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  1. F


    Yeah, as usual, misleading in the sense that they try to insinuate that the death are due to the virus without making it super clear, especially since they know that it is not. Life expectancy has increased despite the pandemic. Now, the trend is maybe lower, but it is clear that it is not...
  2. F


    The World Deaths in 2021, How Many Deaths in The World 2021 | Dead or Kicking total death in 2021 is 69 millions, for 74 millions population growth, and that is an increase of 0.7 percent from the previous year. So apparently COVID did not stop our population growth, so relax. Actually COVID...
  3. F

    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    Yes, it has become much clearer by now that taking the Vaccine increases your likelihood of getting the Virus. I believe it was the French Medical Professor, Didier Raoult, who was the first to come up with this conclusion. The mild symptoms are because of the Virus's variant and not because...
  4. F


    It is "They" not "Him". The way politics work is through groups of interests. The markets are divided between big corporations in many industries. We all know about the Petroleum Cartel, the Gun Industry, the Tobacco Industry, etc... Every decade or so, you get some sectors dominating over...
  5. F


    They just cannot let go. Too much money to be made out of it. I am certain Trudeau is upset that his plans did not work, so they are trying to keep the "fear" floating. "COVID is still here" is their new slogan to keep that fear alive. I wonder what does living with COVID mean if COVID...
  6. F

    Bye bye Cinema, Bars, StripClubs or others... vaccinated or not ! Im laughing HARD !

    My personal experience, my friends and almost 90 percent of my clients are in favor of the protests. I know the polls are saying only 30 percent of Canadians are, but these are also the same ones that painted them as the fringe minority. Imagine from a fringe minority to the one third in just...
  7. F


    This article proves what exactly? They are accusing them of misinformation, it does not mean that is true. Easy, I am accusing the writer of deceptive spread of information, and being paid by the Pharmaceutical industry. You see how easy that is. No need to prove why or how I got the info.
  8. F


    So to understand this correctly, I sent you a video link showing you that there experts within the "others" , and from that you deduced that I am illiterate, and do not read? Oh man! So not only are you trying to dodge the issue by turning it around and making it about my intellectual life, but...
  9. F


    Are these also stupid, illetrate and cannot read statistics?
  10. F

    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    Never made a direct link that is true, what they made is an Association. This is the number one principle use in Media and Marketing. You always associate a brand to something to give it an identity and an image. In summary, the idea behind it all is to State that the Unvaccinated are a problem...
  11. F

    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    Not to defend such actions, but they are the ones aggressed. The government is taking care of the Pro Vax side. If you seriously think that you can push people, ridiculed them, make them feel as secondary citizens, etc, they will just take it peacefully, then you must confuse them with Jesus...
  12. F

    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    Yes, that is how they are showing the dilemma. However, it is the Non Vaccinated that are being the subject, or the question, as to how to deal with them. They are stating that some doctors are even ok with the idea of not prioritizing them in the triage. "Vaccinated majorities in wealthy...
  13. F

    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    Any article that presumes the Vaccinated are the correct choice, while the non vaccinated are a liability, they are confused, missinforned, like it was a childish behaviour, is in no way unbiased. The article has already decided what was right, and just exploring and explaining how the wrong...
  14. F


    Yes, it was his position from the beginning. Maybe if they took that opinion from the start, and tried to work around it, the situation would have been much better. It is clear now that this kind of thinking is gaining ground, and those Pro Vaccine Zealots are starting to sound ridiculous
  15. F


    You understood nothing. Most probably to you anything that contradicts even the idea that Vaccines have not delivered is dismissed regardless of proofs or situations. The only stats that matter are the ones that proves that idea. Anything else, logical or not, is to be ridiculed. As to...
  16. F


    Honestly, the Stats are questionable. There are 2 things I rely on in this issue, General result, and personal experience. !0 billion doses of Vaccines have been administered. Did the pandemic stop? Did the general conditions improve? The answer is an obvious No. Who is getting hospitalized...
  17. F


    But that’s not the case. Studies from Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson& Johnson show that vaccines continue to offer protection against severe disease So while the article started by saying that the gap is closing, it continues by stating the above. Wonder why while stats are showing a majority of...
  18. F


    The collective well being start by respecting the "me" and "I", especially when it comes to your freedom and rights. There are no collective well being when the individual making up that collective is marginalized and stepped on. The most used slogan by dictators is the Collective well Being...
  19. F

    Bye bye Cinema, Bars, StripClubs or others... vaccinated or not ! Im laughing HARD !

    More than one in four Canadians support jail time for the unvaccinated, poll finds ( He is asking how many people would be in favor of measures like that. He is not comparing the measures to the Holocaust. The Holocaust was not an overnight thing. It was the result a build up of hatred...
  20. F


    It is actually. Every decision Legault made was rooted on the idea that the Vaccine will solve the problem, and that it will keep the Pandemic under control. It is why he got aggressive towards the Non Vaccinated. His whole strategy was based on that concept, and it is where he invested all...
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