Montreal Escorts

Lack of Professionalism... Not good at all

Jan 3, 2013
HM, I feel your pain! I can speak from experience, it is tough when you are visiting La Belle Ville for a short visit and have your sights set on a specific girl. That's funny story about Mike4U and Nikki/Emma/Talia, wish he had done the same for me the 3 times I pre-booked her and she canceled lol. Always enjoy your posts and your tell-it-like-it-is style.

I think you would have to admit you made a risky move by relying on (1) prebooking (2) with an unreviewed girl (3) through one of the nighttime agencies. This is not the best recipe for success.

Although agencies keep trying to do prebooking, it doesn't seem to work very well lol. Even James has thrown in the towel, and if he can't make it work, I'm not sure anyone can. Although James used much more diplomatic language than Adam/Mojo, I think the underlying reasons are similar. But you would know more than most from your stint as a booker.

I don't know if this has always been the case, but the nighttime agencies seem to be much less focused on customer service and satisfaction. Mojo made a big splash when they showed up last year and for a while seemed to be covering all the bases with day/night and incall/outcall. When they first started having a roster of 15+ girls per day, I remember they did a post on MERB about their iPhone scheduling system that allowed them to handle so many girls lol. But now they seem to have settled into a nighttime agency. In my very limited experience with the nighttime agencies, they all have issues, but Mojo has seemed like the best house in a bad neighborhood. The other nighttime agency that posts regularly on MERB gets all the bad comments about it deleted :rolleyes: Anyway, not my problem as I avoid all of the nighttime agencies due to both the type of girls they have and the service issues.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Its true that on this one my fandom took the best of me. I mean i saw her porno, i was like "oh my god" and i tough to myself i HAVE to see her, who knows how long she will be around. I was not even supose to come to mtl this month ;)

I had good luck with pre-booking a year or 2 ago, especially with Mike4U. And its true that usually i try to book for 4 or 5 pm, this way its easier to rely on plan b in the nighttime if things do not work out.

In any case Mojo has offered compensation, wich i accepted but it will have to be in a month or so as i don't go to MTL 2 times in a row, and ill post about it when it happen. In the meantime the situation is "settled".


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Wow if this is true ...Mojo is awesome:thumb:

He ended up seeing an Indy when his plans went up in smoke...

Why is Mojo awesome..they had nothing to do with the Indy saving his weekend ? :noidea:

Best Regards


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
That sucks Halloween Mike. Wow I am reading more and more of these types of situation lately from Merb agencies. Funny that Laila McCole posts in this thread but she pulled a bait and switch also with Alexia... I see now she corrected it... She removed the girls photos and changed it to light GFE this is how she should have been advertised as in the first place but obviously she will not sell as easily. Unfortunately HM it all boils down to money... I always said this is kind of law of the streets and this industry is unregulated. They can do whatever they want and the only thing that is kind of keeping them in check is Merb... Their rep is on the line. As for Mojo Escorts terminology I concur with him... Most of these girls are unreliable it is a fact and avoiding that makes no sense. They are so young and lack maturity and a sense of responsibility. I can see how it can be a challenge for an agency to manage bookings when girls can be so unreliable. I remember years ago I booked this gorgeous Black girl Foxy from ChocolateLoveDivas... The times I used them they are have been very reliable... The guy called me to let me know to not go to the motel as he fired the girl... He said she was unreliable she would skip a lot of bookings or just be AWOL. This impacts the clients and then the rep of the agency then therefore business. Booker L should have insight on managing bookings and the unreliability of the girls. Moral is unreliability comes with the territory knowing your situation you should have backups. Always have a back up plan even if that is the girl you are eyeing just have a plan B because anything can happen.


Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
Visit site
He ended up seeing an Indy when his plans went up in smoke...

Why is Mojo awesome..they had nothing to do with the Indy saving his weekend ? :noidea:

Best Regards

Why because Mojo gave him à free hour with the girl of is choice for ALL the trouble ...i think it is a good statement that at least they care in that case ...MY point of view .


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
this kind of business is not about the bookers (it help, sure) but about the girls, they are the ones who works their ass off... even if we are owner and says:'' you work for me when you are here''. We are in fact working for them so they stay and help us getting better and growing in the industry..

Hello Laila and all

I am sorry ,but something seems incoherent somewhere ,
- Why is there a Best agency contest on this Board?
-Why is there a Bookers awesomeness thread?,

If they really have no impact in fact?why those thread are supported by experienced hobbyist ,so somewhere in the equation ,some does believe ,that they do matter ,isn't it reasonable ?



Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
In fact it did pissed me off ! They should show more respect for their girls, they are the ones bringing money into their business, whitout ''theses kind of girls'' they would not be existent.. and because of ''theses kind of girls'' they have been able to open their doors and provide the services they say they are giving, and build the clientele they have today, this kind of business is not about the bookers (it help, sure) but about the girls, they are the ones who works their ass off... even if we are owner and says:'' you work for me when you are here''. We are in fact working for them so they stay and help us getting better and growing in the industry..

Without the ladies........there is no business.

