.

What you described here and I mentioned it in my previous reply to you is what I call "Swagg" something that a lot of guys have. Think of it as a salesman selling a product... You have to market your product and convince those ppl to buy it. Same principal. You got to talk good and make females feel good around you and to feel attraction. The guys with the most ladies are also the best manipulators. A lot of clients are so shy, lack social skills especially with women, do not know how to talk, completely lack confidence and assertiveness, many are very anxious around women. Ask yourself this would you be interested in this type of person? Their only option is to pay to fulfill a need. RickyBonds is smart he got all those freebies STN was naive. Now he is being honest instead of pretending this to be some kind of morality move he clearly had a grudge against someone else who we have not heard from. STN gives a guy money, there is no written contract and no court of law that will recognize it. RickyBonds could have disappeared. STN is lucky to get his money back. And one last thing I should add money can never buy a womens heart or love... It can only buy her body... When the money is gone so is the woman. When a woman is in love she will move heaven and earth for her man whether he be poor or rich. Many strippers share their earnings willingly with their BFs, no violence or coercion used. I like this post very much because it summarizes the reality. When a woman feels good with the man she is with she will give herself. Women like confident smooth men. Not nervous shy men with no confidence who think money will get them a woman. Lol
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