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nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Are these also stupid, illetrate and cannot read statistics?
Thanks for proving my point.
Instead of quoting a book or a peer reviewed journal article, you post a video.
Really, for your own good, try reading a few books.

Staff at Chapters or Indigo could give you some recommendations. Start with Bill Bryson's A Brief History of Everything. Try Carl Sagan's A World Lit Only By Fire. Richard Dawkins Selfish Gene is one of the most important books of the 20th Century. The Red Queen is very relevant to the Covid situation.

Turn off your TV and internet, get out of your echo chamber and explore the real world.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
Thanks for proving my point.
Instead of quoting a book or a peer reviewed journal article, you post a video.
Really, for your own good, try reading a few books.

Staff at Chapters or Indigo could give you some recommendations. Start with Bill Bryson's A Brief History of Everything. Try Carl Sagan's A World Lit Only By Fire. Richard Dawkins Selfish Gene is one of the most important books of the 20th Century. The Red Queen is very relevant to the Covid situation.

Turn off your TV and internet, get out of your echo chamber and explore the real world.
So to understand this correctly, I sent you a video link showing you that there experts within the "others" , and from that you deduced that I am illiterate, and do not read? Oh man!
So not only are you trying to dodge the issue by turning it around and making it about my intellectual life, but you also judged it.I am not sure, but isn't this called arrogance?
Here is my advice to you on some readings:
Noam Chomsky: Media Control, the spectacular achievement of propaganda
Thomas Erikson, Surrounded by idiots
Roosevelt Montas: Rescuing Socrates
Francis Fukuyama: Political Order and Political decay (might shed some lights as to our political situation)

When you assume that you are smarter and more knowledgeable than others, sadly, it is just because of the opposite. Little knowledge is actually dangerous.
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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
no, worst than that

This article proves what exactly? They are accusing them of misinformation, it does not mean that is true. Easy, I am accusing the writer of deceptive spread of information, and being paid by the Pharmaceutical industry. You see how easy that is. No need to prove why or how I got the info.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
This article proves what exactly? They are accusing them of misinformation, it does not mean that is true. Easy, I am accusing the writer of deceptive spread of information, and being paid by the Pharmaceutical industry. You see how easy that is. No need to prove why or how I got the info.

Actually the article starts with a sentence that says it all. These "doctors" were hosted by a senator that proposed we treat Covid with mouthwash.
It's on the public record as his his suspension from youtube for spreading misinformation.
It's your right to believe what you want


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
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nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Looks like the Covid finally got Trudeau:
Eventually it will get everyone.
We have had two employees die, one was a bit obese and early 50s, the other was lean and healthy late 40s.
Then two on long covid: one early forties, fit, hyperactive. Went off in Feb, came back in May for a few days but was so weak we had nothing he could do. I was tasked with retraining him and honestly I was scared he was going to drop dead any second.
The other was early thirties super fit, extremely good former hockey player. He has been off since fall 2020. Loved his job but we have no info on him except his doctor saying no way he can come back yet.
So all four were male, We have far more female employees than male but only one female was off and has recovered. Our total staff is about 350.
Everyone does roughly similar jobs so the gender difference is a mystery.
It looks like it really hits males harder and fitness is only a minor factor.
Both the guys who died went from “fine at work” to dead in less than a week.
Scary stuff.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Pancakes. This embalmer reports taking out blood clots the size of pancakes from the COVID deceased. :eek:
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
LEGAULT...ce jour.
VACCINATION.....1ÈRE dose 92 %----2ème dose 90% :) 3ème dose 61%....encore un effort....c'est l'unique route pour le déconfinement....encore 527.000 de non-vaccinés.

14 FÉVRIER....réouverture des gyms et spas à 50% et reprise des activités sportives /culturelles pour adultes 25 pers. max...

AUTRE recule sur la ''taxe santé'' ...hum....M.LEGAULT le ''populisme'' c'est bon pour aller chercher des votes MAIS ça peut aussi atteindre une crédibilité et questionner le bon jugement d'une personne en autorité... just saying.

