Personally, as someone who would had voted Trump (base on his first presidency) vs both Biden or Harris, i would regret it deeply now. Yes i do share points with Trump, like going harder on ILLEGAL immigrations and making sure legal immigrations is better handle. I also like that he support Israel a lot more than Biden ever did. And when it comes to "woke" and DEI policies, well it would be a long debate but i think the western world have gone too far during the last few years and it created the need to "risen up a monster". I like this quote for The Dark Knight where the mafia turn to the Joker in an act of desperation because Batman pushed them too far. I kinda feel the same. Im someone wich is very open to left politics. I always supported gay rights/weddings, equalities in races and so on. But our govs (Canada probably even more) have been really pushing things i can't support and Hollywood has gone too far in injecting woke stuff in the medias. If i play a medieval fantasy RPG, its not to be lectured on pronouns and other "current day stuff".
The whole "you either 100% an allie to our community or you are the ennemy" really pushed away peoples like me who never had an issue with ANY minorities. I have the right to my opinions and thinking for instance that no a male born boxer should not be competing against women. Same with track and field or other sports. I have no issues with that person being trans (at all) and of course they should not be discriminated in any day to day stuff. But sports have rules, there is male and female sports for a reason. And thats because males are biogicaly stronger than women, its just factual. You put the male Canada hockey team vs the female team and they would win by such a large margin (not to mention probably injured female players with some hits too).
So yes maybe im bious because im Canadian and when i hear "51st State" my blood boil and i realize that we were once USA little cousin and now this current President seem to see us like a burden and want to rob us of our identity? But its not just us. His threats are worst against Groenland and he abandon Ukraine wich have been bravely fighting for 3 years to keep their sovereignity.
So yes maybe without Trump, the Israelis hostage would still be in Gaza and man am i happy they (at least a lot of them including women) are out of this hellhole, but at what price for the rest of the world? Seeing Putin hand in hand with Trump is very disturbing. I would not want to live like they do in Russia. Did you even knew Youtube is banned there? I didn't. Thats ridiculous ! And the number of peoples who "fall from windows" ... yeah right. Its just a disguised dictature.. You can't oppose Putin.
I know the hardest MAGA will always stay the same (they are like that) but i hope most "regular American" who voted Trump regret it now and realize what Monster they unleashed.