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bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
This Montreal Gazette UN article title is a mindscrew creating the context for you.
Why not "Quebec:like another planet"
Yea Unlike Quebec, Florida does not have Government Ministry of Propaganda.

Always remember Trudeau:
Media sector gets $595-million package in Ottawa's fiscal ... › politics › article-m...

From Gazette Article "Quebec like another planet" or "Florida like another planet". Either way:

****But the first mention of COVID anywhere in the paper was exactly 18 stories down, with the headline: “Amid Omicron surge, hospitals are stretched thin. What can Florida lawmakers do?”

Among the many stories played far higher up were: “Miami Marlins name managers for minor-league affiliates” and “Microbial contamination in laxative can cause a ‘life-threatening’ infection.”

But that still beats NBC TV’s Florida website that day, which ran this story way ahead of COVID: “Police officer kills dog in Miami-Dade after barking complaint.”

It’s hard to make this stuff up. Meanwhile, in La Presse the same day, the top six stories were about COVID.*****

This is blatant gaslighting.
Montreal Gazette says "It’s hard to make this stuff up"???.... That is code for "Florida is crazy"
Basically the whole Gazette article reads "FLORIDA IS CRAZY"
Media does not decide in Florida what people should fear and prioritize unlike us Quebec cucks.
Plenty of Independent lawyers and doctors to keep checks and balances.
Can't lockdown and intimidate people in a gun state.
Funny I check this article a day before I leave for Florida.
If I get sick I'll post.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
My north NJ town just mandated the wearing of masks indoors. And they wonder how Gov Murphy nearly lost in Nov in a deep blue state.

I am somewhat perplexed at the degree of discontent and protests in Paris and the UK, while much of the US and Canada seems quite complacent with vaccine passports and restrictions. I just don’t see the outrage, particularly among the twenty and thirty somethings. Maybe I’m missing it.

I’m usually good for a Montreal trip in Jan and Feb. I can’t believe yet again I’m needing to postpone. I’m likely booking a night or two in Boston and seeing some EE women with a popular national agency up there. Not exactly Montreal but still a good cold weather trip with hockey, casinos and especially hobbying mixed in. So frustrating because I just don’t see an end to this mess in sight. I really don’t. Not with our US and Canadian governments.
You wont be seeing them in the UK anymore. All mask mandates and vaccine madates/passports lockdowns will be no more, Boris finally comes out with common sense admits covid is here to stay just like the flu and well have to learn to live with it just like we do with influenza


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
You wont be seeing them in the UK anymore. All mask mandates and vaccine madates/passports lockdowns will be no more, Boris finally comes out with common sense admits covid is here to stay just like the flu and well have to learn to live with it just like we do with influenza
Yes, it was his position from the beginning. Maybe if they took that opinion from the start, and tried to work around it, the situation would have been much better. It is clear now that this kind of thinking is gaining ground, and those Pro Vaccine Zealots are starting to sound ridiculous
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Strong as a bear. Swift as a deer.
Sep 22, 2020
during my recent visit to montreal, i was very sad to see how many bars, cafes etc seemed to be permanently closed. in my travels, this is by far the worst effect of the pandemic that i have seen. st denis is one of my favorite streets- i usually stay near there and spend most of my time in that area. it appeared that about 80% of the businesses were closed. unbelievable, i cant image how long it will take to recover.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
QUÉBEC---LEGAULT ce jour.......déconfinement à petit pas/prudence et en 2 étapes.

-31 JANVIER...Réouverture des restos à 50%/ 4 personnes max ou 2 bulles familiales-----rassemblements privés max 4 personnes ou 2 bulles familiales----reprise des activités de sport aux primaires/secondaires mais sans compétition et spectateurs.

-7 FÉVRIER...Réouverture des salles de spectacle--cinémas--activités sportives MAIS à 50% de capacité et max 500 personnes----réouverture des églises à 50% max 250 personnes----salons funéraires 50 personnes.

