Montreal Escorts

Lack of Professionalism... Not good at all


New Member
Apr 25, 2016
I also had a bad experience with Mojo the girl never showed up and a friend of mines SP was too intoxicated. Never bothered reviewing but just wanted to mention since I am not the only one... I don't think Halloween Mike is a new member and his anger was backed up. Question is how many others have Mojo done wrong and didn't make up for? I also do not think Mojo would care about him or offer him anything if he hadn't make this thread so I encourage others to speak up about them even if they are not necessarily known like Halloween Mike. Try all you want to appear as professional but the truth we know what kind of people behind the agency and many of you know it. Their website is one of the best but that's about all they got going and how they get clients who don't know any better. Agencies are more reliable but they will never get a penny from me.

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012


New Member
Apr 7, 2016
@MojoEscorts well I don't feel the need to defend myself.
I stay behind everything I said.
2 hours before the meeting, I did make mistakes with the address and I wrote about this in my initial post.
As for 'bragging' that I said fuck off, I actually wanted to be transparent about it.
As for saying I am just here to bash Mojo, I just recommended trying Nelly in another post.
I don't care about you, you are blocked.
As for posting 3 posts about this, well you ruined my night kiddo so I wanted to make sure everyone knows about this.
Lastly but not the least, you could have been a big boy and simply texting me : we are not coming for X reason.
Maybe you are looking at too much rap video clips, Mojo is a company, like any company in North America.
No one cares about your success so stop it with your mottos coming from the streets.
If you have happy customers, good for you and them.
You gave me the worst booking experience ever and ruined my night so that's it.


New Member
Apr 7, 2016
As most people know, it is in our habit to credit or make up for any unsatisfied client, in your case we will not offer anything to you.

Are you 12 ? At least be mature about this and say that you maybe messed up.
At least 10+ members here have spoken about bad experience.
Buddy, I don't care about freebies and as I said in my post, I don't want ANYTHING from you or your agency.
Focus on your customers and take it as a lesson, like big boys do.

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
Who's success ,would that be ?

What is the truth here ?



I have been firmly consulted and advised not to respond to a bookerL comment or the back and forth will never end, most of it being senseless banter that ultimately goes nowhere, mostly comprised of useless quotes that only he who is quoting understands the relevance..

I plead the fifth and put a watch in my watch winder


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
I hesitate to weigh in. Anyone who has been around this "hobby" for a while knows that cancellations and delays are par for the course. I try to roll with it. My last two times in Montreal I had one late cancellation (an indy) and one delay (an agency); both times worked out fine in the end. That said, I don't think it's appropriate to blame the girls for being "flaky" or to refer to "these kind of girls." We know the score but it's also important to promote respect for the women in the business; agencies should not be undermining their own employees.

I agree with this. Mojo is being singled out but I had it happen with other agencies, you have to expect that "shit happens" or get out of the hobby. In the distant past I did catch an agency (which is no longer in business) constantly putting a girl on their website who wasn't working. I would call and they would tell me she is sick or had her period and yet hours after my call she was still shown as "on today" and they would bump the thread and not take down her pic from the "on today" section. Very deceiptful and I did post about it. I didn't call them again. The angriest I ever got was with an agency that is also out of business now, which one day strung me along for about 6 hours, kept delaying the appointment and then finally cancelled it saying the girl had cancelled, and by the time they told me this it was too late to do anything else. Since then I don't allow myself to be strung along, if the girl cannot come when I want her there, I move on and I call someone else.

This hobby is not for the weak of heart, or those who lack fortitude and resolve. You have to have a clear vision of your booking agenda and your plans A-D and how they will play out, otherwise you are just waiting around for bad things to happen. From what I have read too many guys putting too many eggs in one basket, getting sloppy with communication and booking protocol, and not establishing a good rapport with bookers they don't know.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I had a recent bump from an indy from 1 to 3 and could not fit it in, scrambled to find another and ended up at the Econolodge, yes shit happens and you need to adapt. This happens to dentists, doctors, dinner reservations etc.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
A lot of people think that this business is just like a regular business. It's not. As far as I know as a client we are all bandidos. So you may say all the good you want about some girls and some agency, fine. You may describe something you did not like about a some girl and agency, fine. That is fair and that is what we need on this board. But to go on an all out rant like vivo did, not sure about it. It leaves more doubt than answer. Beside, we do not know who are behind these agencies and all these girls as sweet as they are with us all have their own temper and attitude. And we do not know who is behind vivo. So yes, expect that just like in any regular relationship, you could end up in bed all by yourself! Shit happens!


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
STN we were writing at the same time, have I read your post first I would not have written mine ;)


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
To be fully honest, after seeing that attitude, and her not showing, i told the booker to fuck off.

I work in the management field. I'm not Warren Buffet but I am 10000% sure this agency is going downhill with that attitude.

Note to Mojo :

Do not contact me, and do not lie pretending you offered me alternatives or anything like that, because you didn't. Also, do not contact me to offer free time or discounts to make me shut up, I am not interested. I am sure you have happy customers but I must write this post here because as someone that comes in town for business and plans his nights in a meticulous manner, you made me waste my time.