What happened with HM is not something new, and it will continue to happen, like mentioned before, the agency can not control if an SP will be in or not the day you made the appointment for, but when agencies start lying to you on the phone about why there's a delay in your appointment, then that's on the agency and when you call to complain about an SP and they hang up on you or ask you to call back after, cause they had other calls and cant give you the time to address the situation, and you call back, again, again and again with them now not answering your calls, that's on the agencies. And to be honest, 80 percent of my incidents were with one agency, so, do i toss it up to the frequency of service with this agency or just their way of doing business, this is why i simply decided to not use this agency anymore, even if one of my ATF is working there, i will wait for her to leave this agency before i will see her again.

I am happy HM started this thread, it helps to get things out into the open and off our chests.

Thor Jr

Thor Jr


Born to Pleasure Women!
Jul 30, 2005
My two cents,

Had tried to inquire about/book my at the time fave at Mojo and asked them several questions but maybe got one response. Sometimes I ask about other girls, and again no response. For that reason, I have never booked with them and I probably never will. My money will be spent elsewhere.

Have inquired about and booked with Vogue and they come through all of the time, no matter the request or question.

Usually have no issues with booking or response to questions but I can't see myself calling to book a girl when I can't even get a simple response. I am glad they solved your issue though, HM. :)



Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Why because Mojo gave him à free hour with the girl of is choice for ALL the trouble ...i think it is a good statement that at least they care in that case ...MY point of view .

Ok now I understand

But it was very confusing why you quoted my post about booking with an Indy ??

Best Regards


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
Hello Ladies and Gents and Thor Jr

Where would any business be without any communication media ,without search engine rankings ,without marketing and merchandising ?

Even Indies need to promote themselves ?

I think you're missing the point here. Everyone agrees that good management is important; this thread is in fact emphasizing that fact by calling out an agency for doing a poor job and calling for better customer service. We are all very appreciative when an agency is responsible to its clients and respectful to its employees. In fact, that's one of the underlying themes on this board: we can all see which agencies are thriving and which ones are struggling. And many of us have been around long enough to know that it must be very difficult to maintain top-notch service since agencies come and go, shine and dim. Sic transit gloria mundi.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Why because Mojo gave him à free hour with the girl of is choice for ALL the trouble ...i think it is a good statement that at least they care in that case ...MY point of view .

I know Mike did not respond to their last message but would the offer still be there if he did call back and this was not posted here. Never heard of an agency giving a freeby due to a cancellation, just my thought.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I think you're missing the point here. Everyone agrees that good management is important; this thread is in fact emphasizing that fact by calling out an agency for doing a poor job and calling for better customer service. We are all very appreciative when an agency is responsible to its clients and respectful to its employees. In fact, that's one of the underlying themes on this board: we can all see which agencies are thriving and which ones are struggling. And many of us have been around long enough to know that it must be very difficult to maintain top-notch service since agencies come and go, shine and dim. Sic transit gloria mundi.

Hello talkinghead and all

I agree mostly with what you say ,however I was responding to isolated comments on this thread and I also agree that this business is about the ladies and that the ladies should be the ones to shine ,which sadly is not always the case
it must be very difficult to maintain top-notch service since agencies come and go, shine and dim. Sic transit gloria mundi.

Yes agencies come and go ,change names and/or admin
But ladies also come and go and change names ,agencies to Indies back and forth !

Its a come and go industry




Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Never heard of an agency giving a freeby due to a cancellation, just my thought.

Hello STN

Reading HM starting comments on the situation quoted below ,it is not the cancellation which is the worst but the lack of communicating the infos ,so the freeby should be obvious for any agencies ,mistake do happen ,but correcting it is the marketing think to do

Yet Mojo never contacted me to say it would be canceled on sunday, and they even listed her on monday, probably turning back everybody that tried to see her. She ain't on the website anymore as of today... Thus proving what she said was right.




Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Everybody knows here that we always need a plan B in this hobby. You also need to confirm the booking. You acted like an unprofessional hobbyist, HM.

Thx god, there is one thing you excel in : using Merb to get a free hour.. ;)

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Reading HM starting comments on the situation quoted below ,it is not the cancellation which is the worst but the lack of communicating the infos ,so the freeby should be obvious for any agencies ,mistake do happen ,but correcting it is the marketing think to do

That was not my point, I have had cancellations and at best I received a minimal discount ( guessing agency never took their fee ) which was appreciated but not expected. I think that if Mike did call back that a freeby would not have been offered, it probably was offered because of this thread.
I have had many contractors or employees make errors which cause an inconvience in time and money, it is expected as they are human. I never expect monetary compensation ( dinner, hockey tickets which have been offered for larger fuckups ) just a simple sorry and that the incident does not happen again or at least not in the very near future or they are off my list.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Nothing incoherent at all, it seems very clear why the best agency thread is on a sex board :lol: the voting is quite interesting as well, or lack of regarding this thread. Why no link for that thread, book :confused:

As far as the second "incoherent" listing below, that is also very clear and comes with a simple explanation as well, James IS Awesome (one of the best bookers ever)
I am sorry ,but something seems incoherent somewhere ,
- Why is there a Best agency contest on this Board?
-Why is there a Bookers awesomeness thread?,

Cheers Booker
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