C'est une lente route de reprise des activités guidée par l'extrême prudence vue la saturation/situation dans nos hôpitaux.. MAIS au moins on avance... :)


New Member
Mar 19, 2019
I want to get visa and return to Montreal but covid restriction stopped me. I have already apply for permanent resident canada this stuff. But I hope It will be succesful and I can entry to Canada soon. If you don’t have your PR card yet, but meet all the legal requirements, make sure you finalize the process to receive one. You should never leave Canada without your permanent residence card, otherwise you run the risk of being denied entry.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
QUÉBEC ce jour....hospitalisations -117/ 3,152 soins intensifs -17/235 MAIS 56 nouveaux décès o_O o_O o_O ...évidemment la situation s'améliore mais le nombre de décès important/constant doit nous inquiéter sérieusement...o_O


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
QUÉBEC ce jour....hospitalisations -117/ 3,152 soins intensifs -17/235 MAIS 56 nouveaux décès o_O o_O o_O ...évidemment la situation s'améliore mais le nombre de décès important/constant doit nous inquiéter sérieusement...o_O

ICU holding steady below 319, which is Level 3 max. Still have no idea on new cases, but hospitalizations have not increased by huge amounts. Fingers crossed!!!!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011

--Déconfinement en plusieurs étapes/une semaine à la fois.
--42% ont reçu une 3ème dose...faut accélérer le rythme.
--sous--variant OMICRON le BA.2...51 cas détectés au pays....pas inquiétant dans la mesure ou on est vacciné. ;)
-estimation des cas par jour....selon lui entre 40,000--50,000 o_O....MAIS preuve que la vaccination fonctionne.;)
-en sa présence l'INESSS constate une décroissance des hosp. et surtout prévoit une diminution de 170 hosp./jour d'ici le 5 Février ......pour être autour de 2,500.....quand même une bonne nouvelle.:)....à suivre.
-7,4% des hospitalisations se retrouvent aux soins intensifs....quand même cela porte à réfléchir.....avis aux non-vaccinés.;)
--pas de vaccination obligatoire en vue.

En bref LA VACCINATION demeure toujours la seule voie de sortie pour retrouver une vie normale le plus rapidement possible......message très clair.

Perso j'ai trouvé le DR.BOILEAU crédible/ solide et surtout très clair et persuasif.:) Congrats pour cette 1ère conf. de presse sans la présence des élus.....importante indépendance/autonomie.....à répéter.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
QC crossed 13,000 deaths from COVID.

For comparison:

BC: 5.1 million population ===> 2.6K deaths
QC: 8.5 million population ===> 13.1K deaths.

If QC's stats were like BC's, only 4.3K (not 13.1K) deaths would have been recorded.

QC population is 67% larger, but suffered 500% more deaths.

8,800 families, basically a small town, would still have their family member today.

Those numbers are staggering. A high score in this case is TERRIBLE.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Wuhan....bats....China.....a new form of MERS. This can`t be good.
It hasn`t jumped to humans yet but it can especially in Chinese wet markets. Present vaccines would be completely ineffective against this new bug.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

+ 536 k new cases
3,769 dead

Total: + 882 k dead
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nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Veering into politics, but there has been a constant war against education for decades.
University is almost impossible to get in for anyone who isn’t wealthy, unless you get an athletic scholarship.
Teachers are poorly paid and often have to buy their own supplies.

Most of the anti vax rhetoric is just plain stupid and anyone with a high school education should see through it.
Note also the inability of most to understand simple statistics and the inability to understand simple risk ratios.
Constant ridicule of anyone with degrees, preferring facebook over actual real science.
A demographic who have ADHD and can’t read anything longer than a meme or tweet.
Do you think any of these anti vaxxers have read The Red Queen?
Could they if they tried?
Easier to watch Fox News and as a bonus, they tell you whatever makes you feel good and spect.

The same happens in Canada but not to the same degree. I have two neices who are teachers. Not an easy job.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
Veering into politics, but there has been a constant war against education for decades.
University is almost impossible to get in for anyone who isn’t wealthy, unless you get an athletic scholarship.
Teachers are poorly paid and often have to buy their own supplies.

Most of the anti vax rhetoric is just plain stupid and anyone with a high school education should see through it.
Note also the inability of most to understand simple statistics and the inability to understand simple risk ratios.
Constant ridicule of anyone with degrees, preferring facebook over actual real science.
A demographic who have ADHD and can’t read anything longer than a meme or tweet.
Do you think any of these anti vaxxers have read The Red Queen?
Could they if they tried?
Easier to watch Fox News and as a bonus, they tell you whatever makes you feel good and spect.

The same happens in Canada but not to the same degree. I have two neices who are teachers. Not an easy job.

Are these also stupid, illetrate and cannot read statistics?
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