I don't care about you, you are blocked.
As for posting 3 posts about this, well you ruined my night kiddo so I wanted to make sure everyone knows about this.
You gave me the worst booking experience ever and ruined my night so that's it.

vivo's posts aren't making him look good. Unfortunately he's coming off looking a bit immature and spoiled in his attitude.

When Halloween Mike posted about his incident, he just stated it. He didn't go into a wild rant saying things like "I don't want you to contact me!"..."you ruined my night man!"..."I'm blocking you"..."I'm in management(?)", etc.

It sucks what happened to you vivo, and I feel for your situation. But geez....relax, it's not life and death. Live and learn, you reported it, now move on. Because disappointments like that happen in this hobby quite a bit. It's best to stay on top of it by reading reviews, seeing which agencies/indys have the best rep, etc.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
After a long business meeting, I book Eva around 7 PM for her to come to my Airbnb location at 9 PM. It was my 1st time with them and I was very excited to have Eva.I made a small mistake when giving my location but I booked 2 hours in advance so no big deal. I ask for rate (220) and I confirm twice my name and appartment <...> Between 8 and 9, I text the agency saying I was ready.She never showed up. They never answered. Big zero.

1-Most of the time when we have clients with Ontario area code, we serve common places.
2-You gave us an address in Hochelaga which is uncommon, plus you gave our booker 3 different addresses, that turned out to be residential(3182,3155,3165 Hochelaga
3- when we took the time to call back to check on the incoming number, we got a text app...... which is often used by competition to entrap us..
4- we then decided to ignore your call and booking out of simple precaution.

To be fair, Mojo could've at least given him the heads up that their girl wasn't going to show up, so he could make other arrangements.

For all vivo knew, the girl might have been on her way to his place, so he was sort of locked in the situation he was in where he couldn't go anywhere, arrange to see another girl, etc.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hello all
I book Eva around 7 PM for her to come to my Airbnb location at 9 PM. It was my 1st time with them and I was very excited to have Eva.I made a small mistake when giving my location but I booked 2 hours in advance so no big deal.
A client makes a mistake in giving is address isn't a first and not the last .
Clients being late ,agencies being late is a common situation in this business

2-You gave us an address in Hochelaga which is uncommon, plus you gave our booker 3 different addresses, that turned out to be residential(3182,3155,3165 Hochelaga
If the Booker isn't satisfied ,that the call is real ,it is certainly is prerogative ,not to go ,its called screening,however when that is the case the minimum ,professionalism is to let the client know ,that you cannot serve him,added to the fact that Laila post identifies valid airbnb locations on Hochelaga ,kind a voids the argument ,that providing a address in or on Hochelaga ,the street/Boul. or the area

There is airbnb in hochelaga, its a residential area, from dezery to radisson i can count at least 7 locations ...but unless you take an appointment with them, you can't know the exact address.. : airbnb




Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
To be fair, Mojo could've at least given him the heads up that their girl wasn't going to show up, so he could make other arrangements

When you think someone is bogus in life you don't bother with them. Mojo obviously thought vivo was a bogus, crank call. Mojo said the dude gave a wrong address (which he admitted doing) and there is no AirBnB in that area, which is described as a terrible neighborhood. I worked in the pizza delivery business and we would get bogus calls from nonexistent addresses, usually from kids. No need to call back because you cannot deliver a pie (or a girl) to an address that doesn't exist. If the person did call us back we would tell them you gave us a bad address and you can come in and pick up a pie but they didn't call back because crank calls are just that, a crank. And in a $15,000/night pizza delivery business, on a Friday night, you don't have the time to be calling back every person to verify their information, and if they want the food they will call back, anyway.

Of course with a pizza you just lose the time of driver and making a pizza, with a girl the agency possible jeopardizes her safety sending her out to a nonexistent address that it knows to be nonexistent, in a very bad neighborhood (not to mention wasting her time and the driver's time).

To me there was some miscommunication which was started by the client and vivo's main purpose here is to take shots at Mojo and kick the proverbial horse while it is down. But as I read the story vivo created the miscommunication, got the bad vibe rolling in a big way, and the "shit happens" all flowed from that.

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
Maybe you are looking at too much rap video clips, Mojo is a company, like any company in North America.
No one cares about your success so stop it with your mottos coming from the streets.

Whats with all the rapophobia? What do rap videos have to do with anything? And whats the relevance of 'mottos coming from the streets' ?
Sounds like something an old white guy would say


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
I agree with charmer_.

Vivo booked in advance. The booking was accepted at that time by Mojo.
The least professional thing Mojo should have done when they identified Vivo as a potential prank was to let him know they would not send the girl.

Not that I defend vivo's post. He is just way over reacting. Just to describe the situation would have been enough...

Hans Solo

New Member
Mar 23, 2012
The lack pr professionalism in the SP and MP business is due to the transient nature of the people going in and exiting.


New Member
Oct 31, 2016
I just want to say that i am very new to the hobby. I have had my first 2 experiences recently, both from MOJO and they were great. The girls were what i ordered, and great professional service. The first time they were 10 minutes late (who the hell cares). So to see this thread after surprised me. I highly recommend this company.
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