Et ce changement de ton/attitude envers les récalcitrants.....qu'on le veuille ou non...oh my god...sera interprété par les camionneurs/manifestants comme une victoire !!!!! les inciter à encore plus de 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
LEGAULT...ce jour.
VACCINATION.....1ÈRE dose 92 %----2ème dose 90% :) 3ème dose 61%....encore un effort....c'est l'unique route pour le déconfinement....encore 527.000 de non-vaccinés.

14 FÉVRIER....réouverture des gyms et spas à 50% et reprise des activités sportives /culturelles pour adultes 25 pers. max...

AUTRE recule sur la ''taxe santé'' ...hum....M.LEGAULT le ''populisme'' c'est bon pour aller chercher des votes MAIS ça peut aussi atteindre une crédibilité et questionner le bon jugement d'une personne en autorité... just saying.

Et ce changement de ton/attitude envers les récalcitrants.....qu'on le veuille ou non...oh my god...sera interprété par les camionneurs/manifestants comme une victoire !!!!! les inciter à encore plus de 2 cents.

Legault est allé trop loin avec le VaxTax, la SAQ et les grandes surfaces.

Si tu utilises l'argument de te fier aux scientifiques, tu ne peux pas justifier ces mesures. Les restos, gyms, bars, les peut être justifié par la science. La SAQ, après l'avoir declaré essentiel à la premier vague ? C'est purement punitif.

Je veux un système plus équitable mais pas a n'importe quel prix. Aucun autre province a penser suivre.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
C'est sûr....avant de s'embarquer joyeusement/fébrilement dans l'annonce spontanée de cette taxe.....aurait AUPARAVANT du consulter des experts sur la question, des juristes , éthiciens....etc....
De plus en imposant le passeport vaccinal à la SAQ et autres grandes surfaces-----genre quincaillerie / marchés d'alimentation/magasins......qui pénalise t-il VRAIMENT en bout de ligne??? oui les vaccinés qui font la file d'attente et doivent montrer patte blanche...alors que les non-vaccinés restent bien au chaud à la finissent quand même par obtenir ce dont ils ont 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
QUÉBEC ce jour.....hospitalisations 2,541 -96 soins intensifs 184 --7.....c'est encourageant MAIS encore 42 décès o_O o_O o_O ....d'autres bonnes nouvelles/déconfinement devraient suivre la semaine prochaine...nous sommes dans la bonne direction.:)

Chapeau à l'INESSS qui avait prévu autour de 2,500 hosp. au 5 Février.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
John Hopkins study show that lock downs did little to save lives:



Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
John Hopkins study show that lock downs did little to save lives:

Regardless of the percentage, there are people we have lost, and even if 1/500 is not much, it's too much.

I think we have to do it for them.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
John Hopkins study show that lock downs did little to save lives:

Wonder why this is. Also from John Hopkins
If not lock downs, maybe vaccination ?

Screen Shot 2022-02-07 at 8.31.44 AM.png


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
The John’s Hopkins study is being mis-represented all over.
1:It was written by 3 researchers. Only one is affiliated with John’s Hopkins.
2: It is a pre print, it has not been peer reviewed.
3: It was written by economists, not epidemiologists, and focusses on economics.
4: It is NOT endorsed by Johns Hopkins!


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Many would say the individuals themselves, not the government at all, especially after the availability of vaccines.

The political process you describe is an evaluation of government restrictions by the government.

Many would argue that the government shouldn’t have imposed restrictions on mobility and business at all, especially after vaccines.

To feel that way, you have to have a relatively high acceptable death rate, and the willingness to let the health care system make decisions about rationing services.

If the choice only impacts you, yes, an individual gets to choose
If the choice impact others, the others have a say.
Same old same old of finding that balance.

The government has a responsibility to maintain the proper functioning of health care services. I know you have proposed ideas, some of those tools are not available to governments. So they use the tools they have. And yes, ensure capacity is one of the tools they have (within reason)

The balancing of individual choices and collective choices must follow a process. I don't know if it's courts, governments, other....
As voters we get to choose how much of the balancing we want our government to do. If you choose Texas, less. If you choose Quebec, more. Your choice
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