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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Governments want to continue the covid theatre. Ppl are struggling with the rising cost of living all due to needless covid mandates and there are still many gullible so scared they believe all the nonsense the government is saying. Imagine a virus so deadly that it takes repetititve government sponsored ads to remind everyone that there is a pandemic.



Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
The point is mask mandates vaccinations were necessary in the beginning up to the Delta variant.
With Omicron it is totally useless as you are just as likely to get infected, now if you are smart you will do the vaccinations as it still works well to prevent serious illness and death.
Yes there are still many becoming infected and some dying but it has reached the point where it should be your choice to get vaccinated and mask mandates and lockdowns are totally useless. It is time to treat this the way most countries are treating it a more serious flu virus.
By all means have vaccination available free to anyone that wants it and have the viral drugs now available to treat it that are 90% effective against death and serious illness.
Time to open up and get back to a normal life 2 1/2 years of this has destroyed the economy and many businesses and has caused enough turmoil and hardship for people, time to move on and rebuild.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
And do not forget about all the collateral damage. We are seeing large scale inflation everywhere all due to covid mandates and excessive government spending. Many people are very stressed about money. With the banks increasing interest rates to slow down inflation, the economy risks going into a recession and many will go into bankruptcy or will have great difficulty to pay their mortgage. A stagflation is imminent. Yet commies like Teresa Tam are trying to scare people and prep them for another wave. Enough of this covid theatre. On the other hand Trudeau does not want to drop the covid mandates at the airport yet thousands of asylum seekers cross Roxham Rd daily who are mostly not vaccinated, are given a paid hotel and monthly paychecks (this is part of the reason for excessive inflation, Trudeau is printing bills to give it to them and to send to foreign countries). Pearson airport is so backlogged and many flights are being cancelled. What do you think will happen? The airlines will jack their prices to compensate for the loss of business contributing to inflation.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Étonnant de voir la différence de ton hier entre OTTAWA/DUCLOS et QUÉBEC/BOILEAU......DUCLOS parlant du virus se faisait pathétique et se montrait inquiet....laissant même sous-entendre qu'à l'automne pourrait à nouveau recourir au passeport vaccinal et a
tellement insisté sur la 3ème dose ....que l'on peut en déduire que le passeport exigerait oui une 3ème dose.......alors qu'à QUÉBEC le DR.BOILEAU avait un ton beaucoup plus modéré et en contrôle...a dit que oui il y avait ces derniers jours une légère résurgence
de cas ....mais rien d'inquiétant.....suivait la que oui le virus est toujours là..

Hum....bottom line....soyez aux aguets...get your third dose cas ou à l'automne ;) ...who knows????
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
All very fishy. All of a sudden all these politicians getting infected. Trudeau twice in the last six months. He is fully vaccinated yet he was forcing vaccine mandates. All very suspicious. They are planning something for this Fall.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
All very fishy. All of a sudden all these politicians getting infected. Trudeau twice in the last six months. He is fully vaccinated yet he was forcing vaccine mandates. All very suspicious. They are planning something for this Fall.
I already have 4 doses.
Is there a free pizza being offered with the fifth?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Legault will send you anyway am ready for it....and for free,,,relol.
Unfortunately it works for some sending them money to buy their votes;) not so much with me.
Mr Yo Yo hasn’t impressed me one bit, Quebec has the worst record by far both in number of Covid infections and deaths in Canada, all under his watch and his hands are very much tainted when it comes to all the seniors that died needlessly in old age homes in the beginning of the pandemic.

BTW you are an old timer like me, by now you should know nothing is for free and certainly not from a politician.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Clarification.....when i said for free i mean i am doing it on voluntary basis.....don't need a agree am old enough to know nothing is free....just did my tax report---as independant worker---and i paiy my share.... believe me. ;)


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
All very fishy. All of a sudden all these politicians getting infected. Trudeau twice in the last six months. He is fully vaccinated yet he was forcing vaccine mandates. All very suspicious. They are planning something for this Fall.
They just cannot let go. Too much money to be made out of it. I am certain Trudeau is upset that his plans did not work, so they are trying to keep the "fear" floating. "COVID is still here" is their new slogan to keep that fear alive.
I wonder what does living with COVID mean if COVID disappeared.
I mean if we are to live with it, it certainly must still be around, or it won't be living with it, will it?
As always, they take something real and logical, and twist it in a way to make it scary to be able to harvest it ($).
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